Wednesday 25 August 2010

Great Spirit Speaks – Word of the Day - Primal

image  Sea or Sky?

Picture from


Today, in my meditation, the word “primal” kept coming up in the images that I saw and the words that I heard.  The images moved from pictures of forests and animals to caves and mountains, and then to oceans and skies, with a mix of people and birds and fish.  The movie in my meditation would have made Disney proud!  And, I heard the word “primal” in different voices, tones, and chants.

When I completed my meditation, I went and looked up the word at because I wondered if I really understood what the word meant after the visions that I saw.  Here is the second meaning of the word.

primal - having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state; "aboriginal forests"; "primal eras before the appearance of life on earth"; "the forest primeval"; "primordial matter"; "primordial forms of life"

I realized that the message that was in the meditation was that I needed to understand all that was primal – in me, around me, and that I really need to allow it to be part of me.  I realized too, that what we see as primal or not primal is simply a judgement, and that perhaps two primal things – like the clouds and the ocean in the picture above look exactly the same from a distance.  I think that sometimes we are too close to an object to see it as it really is.  I am learning that I am all that is primal.  The closer that I get to that feeling, the more alive (the more life) I seem to have, and my energy abounds.

I am sure that I do not understand everything that I saw in my vision.  I am still working with the idea that there are three primal colours, and all the rest of the colours are shades.  I have many images that I need to work with.

I am so grateful, however, that “primal” entered my life right now because I am looking at everything in its aspect of newness.

Have a primal week!

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