Showing posts with label Animal Guide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animal Guide. Show all posts

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Spirit Animal - Deer


Picture from an email.

When I first moved to Calgary twenty years ago, there was an abundance of Deer in our neighbour hood in the late evening and into the night.  There were herds of twenty or so Deer in Fish Creek Park.  The many Deer could come into the residential area, up to houses and sleep on lawns.  The message that the Deer brought to the home was about gentleness and trust.  It was about knowing your neighbours and friends and relying on them to help keep one safe.  People left fallen cherries and apples on the ground for the deer to eat.  There was a comfortable sharing of space.  Now, with the increase in population and the growing use of the park, the Deer have retreated to an island which is supposed to be off-limits to humans.  The Deer come out at night and seldom stray into the residential areas.

Remember that when Deer appears to you:

  • Deer is reminding you to be gentle with yourself.
  • If the Deer has antlers (a buck), the message is to look for a higher purpose or a higher good.
  • If the Deer is young, perhaps it is time. To start something new… a new study, a new hobby, a new phase of work.
  • If several Deer appear, perhaps it is time to make time to be with friends and family and plan a group activity.

Friday, 9 November 2018

A Story About A Puppy


A picture of our puppy, Magic, taken at Christmas time, 2006.

This is one of the neatest stories you will ever hear. You will know precisely what this little girl is talking about at the end (you'll want to share this one with your loved ones and special friends)!


"Danielle keeps repeating it over and over again. We've been back to this animal shelter at least five times. It has been weeks now since we started all of this," the mother told the volunteer.
"What is it she keeps asking for?" the volunteer asked.
"Puppy size!" replied the mother.

"Well, we have plenty of puppies, if that's what she's looking for."
"I know…we have seen most of them," the mom said in frustration…
Just then Danielle came walking into the office.
"Well, did you find one?" asked her mom. "No, not this time,"
Danielle said with sadness in her voice. "Can we come back on the weekend?"

The two women looked at each other, shook their heads and laughed.
"You never know when we will get more dogs. Unfortunately, there's
always a supply," the volunteer said.
Danielle took her mother by the hand and headed to the door. "Don't worry, I'll find one this weekend," she said.
Over the next few days both mom and dad had long conversations with her. They both felt she was being too particular. "It's this weekend or we're not looking any more," Dad finally said in frustration.

"We don't want to hear anything more about puppy size either," Mom added.
Sure enough, they were the first ones in the shelter on Saturday
morning. By now Danielle knew her way around, so she ran right for the section that housed the smaller dogs. Tired of the routine, mom sat in the small waiting room at the end of the first row of cages. There was an observation window so you could see the animals during times when visitors weren't permitted. Danielle walked slowly from cage to cage, kneeling periodically to take a closer look. One by one the dogs were brought out and she held each one.
One by one she said, "Sorry, you're not the one."
It was the last cage on this last day in search of the perfect pup.
The volunteer opened the cage door and the child carefully picked up the dog and held it closely. This time she took a little longer.
"Mom, that's it! I found the right puppy! He's the one! I know it!" she screamed with joy. "It's the puppy size!"

"But it's the same size as all the other puppies you held over the
last few weeks," Mom said.
"No not size… the sighs. When I held him in my arms, he sighed," she said.
"Don't you remember? When I asked you one day what love is, you told me love depends on the sighs of your heart. The more you love, the bigger the sigh!"
The two women looked at each other for a moment. Mom didn't know whether to laugh or cry. As she stooped down to hug the child, she did a little of both.
"Mom, every time you hold me, I sigh. When you and Daddy come home from work and hug each other, you both sigh. I knew I would find the right puppy if it sighed when I held it in my arms," she said.

Close your eyes for a moment and think about the love that makes you sigh. I not only find it in the arms of my loved ones, but in the caress of a sunset, the kiss of the moonlight and the gentle brush of cool air on a hot day.

Many blessings.

Note:  This is a reprint of a blog I did in October 2007.  It felt like it was time to write it again.

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Spirit Animal – Canada Goose

“The wild geese take flight low along the railroad tracks in the moonlight night.” Haiku written by Shiki


The Canada Goose is a wild goose native to the Arctic and Canada, and parts of the US. It has a black head and neck, white patches on the face, and a brownish-gray body. Goose lives for a life span of ten to twenty four years in the wild, and longer in captivity. In 2005, two writers, Farid A. Muna and Ned Mansour wrote a fascinating article entitled, “Leadership Lessons Learned From Canada Geese”. A synopsis of the article, as listed by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, shows that Goose is worth emulating.

“The first lesson is: work as a team: Canada Geese migrate long distances flying in V-formation. This formation results in lesser wind resistance, which allows the whole flock to add around 70 percent greater flying range than if each bird flew alone. Geese find out quickly that it pays handsomely to be team players. Second, wise leadership: when the leader at the apex of the V gets tired, it is relieved by another goose. Leaders rotate, empower, delegate, and even step down when it's in the best interest of the team. How often do we see this taking place among organizational leaders? Wise leaders ensure that their followers are well trained and developed in order to achieve true empowerment and smooth succession processes. Third, humane behavior: if a goose drops to the ground when it gets hurt or sick, two of its colleagues go down with it to take care of it until it either gets healthier or dies. In this fast-paced and competitive age, we seldom see managers going out of their way to help colleagues who are in trouble. In organizations, morale, productivity, and loyalty increase when employees are treated humanely.”

So, how does your team leader measure up to Goose. If you are the leader, are you as compassionate and as wonderful a team player as Goose?

Many Blessings.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Spirit Guides in Black and White - Penguin


This blog is in answer to several readers who have sent in questions about Penguin showing up in their dreams or during the day in a picture or on television.  And, this blog is a partial answer to why some guidance seems to be in black and white.


Penguins have been around for 30 to 40 million years as verified by the six foot fossils found. This makes Penguin one of the older spirit guides.

When Penguin first appears to you, do not be surprised if she bows. As well as looking formal in their black and white attire, Penguins have an intricate social pattern that includes bowing to one’s mate upon leaving and arriving in the nest, bowing to others as they move throughout the society. Bowing represents a tool for appeasement and to maintain social structure. Those who have Penguin as a guide are encouraged to become more polite and attentive to how the social structure around them is holding together. Perhaps you are being called to pay honor to your mate or to your friends. Perhaps you need to appease someone where you have been harsh with your words or actions. Penguin also moves in straight lines when they are gathered in groups and moves with orderliness and a sense of purpose. They are determined and focus. If you lack determination and focus, ask Penguin to assist you in strengthening these areas.

As Penguin has become smaller (see side bar about height of six feet) and more aquatic, its ability to see out of water has diminished. It sees best in the water. As water also represents emotion, then Penguin has the clarity to see through the emotion and get to the heart of the issue. Additionally, Penguin moves through the water with the style of an acrobat or ballerina. They may be awkward on land, but Penguin is graceful and fluid in the water, twisting and turning and shooting upward, achieving speeds of 25 miles per hour. Penguin then teaches about tuning to your inner rhythm, and how to move with speed through emotions, shortening the time you would otherwise spend there.

Pay attention to Penguin’s color. Black and white, ying and yang, magic and mystery! The whiteness of the Penguin represents the awakening spirit and the light of all that is – as does the whiteness where it resides. The black represents the unknown, the density, and the different dimensions. The balance in Penguin’s color shows you how to balance and merge the darkness and the light, and to move between worlds as the Penguin moves between the sea and the land – two different worlds. Feel honored that Penguin is your guide for your journey of magic and mystery is moving in a new direction.

Many blessings.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Healing - Healing with Horses


One of the healing methodologies that seems to bring peace and quiet for many seeking healing is horse therapy.

Horse therapy has worked for individuals with the following health issues:

  • Anxiety (GAD, worry, phobias, fear of failure, performance anxiety, social anxiety, PTSD)
  • Self Esteem/Self Worth (shame-based disorders)
  • Depression (negative thinking, hopelessness, rumination about the past)

You can find listings for equine facilitated wellness in your area. The horses are used to help re-establish your power, and to help you find your voice.

Remember, the information in this blog  is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider for a medical condition.


Friday, 25 August 2017

Spirit Animal - Lion Says Enjoy Life


Lion tells us that Life is Good.  He tells us that life is about the journey.  The destination is always to return to Creator.  However, in the time between being born and passing, the greatest purpose is to grow and to have fun.

Lion tells us that everyone's life is exactly what you make it.  There is not one good way to move forward.  There are many ways!  For Lion, choosing the most interesting path, not the easiest, leads to better hunting and food.

For more info on Lion's thoughts, check the blog postings below:


Monday, 21 August 2017

Spirit Animal - Gorilla on Strength


Teachers tell us that when animals appear in our dreams, visions, and through pictures in our daily lives, that the animal has a message or wisdom to share.

Gorilla has been showing up to give remarkable demonstrations on strength.  Some of her thoughts are:

  • Strength must be both physical and mental.  To achieve your strongest physical capability, you must practice (workout). To achieve your clearest mental state, you must take on challenges.
  • Your personality must be clearly defined with a strong sense of goodness and fairness.  Bullies and nasty actions are not accepted.
  • Make either your hearing or your sight one of your strongest traits.  Hearing will let you hear those that plan to harm you.
  • Strength lies in the loyalty of the tribe to one another and to finding food for the good of all

Gorilla tells us to evaluate where we stand with family, with friends, and with our colleagues at work.  She asks us to measure the worth of sticking with them.


To see more about Gorilla, see the links below.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Spirit Animal - Elk on Confidence


Sometimes, information and guidance comes from strange places.  Elk stepped in to provide some tips on being confident.  Here is what he had to say.

  • Always stand tall.  Never let your spirit be pushed down by someone else's opinion.  Their opinion is their problem, not yours.
  • Walk with purpose.  When the wolves surround the Elk, we move with dignity and do not show fear. We stay together but each of us is alert.
  • Choose where you want to go.  Elk are very individual and will go in the direction that calls to them.


Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Spirit Animal - Tortoise Speaks Of Life


Tortoise comes in to speak with us about long life.  She is a prime example of living through many iterations of change, whether it is climate or food or surroundings.

Tortoise passes along this wisdom:

  • Pace yourself.  Hurrying does not gain you any time.  It simply wears you out.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings.  You need to find the best place to eat, to rest, to go for entertainment.  You cannot see these places if you rush.
  • Eat and live simply.  There is a peace in living simply that is destroyed by rushing, power, and materialism.
  • Be kind to yourself.  Know that you are doing what is best for you.  If you feel it is not best for you, do not do it.


Monday, 5 December 2016

Spirit Animal – Beaver


The Beaver family is resilient and lives about ten years in the wild and up to twenty years in captivity.  Beaver brings us some good information as we get deeper into winter and short days.

  • Beaver talks about ongoing changes in the environment and that sometimes, Nature has to take its course.  Humans cannot interfere or perfect, natural timing is disrupted.
  • Beaver talks about the need to get out and exercise in winter.  Yes it is cold.  One needs to move to get food and to keep all body systems functioning.
  • Beaver also talks about having food through the times where it is really cold and miserable out.  He tells us that we should have a supply of food for up to two weeks.


Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Spirit Animal - Mountain Lion


Mountain Lion comes in to talk about life and to give advice.  She says that life is tougher in the mountains this year than the last several years.

  • She predicts that some mountain lions will perish because there is a lack of food
  • She also predicts that more mountain lions will lose their lives to human interference whether by accident, or by hunting
  • She tells us that staying physically active will keep one strong and able to face the issues that are coming from the changing weather
  • She says that having good shelter is very important
  • She ask that you listen to your intuition or instinct and follow it.

See more on mountain lion/cougar at


Saturday, 29 October 2016

Spirit Animal - Mountain Sheep


The Mountain Sheep move through the fresh snow, looking for food.  The mountain air is chilly and the temperature is dropping.

Mountain Sheep says that their life is a lesson for all beings.

  • Stay strong and fit so that you can manage the challenges that come at you as we sheep need to manage in the mountains.
  • Keep your diet simple so that it is always easy to find food to eat.  The higher the altitude, the less food is available. 
  • As your vibration changes, eat accordingly.  Do not eat what others eat, for it can make you ill.
  • Stay with your herd for there is safety in the community.  Alone you will be hunted and will fall.


Saturday, 15 October 2016

Spirit Animal - Kingfisher's View


The Kingfisher is a master at his work – fishing.  He shares what it is like to be a master.

  • To be a master means to do the same thing over and over and over without tiring of it
  • Repetition makes the impossible possible because your body responds without thought
  • Technique is meant to be refined constantly.  No situation is ever exactly the same.  Similar, perhaps, but not the same.
  • Remember to stay humble


Sunday, 25 September 2016

Spirit Animal - Jack Rabbit's Luck


In many cultures, Rabbit is believed to be a sacred animal because he brings such good luck.  When a Rabbit died, people tried to preserve the luck by using all its parts.  This is why many people will carry a rabbit's foot when they feel that they are being unlucky.  In early days of television, the extra antennae shaped like a V were called "Rabbit Ears" because the marketing people thought people would associate the luck with the technology.  People were lucky to lock into the TV signal. 

Rabbit celebrates every spring with wild dances as part of their mating ritual.  Some believe that the May Pole dance is based on the complex hopping and movements that Rabbit does.  Many believe that when Rabbit runs before you, she is leading you to abundance.  And, when Rabbit runs away from you and does not run parallel with you, that Rabbit is showing that you will have mediocre luck.


Friday, 9 September 2016

Spirit Animal – Lion on Pride


The Lion speaks about his PRIDE – his family, and pride and joy.  Lion says that you do not get to default on your responsibilities to your family. If you decide to walk away because you need a change, know that you can never go back.  When your PRIDE is gone, it is taken over by  a new leader/father/teacher, and the memory of you is dust.

The PRIDE is dependent on one another and although each lioness, cub, or lion is individual, they also have an identity as a whole. Change is a constant to the PRIDE.  Some are born, some leave, and some die.  It is the circle of life.  The constants are the rules of the PRIDE, and the survival of the PRIDE.


Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Spirit Animal - Fox On Life



The Fox was moving through the meadow and stopped when it saw me.  Instead of running, it sat down, and it seemed we would have a conversation.  However, I did not do any talking.  Fox had this to say.

-Why is there such a distance between humans and animals?  Do humans not realize that animals are always connected in Nature as are humans?

-Why do humans tear up the meadows and the forests to build wooden homes that are much bigger than is needed?  A den is a place to be safe.

-Why is food becoming more scarce for animals and for people.  Is it because there is no understanding of what it takes to make food?  It takes time to grow what ever it is.


Sunday, 7 August 2016

Spirit Animal - Buffalo Speaks


The buffalo herd was resting or grazing in the late summer sun.  There had been lots of rain and the grass was rich.  It will fill them up and add to the fat that the animals will need to get through the winter. 

The sound from a buffalo caught my attention.  Here is what she said:

  • Enjoy the quiet times for they do not last.  Yet they are a time of peace so that our bodies can become balanced. 
  • Take advantage of the good food, and do not indulge in what tastes good but has no value to your body.  When you do this, eventually your body lets you down.
  • Community and comradery keep the herd healthy. 
  • Everyone in the  herd understands that the main goal is to keep the herd fed, watered, and safe.


Sunday, 5 June 2016

Spirit Animal - Red Winged Blackbird


There were 16 Red Winged Blackbirds sitting together on the branches of willows that ringed the water pond in the park.  They trilled back and forth.  They talked about being here (in the park) for another year.  About the migration from the south, and the food supply, and where there were good spots for the nests. 

The discussion highlighted a few things:

  1. Home and neighborhood is important.  It is really good to have friends that you can depend upon.
  2. A supply of good, clean water is important.  The closer to where you live, the better.
  3. Protection, such as the protection to animals/birds offered by the park, gives one peace of mind.
  4. A consistent supply of the right kind of food ensures that you will be able to support your offspring.

This all sounds like good advice. 


Saturday, 9 April 2016

Spirit Animal - Robin Sings


The Robins returned to our yard and each morning, at about 4:20 AM, they begin singing and sending cheer throughout our yard and surrounding neighbor yards.  Much like the Monks who rise at 4 AM to chant in the day, Robin's music meditation lifts your spirits and lets your imagination soar. 

Robin, legends say, is celebrating that it could steal a fire ember and bring fire to earth.  In the process, its breast feathers were scorched red and its head was blackened with smoke and soot.  So, Robin sings of bravery and of going beyond your self.


Saturday, 2 April 2016

Spirit Animal–Rattlesnake On Healing


Fig 1 – Rattlesnake – Source unknown

Rattlesnake visited to talk about healing.  He said that rattlesnakes do not get sick.  He believes that it is because they eat healthy, natural food, and they eat sparingly.  Rattlesnake commented that although humans are very procreative, humans are not all that healthy. 

Rattlesnake says to go out and get fresh air.  Sit in the sun.  Stretch your jaw.  Eat fresh and not processed/packaged foods that have preservatives as part of the ingredients.

If you want to see more on Rattlesnake, refer to the blog below.

Spirit Animal – Rattlesnake
