Showing posts with label Procrastinate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Procrastinate. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Nature Speaks - About Patience


What do we know of patience?  Well, as humans, not much.  We are impatient creatures.   We want everything now.  We want everyone to move as fast as we do, or faster.  We do not want to creep along like a snail or a tortoise.  We want to gallop like the horse and jet like the eagle.

The definition of patience is "the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset" according to Google Search.  Nature tolerates droughts, pestilence, floods, freezing, snow, interference by man, and setbacks from animals.  Then, everything carries on.

Patience, then, is accepting, instead of expecting.


Sunday, 27 December 2015

Angels Speak - Do You Procrastinate?

This poster made me laugh because I have noticed that I am procrastinating more all the time.  The message is clear – I really do not want to do the task.

When I am doing things that make no sense to me, and when I do things that are mindless, I do other things.  I find things to do, I go on wild goose chases.  I find that other things interest me more. 
I am learning not to procrastinate.  I am learning to be responsible.
