Showing posts with label crystals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crystals. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Spirit Speaks–Your Health And Happiness Depend on Mother Earth


The Ancestors knew that we must all be in harmony with the Earth, with the natural cycle of things if all beings are to prosper and to continue their species, homo sapiens included. 

Humans, however, have fallen out with the Earth.  They do not know why they feel so isolated, so lonely, so depressed.  The answer is that they have lost their "roots" in the Earth.

Even if it is cold, go outside and be in a park, even for ten minutes to rejuvenate.

Many blessings.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Spirit Animals – Saving Our Wild Cousins

The wild animals – bears, deer, elk, goats – have been appearing in my dream time, asking for help!  These animals are fearful that they will have no safe places to live, and that their migration routes will be destroyed.

I was not truly understanding what the exact problem is for our wild cousins.  I asked for clarity.  This is the answer that I received.

You can read more about this at  See our new March Angels And Ancestors Magazine online at  for March 1 2010. 

Learn to Work with your Crystal Skull Workshop:
Saturday, February 27th, 10:00-5:30pm
Learn to Work with your Crystal Skull Workshop: with Judith Hirst-Joyeux in Calgary at a location TBA. Pre-registration is required. Call Judy at 403-225-2016. Click on the link to find the tele-classes being offered in March 2010.image

Monday, 16 November 2009

Spirit Animal – Rat

Ukrainian organizations in Canada have today issued an urgent appeal to the Canadian public and government for assistance in combating the serious explosion of severe acute respiratory illness that has struck Ukraine in the past week and now affects over 900,000 people, with some 40,000 people now hospitalized. (

Picture from Wikipedia, Rats in the Karni Mata Temple, the Temple of Ratsimage

What if the simple answer to how this flu is spreading is that, as with the bubonic plague, Rat is spreading the disease, and man is helping?  What if the Rats were sick, and man, by improper handling of the dead rats, spread the disease by simple contamination? For a different view of the epidemic in the Ukraine, see

We, humans, hold Rat in contempt, and we have many sayings and insults that refer to rat-like behaviour:

  • He “ratted” out his cronies in the bank heist.
  • Rats leave a sinking ship – is a phrase often used when employees leave a company that appears to be in trouble.
  • A movie called “Rat Race” was made, starring Whoopi Goldberg and John Cleese of Fawlty Tours fame.  This depicted the mindless way people will pursue treasure as rats pursue food in a maze.
  • When the cat's away the rats will play.

With all this bad press, why does the Asian culture hold Rat in esteem?  Why do people have pet Rats?  Rats have very human like qualities. They are loyal, loving, honest, creative, ambitious, quite intelligent, and if crossed, may be vicious.  And, they love food! If they can get enough, they, like humans, are wasteful.  The link between rats and humans extends into the lab where many of the chemicals that are now used to treat humans, were developed and then tested, on Rats.

Rat is the sacred animal of Lord Ganesh, the deity that removes obstacles.  Over time, Rat has helped man remove many obstacles in understanding the spread of disease, in culture and in the body. Rat is the first animal in the Zodiac because he used his brains to win the race of all animals that wanted to be recognized on the Wheel of the Zodiac. He therefore, became one of the first animals to be a messenger from the Heavens to humans on Earth.

If Rat is now showing up in our lives, what is he trying to say? Some of the messages may include:

1.  Wild Rat lives comfortably with humans because we have so much waste.  If Rat is with you, he may be telling you that you have too much waste, or that you over consume, that is, take out more than is good for you.

2.  Rat will eat and carry off almost anything that they can move.  If you have lots of everything, and Rat shows up, the question becomes about fear and hoarding.  Why do you feel like you will never have enough?  Why do you think you must keep everything for a “rainy” day?  By having so much “stuff”, you weigh yourself down with baggage or attachment to the material.  This is as good as giving yourself an illness.

3.  Rats are predators and survivors.  If Rat is showing up, he may be showing you how greed is affecting your life, or he may be warning you about the greed that others have, and how in their greed, they will use you.  If this feels right for you, then ask Ganesh, the God of Success, and the Destroyer of Obstacles to help you!

May Rat serve you early warnings of obstacles in your life!   Roger’s highly popular Crystals’ Light workshop is coming to Olds Alberta

Crystals Light Workshop on November 28 & 29 2009 at The Healing Forest, 5034-49th Street Olds, AB TIME: Saturday 10am - 6pm; Sunday 9:30 am – 5pm (allow for overtime)  To register call: Rose at The Healing Forest 403-556-9411. Work with Roger Joyeux, Author of “The Story of Light”.  To understand crystals, first understand light. Then, understand how light works with our minds, Chakras, polarity, consciousness, etherics, emotions, awareness, souls, and vibration.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Ancestors Speak – October 1 2009

I love the fall, and the feeling of peacefulness that it brings, as Mother Nature blankets up her charges and puts them to sleep.  I love walking through the dried grass with the dogs, and feeling the crispness of the grass and the air against my skin.2009 10 autumn leaves

Autumn in our yard… picture by Judy Hirst-Joyeux September 2009


Just as Mother Nature cleans up the plants and the trees, and even the water and earth, we, too, need to clean up before the long winter rest.  We need to let go of old hurts, angers, resentments, and victimizations that we have hugged to our souls.  These wounds, for they are wounds, cripple us because we cannot move forward with our lives in ease.  The wounds may also cause us to become ill. The word “ill” by the way, is a word that means “attributing evil or an objectionable quality”, or, “causing suffering or distress”, or “not normal or sound <ill health>”.  One can see from Merriam-Webster’s definition that our hurts fit our ills.

I found a lovely prayer to offer up to the Goddess, who, one must remember is an aspect of Great Spirit.  It comes from Zsuzsanna Budapest, from her book, “The Grandmother of Time”.  She suggests writing out all the names of those people that you have issues with, and that you burn this list, as you say this prayer.

Dearest Goddess,

I have come a long way this year, carrying my burdens.  I would like to take them off my shoulders and give them back to you to recycle, to bury, to compost.  Here, I offer you my resentments against friends, family, and (fill in you own needs here), and ask you to absorb them into your black universe.  Relieve me of them and allow me to walk more lightly.

    Now – Burn this list either in candle flames or in your smudging bowl.

I feel all light, happy and cleansed now.  Dearest Goddess, you are my true strength and guide.  I thank you for being accessible and answering your children’s call.  I honour you and thank you.

    Now – take the ashes and throw them into living water to let them wash away.  As you cast them off, don’t think about this anymore.

This is an amazing process!  If you are not comfortable using the term “Goddess” even though she is an aspect of Creator, then use the term “God”, or what ever you are comfortable with.  Each term is simply the aspect of Creator that resonates for us!

May all your prayers be heartfelt!  See other items around October Ancestors Speak - Remembering OctoberHow To Interpret the Financial Decline of October 2008   See our new October newsletter online at      Sign up for Crystals Light Workshop in Calgary Oct 23-25th at

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

The Story of Light: Path To Enlightenment (Paperback)



by S. Roger Joyeux (Author) (Paperback - May 25, 2009)

Roger’s book, “The Story of Light: The Path to Enlightment” is now available on and on

This volume is the second edition, and by clicking HERE, you will be taken directly to the Amazon web site to have a look at the book listing. 

Why read this book?  For anyone that is ready to move to the next level of understanding of Divine Light, this book is a must!  From the beginning of the creation of the Universe, to how healing takes place using Light, this book guides the reader through the process of evolution of body, soul and consciousness. 

Take a look at the table of contents of the third chapter.










- this table of contents sample is used by permission of the author-

Let us know what you think of this book.      See the June newsletter online at

Friday, 27 February 2009

Radio Show – Crystals With A Purpose

Tuesday, March 03, 2009 at 12pm Pacific


Picture is of Mexico’s Cave of Crystals – from email.




Crystals have been used as a source of energy and for healing as far back as the written word has been recorded. Jade, it seems, has always been used for amulets and jewellery in Eastern tradition. Indigenous people around the world have used turquoise as the icon of truth - those that wear it walk in integrity and speak the truth. Egyptians used ground malachite to create green eye shadow. Join Judith Hirst-Joyeux and her guest Roger Joyeux for Part 2 of the discussion on crystals. Hear about crystals that heal trauma. Learn about the crystal that creates its own light from within. Discover facts about clear quartz and smoky quartz. Find out which green stone may be placed on any part of the body. Gain some clarity in understanding what qualities one should look for in purchasing these crystals. Enjoy the knowledge that is being gifted in "Crystals With A Purpose".

“That we find a crystal or a poppy beautiful means that we are less alone, that we are more deeply inserted into existence than the course of a single life would lead us to believe.” – John Berger

Listen Live at:

Can’t catch the show – down load the mp3 for the show at the above link.  Recordings are available several hours after the show.

For More Information Visit :


Sunday, 15 February 2009

The Light in Crystals - Black and Green Crystals

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 12pm Pacific

amethyst geode

Amethyst Geode by S. Roger Joyeux  Copyright 2006 Joytography, used with permission



When you were a kid, did you love to collect stones? Did you feel each stone was telling you a story? Perhaps you gather stones and crystals now. Do you know why, other than you feel drawn to them? Join us for an hour of discussion on how LIGHT works with crystals. The light that comes in with a crystal may be highly specialized or quite general. Learn some of the reasons that we like black and green rocks/crystals. My guest, Roger Joyeux, is a Crystal Master who has been working with crystals for twenty years. He explains that crystals may act on our subtle body or on our physical body. To be clear, crystals may work with our minds, chakras, etherics, emotions, awareness, polarity and our souls and vibration. Some crystals even facilitate inter-dimensional communication. Bring out your black and green crystals so you can work with them! This is Part One of a two part series.  Listen at

Missed the Live Show ?  This episode is rebroadcast at 12am Pacific. Past Episodes are available On Demand and Podcast Ready

Listen LIVE to 7thWaveNetwork!
Be sure to tune to Angels And Ancestors Tuesdays at 12PM PST.

For More Information Visit :

Or email

Friday, 16 January 2009

Ancestors Speak - The Evolution to Homo Luminous


This picture is entitled "Future Human" and comes from an article called "Are we Close to Creating Super-Humans? A Galaxy Insight.... from the blog -

In Munay-Ki, the process of becoming, through the nine Rites, is to become a Homo Luminous being.  The Inca believe that the process of becoming Homo Luminous will assist humans transcend their current form and vibration. The Hopi and the Navaho call the new being "the Rainbow Warrior".  All belief systems agree that mankind is in evolution.

Our Ancestors all believed that at some point, the world would be a better place - kinder, friendlier, more peaceful, and loving enough to treat all equally.  The ascent to Homo Luminous requires people to become more spiritual which does not mean more religious, but more in tune with the rhythms of Mother Nature and Mother Earth.  Essentially, it means slowing down, having time for family and friends, and taking a walk in the park or making a dinner from scratch.

When people undertake the process of Munay-ki, they have to agree to a different way of life than what they have been living.  The vows are to harm none, to be truthful, to be "integrity", to show moderation in all things, and to be lovingly generous. 

Some fear those that walk the path to Homo Luminous.  For, if one person can become, so too can all people, and that means that many people will need to change.  "Harm none" then becomes a threat to many people's way of life.  "Harm none" means that passing judgement, interfering in other's lives, speaking disrespectfully of others, gossiping, watching others getting hurt or hurting others as entertainment, all those things, must stop.  For many, these activities seem to be their whole lives.

Homo Luminous is about freeing one's self from the density of the current life styles on Earth.  It is about returning to a natural balance with the Earth, eating what one grows, care taking  the land because all we need to live comes from the land, and, we return our bodies to the land. 

It is about change... what our Ancestors predicted 25000 years ago.

May you open your mind to looking at change with gratitude... and loving compassion.

See also Ancestors - IntegritySpirit Animal - CrowAncestors Speak - Using Energy Through Conscious Living.... ,   Earth Keepers - Minding The EarthSpirit Animal - Hummingbird

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Life 2009 - Pairing Up and Paring Down


"Winter wonderland" - copyright S. Roger Joyeux, and used with permission.


As I walked out in the park this morning with the dogs, the first thing that caught our attention were two deer walking slowly down the path at the far edge of the park, about one-half mile from where we were entering.  They were content, grazing as they went.  There was a peacefulness to their journey. 

Then as we walked down in to the river flood plane, two eagles flew up and down the river. One finally came to the tree top directly across the river from us.  The other eagle circled, watching us and watching the geese, and looking for the fish that would come close to the surface.  Again, there was a serenity to the scene that makes the moment a blessing.

Quite often, our walks are "walking meditations" for me.  As I walked, I reflected that even the two chickadees that we saw were a pair.  The ducks that flew up seemed to be in twos.  The sense was of a "Noah's Ark" effect.

One of the thoughts that passed through my mind was that in order to hold our balance through the upheavals that will be happening, we each will need someone - a partner who will anchor us as we will anchor them.  To help maintain the balance, we will need to let go of many things - material things.  That process has already been started in the US where people are having to walk away from houses full of furniture for financial reasons.  At the same time, by letting go and paring down, these people are opening up space to accept new energy that will take them beyond the consumer infection that the corporate world has been pushing for the last fifteen years. 

As we pare down and let go, many of the energy blockages that have kept us from being happy - we were so busy consuming that we did not realize what happiness was - will dissolve.  Life will be simpler. 

Have a great day!

Saturday, 23 August 2008

Ancestors Speak - Faces In Stone

image  "Faces In Stone At Big Rock" photo by Judith Hirst-Joyeux

Just as digital cameras have helped clarify the Orbs which were unseen using film cameras, people are seeing more faces in rocks and trees through the lens of the digital camera.  When I was at Big Rock in July, I felt that the Rock was calling and wanting someone to listen to it.  I walked around it, and as I did I started snapping pictures. 

The picture above has 3 red circles on the face of the rock indicating three separate faces.  As I snapped the picture, and recognized that there were faces within the rock,  the voice(s) became clearer.  What I heard was, "We need a blessing. Please help us!  We need a blessing." 

I was not sure what blessing was required, so I asked my guides what was needed.  I was told to move in very close to the stone, roughly where the split is that separates the Big Rock into three huge chunks.  As I moved in, I felt what was like relief from the stone.  I usually carry tobacco for offering for any occasion,   and I made an offering to Great Spirit to honour the spirits of the rock.  My offering was accepted.  I waited for the next instructions. 

What I heard was a voice asking for a release ceremony for all spirits trapped within and around the stones.  This request made me think that the Blackfoot story about Napi and Big Rock did not name all that were possibly rolled over by the stone, and that possibly the stone had many spirits in it that allowed it to be so active. 

I called in my angels and the four directions, and asked for a releasing and honouring of all spirits that were ready to leave.  There was so much energy that all the hair on my arms and neck reacted.  The hair on my head will pick up energy as well and acts as though it is filled with static electricity.  This process was very intense and complete within fifteen minutes.  As soon as it was finished, a huge blue dragonfly appeared and began flying around my head and up through the fissure created by the split and then back again.  There was a sound like a high pitched hum.  I offered water to the Earth in thanks, and then headed back to the parking lot.  My trip felt complete.

May you find the unexpected in all your adventures.


Thursday, 21 August 2008

Ancestors Speak - Big Rock, Alberta


"Big Rock In The Sun"  Photo by Judith Hirst-Joyeux, July 2008

This picture is of a "glacial erratic" and it is located south of Calgary, Alberta, five miles west of Highway 2A, on Highway 7.  This chunk of rock is the only huge rock of its kind in the area.  It is made up of quartzite, which is a very hard and brittle.  The rock was an early cowboy that rode a glacier from the Jasper area of the Rocky Mountains 250 miles south to the Okotoks area about twelve thousand years ago.

The Blackfoot tell the story differently.  The big rock came to be close to Okotoks because of an incident between Napi, the trickster God, and the rock.  Napi needed to rest, and decided to sit down on the comfortable stone in the mountains.  The stone was very hot so Napi threw his cloak over it.  When his rest was done, Napi left his cloak to cover and protect the rock.  Part way down the mountain, however, rain began pouring down on Napi.  He raced back up to the rock to retrieve his cloak.  The rock wished to keep his cloak, and refused to hand it over.  So, Napi grabbed the cloak and ran. 

He heard sounds of thunder behind him.  Looking backwards, he saw the big rock had mobilized and was racing down the mountain after him.  Napi was afraid.  As he got out of the mountains, he called on his friends, the animals, to chase the rock away.  The rock rolled over the buffalo and the deer, and laughed at the coyote. Napi had run several hundred miles and was concerned at the anger in the rock and whether it would roll over him.  It was getting dark so Napi called on his friends, the bats, to help him.  The bats began diving at the rock and wearing it out.  Eventually, they hit the rock so hard, that it split, and the life went out of the rock, and it sank to the ground.  Napi thanked the bats.  Napi then asked the Blackfoot to honour the rock and remember it by visiting it from time to time. 

Today, the rock is a landmark visited by tourists, and included in things like wedding photographs by those that live near it.  There seems to be "something" about the rock that draws people to it. Perhaps the rock has become the symbol of doing the impossible.

Wishing you joy in discovering the impossible,


Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Protected by Black Tourmaline


"Black Tourmaline" photo by Judith Hirst-Joyeux 2008

I was working at the Body Mind And Spirit Expo, and when I left the building, all I could think about was finding Peace. Since the expo is a place of spirituality, I thought it was odd that I felt this way. When I looked up the meaning of the word "peace", the explanation was "a state of harmony or the absence of hostility". Now that is interesting!

This means that the expo, for me, was not a place of harmony, and that perhaps I even felt hostility at times. Given that there are 100 booths with 100 merchants trying to "sell" their services, perhaps it was the competitive spirit that seemed hostile. As I thought about it, I really don't think that is the answer. Everyone that I met was happy and genuinely glad to see the other people that were in the booths. The exhibitors had their own community within the four walls and they made me feel part of it. It was a happy feeling! And, since today is Earth Day, there was a drumming session for Earth Day that ended with a parade of music around the exhibit hall. The energy was high and fun.

As I thought about it, it seemed that the audience attending the expo must then be the source of disharmony. Each person would come in seeking their own truth or solution, and quite possibly may be unhappy if the answer was not at the expo. Some folks came in feeling unhappy or unwell, and that energy spilled over. As I reflected, I was very lucky that I had carried my black tourmaline with me since it does absorb negativity, and transmutes it.  This small crystal probably kept me from feeling the full impact of the energy around me. Black tourmaline is a very protective crystal for the body and soul.

The learning experience then, became several things. 1) A meditation or reflection on peace. 2) A gratefulness for Black Tourmaline 3) A feeling of being blessed by having the experience and awareness, and 4) a gratefulness for the return to harmony.

May your days be filled with harmony and light!

Judith  (email

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Mysteries in Munay-Ki


"Hills and valleys" - Judith Hirst-Joyeux June 2007

This is a picture of a valley - it could be anywhere. That is the thing about geography of the land, it looks very similar in different countries, and, unless you are specifically given the location, you may not be able to identify the country.

Mother Earth is not concerned with the religious or political borders of her landscape.  She provides for everyone as best she can. 


"Creek with a Mission" - Judith Hirst-Joyeux May 2008

I have seen a creek like this one in the Rocky Mountains in Alberta and BC.  I have seen similar creeks in the prairies and down into the US.  I am sure you will find a creek like this in Europe.

The Rites of Munay-Ki emphasize that we are all very much the same - human beings, with the same issues and problems and the same hopes and dreams. 

When I confer the Rites with apprentices, I am often amazed at the visions that they have - a great gift from Great Spirit/Creator.  Some of the visions focus on the Earth, and show places like the sites in the pictures above.  Some apprentices are taken to far away times and places - they see their lineage of healers which may be medicine men/women in South America, China, Australia/New Zealand, or someplace in Europe.  Some apprentices are taken up to space in their Wisdom Keeper and Earth Keeper Rites.  Here they are show a symbol or a star complex and given information around the symbol that the apprentice will share in a time to come. 

At times, the apprentice will emerge from meeting their Harmonies, the archetypes that are placed in each of the chakras, with eyes filled with tears.  They have been given a special gift or message by Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird, Eagle/Condor, Huscar, Quetzalcoatl, or Pachakuti. The apprentice's eyes will have changed during that sending - the eyes become more luminous. 

Munay-Ki is about becoming a luminous being.  It is about the process of transformation - the human moving from homo sapiens to homo luminous.  The process moves us forward on our journey in an incredibly gentle and yet forceful way that makes one pay attention to everything around them.

One of the greatest mysteries is how the Universe arranges life to present each apprentice with a every day challenges around the vows.  The vows are to be pacifist rather than fighter (violence and harm to none including self), to stand in truth, to stand with integrity, to follow moderation (and avoid gluttony) in all things, and to be generous since truly we are simply caretakers.  Apprentices have shared stories about standing in a room and hearing a voice tell them "you no longer need that (chair, basket, blanket, jacket, etc.).  Take it to, and  a name or place is given, because they require it now."  When the apprentice follows the instructions, sure enough, they find that person or place truly needs the item.  The apprentice feels great as does the recipient. 

One has to believe that the Universe has a greater design than we see if such happenings work out on schedule.  Until someone totally works out the greater design, I am pleased to have a part in the unfolding mysteries of the Munay-Ki.


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Tuesday, 22 July 2008

What is a Totem?


Picture from Microsoft Clipart


There are three aspects of animal that may be sent to guide us – the mythic (the physical aspect); the symbolic or archetype (the universal story that each animal carries to us); and finally, the energetic which is the spirit of the animal which speaks to our soul. To further set some language guidelines around the discussion of spirit animals, we need to talk about totem, power and spirit animals. Some writers and speakers use these words interchangeably. Setting some definitions around the words will help our discussion and create understanding.

When we hear the word "totem" we may tend to think of the totem pole. Well this would be a good starting point in understanding the totem animal. The totem animal usually represents a group of people such as a tribe or village or city. This animal has become a physical symbol for this group of people. Athletic groups use mascots and very often these mascots are animals. For example, the Calgary Stampeders use a horse as a symbol of the stampede. The San Jose Sharks use a shark. At each football game, the horse gallops or stampedes across the stadium whenever a touchdown occurs. At a Sharks game, the mascot is a shark.

A huge number of schools and universities and even pro teams use the bear as their mascot or symbol. The bear represents size, intimidation. It is a force to be reckoned as one thinks about the physical image of the animal. (We are talking about a large bear – grizzly, Kodiak, big black.) This then is the totem for that team. The mythic level of the bear speaks to the size, strength, wisdom and protective nature of the animal. Bears protect their young ferociously, and are very maternal. This speaks to the nurturing within the team and the way they support each other, generally on and off the field. Hibernation equates to the teams on and then off season. Each team hibernates to prepare for the next season. The bear has been worshiped as a deity for eons. Cave drawings show it as one of the oldest clan animals. All the mythologies speak of one bear god or goddess. Astrology even recognizes the bear in the sky. Therefore, energetically, the bear transfers its strength, size and loyalty to the spirit and soul of the players on the team. "We are Bears!" becomes more than a chant. It becomes an identity. The totem then, is an identity of spirit.  In fact, one meaning of totem is "Kin of".

May Spirit send you many Totems.


Monday, 14 July 2008


tree_fshcrk 002

"Silhouette of an oak tree in early spring 2008"

Copyright March 2008 by Judith Hirst-Joyeux

I was flipping through some pictures and I found this picture that I'd taken in the early spring.  The silhouette of the tree against the sky and the bleakness around it makes the tree seem dead.  Yet, it is very active, and as one walks the path near it, the smell of sap beginning to rise fills the air.

In my musing, I realised that each of us is similar to this tree at the moment the picture was snapped. We come into this world, and we grow and learn.  As people pass us by, they see the form or shape of us, a silhouette of what we look like against the background of a busy world.  Yet, they fail to see who we really are.  Like the poplar, our sap may be rising, but from all appearances we are not active, not productive, and not following our path.

I think about Eckhart Tolle who writes about himself sitting on a bench.  He must have been a silhouette for many people that simply walked by him.  How could they know what his potential was, and how much he would help shift the consciousness of millions of people around the world?

I remember a verse that someone once wrote in my autograph book.  It goes like this....

Don't worry if your jobs are small; Or if your rewards are few.

Remember that the mighty oak, was once a nut like you!

I think we are all much like the acorn.  We are just starting out. It will be a while before our silhouette is big enough to contemplate. When we are ready, however, we too will change lives!

May the moments of frustration in your life lessen as the days pass and you grow more content.



Wednesday, 9 July 2008

About Karma - From the StarWalker Program


"The Journey Begins"

   Picture by Judith Hirst-Joyeux, Sept 2006

The following information is an excerpt from Module One - Clearing Karma Stage One, of the StarWalker Program.  The StarWalker Program is a creation of Angels And Ancestors. 

"In Buddhism and Hinduism, karma is directly related to a person’s deeds or emotions or attachments, and karma is therefore seen as a punishment and reward system. Since this system is fear based, the “Lords” of Karma were regarded as dark and foreboding, and people believed they dealt out punishment.

In Judaism and Christianity, a belief has been handed down that as well as our own actions and attachments moving with us, from past lives, through karma, we also get the karma of our parents and ancestors. Hence the phrase exists – “sins of the father”.

Without going into all the philosophical belief around these beliefs, what we do know is that what ever occurs in the energetic, will manifest in the physical. Shaman and healers believe that one works in four levels:

1. The physical

2. The symbolic

3. The mythic

4. The energetic.

Shaman and healers have also observed and treated energies that attach between people, or between people and the energetic. In the example of families, cords or attachments may be between parents and children, between siblings, and between the family and extended family. Cutting these attachments begins the process of clearing “things” that are dragging down your energy, and sometimes causing physical health problems.

The Angels of Karma along with many other Guides and Angels have been telling their Channels over the last twenty years that the time of Karma is ending. However, in order to move to a place of no karma, the karma that is unbalanced needs to be brought into balance. For example, a movie cannot be completed until all the scenes are edited and blended together, and the unused scenes are labelled and filed away in the vault.

This analogy may be used to loosely describe what happens in the Akashic Records. People live their lives, and some stuff does not get resolved – it is like an unedited scene in a movie.

The Akashic Records cannot assimilate the unedited scene, so someone needs to take responsibility for it, edit it and finish it, and then file it. We do this when we take on karma for what we see as our past soul lives or the past soul lives of our ancestors."

Written by Judith Hirst-Joyeux, Angels And Ancestors Copyright January 2008

For more information on the StarWalker Program, contact, or call 403-225-2016.

Saturday, 5 July 2008

There is no where to go but up!

100_0116   "There is no where to go but up!"

          © June 2008 Judith Hirst-Joyeux

   Some days, life seems to get you down - clients cancel, your energy is low, and the weeds need pulling.  We all have these days.  When ever I have these days, I find that going outside, even doing yard work, changes my mood.  As my mood rises, my perspective changes, because I can move out of the story, and stand back and look at what is really going on.

And so, last week, I went outside to change my perspective.  I went to the green house to water my flowers and trees, and yes, to pull a few weeds in the garden.  When I rounded the corner of the greenhouse, I saw green growing up around the poplar logs that were stacked against the wall.  Because I glanced at them, I actually thought I saw weeds growing. (Yes, we see what is on our mind!)  I ignored them for the moment and went into the garden and began pulling grass and weeds out of the spinach.  I dumped the weeds in my pail, and when I looked up, I got a really good look at what was happening around the logs.  The picture says it all.  The logs, with out any dirt or water, were sprouting.  And, they were sprouting in several places!  I found this amazing! So I got my camera and snapped the picture.

In previous writings, you may remember me saying that when Spirit wants to get your attention, it will resort to any means to get the message across.  Here I was feeling a little bit sorry for myself even though I will be the first to admit that I have a very wonderful life, and that Roger and I are blessed. Spirit, however, wanted to make sure I got the message so it put these miraculous little plants in front of me. 

And Spirit was saying, "You think your life is tough?  Look at these sprouts that are my children!  The parent was cut down and sawed up. The wood has been lugged all over.  And you have stacked it up to burn.  It has been snowed on, rained on, and your dogs have dragged some of the logs all over the lawn and chewed on them!  They have no dirt for food.  They have only the moisture from the rain.  And yet, look how they shine! They could start out and say that life is too tough.  However, they grow on.  They know the only way to go is up!"  

Okay, I felt properly chastised.  And, I also marvelled at the tenacity of an organism's life force.  These logs were cut last fall by the City when they cut down diseased or damaged trees along a major street in Deer Run, the area that we live in.  The logs had sat there almost eight months, and nothing happened. And then suddenly, the cellular blueprint in the poplar logs activated, and the tree began to grow again, in multiple replications of itself.  What a demonstration of the will to live!  The growth is beautiful and touching.  How could someone fail to see the beauty here?  How could you not help them? 

These logs now have a temporary home, dug into our garden, until we decide what part of the yard they should be planted in.  And, yes.  I did feel a hundred percent better after seeing the logs.  I realize that at any time in my life, the only way I have to go is up!

Rise higher!

Judy     ( 


Thursday, 3 July 2008

Everyone Needs A Cheerleader!

The things a man has to have are hope and confidence in himself against odds, andclip_image002

sometimes he needs somebody, his pal or his mother or his wife or God, to give him

that confidence.

—Clark Gable

                                                                                                             Image from Microsoft Clipart

This quote by Clark Gable is a great reminder to us, to tell people when they do something "good".  Many of us grew up in a culture where praise was not practised, and where criticism was the norm.  I hear so many of my clients talk about the scorn heaped upon them by mother, father, teacher, older sibling, or even grandparents.  The whole "you have got to do better" mentality, it seems, was created in an era when children went out to work and even marry in their early teens.  Most of them did not complete school much past grades eight to ten, and where those with low self esteem verbally "beat up" others to make themselves feel superior. 

Even the dictionary recognizes the multiple interpretations of criticism.  The following definition comes from  Note that the third meaning is "the act of finding fault".

criticism Definition  criti·cism (krit′É™ siz′É™m)  noun

  1. the act of making judgments; analysis of qualities and evaluation of comparative worth; esp., the critical consideration and judgment of literary or artistic work
  2. a comment, review, article, etc. expressing such analysis and judgment
  3. the act of finding fault; censure; disapproval
  4. the art, principles, or methods of a critic or critics
  5. the scientific or scholarly investigation of texts or documents to discover their origin, history, or original form

Our society as a whole, does a really good job of finding fault.  In fact, if we don't have someone or something to blame or to find fault with, in any given circumstance, we seem paralyzed and unsure how to continue. 

Could you be a good cheerleader?  Could you go around finding all the neat things that your child, spouse, co-worker or neighbours are doing, or have done?  Do you have what it takes to instill confidence in someone?  Since we are on some self analysis, let's ask these questions. How do you go about telling someone, especially a child, spouse, co-worker or neighbour, that they haven't done a particularly good job of something and yet give them the confidence to keep working at it?  Are you doing a good "job" of helping those around you stand in their power?

Looking at Gable's quote, I realized how lucky I have been in my life. I have learned much about cheerleading from my sisters and my brothers.  Each time I have taken a new step, regardless of how risky it seemed, my siblings were the first to call me and cheer me on.  In turn, as the oldest, I work at "being there" to support them, and listen supportively to their journeys, as they have listened to me.  I love that they will say, "You can do this! How can I help?"  Having cheerleaders makes each new task or venture that much easier to tackle. 

My friends are also some of the best cheerleaders that I know.  Again, they are supportive and will come up with questions starting with "Have you thought about...?"  Once we have discussed the issue, and the odds, they too are quickly ready to support me and offer help. 

The head cheerleader for all that I do is my husband, Roger.  He tries to make everything flow more easily, and he is quick to compliment!

I realize that with all the new businesses that I have started and all the tough jobs that I have taken on, there is one truth. People with cheerleaders are well equipped to tackle anything!

I wish you many cheerleaders in your life.





Saturday, 21 June 2008

Orbs in Our Yard on June 16 2008


"Orbs in our evergreen we call "Tree Who Would Be More" and in our May Tree, over our Fairy Garden"

Picture copyright by Judith Hirst-Joyeux June 2008



"Orbs in our big May tree off our deck, at dusk."

Picture copyright by Judith Hirst-Joyeux June 2008


"Orbs hanging in our living room ceiling."

Picture copyright by Judith Hirst-Joyeux June 2008


On Monday, June 16th, my husband and I started our preparations for our Solstice Ceremony.  The energy in our house was growing, and, I had already performed one ceremony for a client during the day, which added to the energy. 

Because I could feel a different vibration in the air at about 9:15pm on Monday evening, I grabbed my camera and took some shots outside in our yard, and then popped back into the house to photograph the rooms.  The most prominent orbs were in the living room, where I had been sitting doing some planning.

I am excited that orbs keep roaming around our yard.  We have many pictures with orbs in them.  However, the orbs in these pictures seem to blend in a bit more than I have previously noted. 

Wonder what orbs are?  Here is some information on a research project.

Exploring Orbs
Orbs are those semi-transparent shapes or "energy forms" that frequently and mysteriously appear in digital photographs. If you have taken digital photos, you have probably captured an orb at some point and wondered, "What's that?"
That very question prompted the separate but simultaneous research of Miceal Ledwith, D.D., LL.D., a theologian, and Klaus Heinemann, Ph.D., a physicist, who had each taken many photos in which orbs appeared. Musicians Hope and Randy Mead and their friends had similarly begun to document the orb phenomenon. This gallery explores their amazing discoveries.
"But aren't orbs just dust?" Find out what these experts say...

Adapted from "The Orb Project" (Beyond Words, 2007) by Miceal Ledwith & Klaus Heinemann from the website -

I would love to hear your experience with orbs, or see some of your pictures!

May you be filled with loving kindness, and may you be well!


Friday, 20 June 2008

Summer Solstice June 20 2008

Robins on Feeder

Picture copyright Roger Joyeux, used with permission.

This year, the summer solstice arrives at precisely 23:59 UTC on June 20, 2008. UTC is Universal Coordinated Time (reference Wikipedia and United States Naval Observatory.)  In Calgary , then, solstice happens at 17:59pm or 6:00pm.  Summer solstice is the time of the Earth Mother Goddess handing the cycle of the year to the Sky Sun God - Helios (or Ra).  In the summer cycle, the God provides sun and rain to nourish the crops, and the Goddess rests, preparing for harvest in the fall.  This is a time to let go of something that you have tried to control, and give it to the Goddess and God.  It is also time to set an intention, and offer a service for the granting of the intention. It is also an auspicious time to declare your love for someone else.

At our summer solstice celebration, we celebrate Solstice using a Standing Stones Ceremony. The ceremony allows participants to each have an opportunity to let go of something and throw it in the fire.  There will be a round for each person to set an intention and offer a "service".  The service may be either service in some capacity or a blessing/prayer for someone needing support.  Participants bring special objects and the knowing of what they want to give up and what they want to intend.  Throwing sage or tobacco in the fire to strengthens the intention.

Karen Bishop of "What's Up On Planet Earth" has some interesting comments about the summer solstice.  I am quoting from her June alert.

"Yes, we are now experiencing a brief period of peace, perhaps manifesting as exhaustion in some, fatigue, feeling drained or even spacey and lost, wanting rest and sleep for awhile, but all in readiness for the summer solstice.

And what a solstice it will be! This will be one of the most dramatic and intense solstices I have ever experienced. The earth will crack open energetically, releasing intense and highly vibrating energies which have been hidden for eons of time, and much will be revealed as we are catapulted into a very new energetic space as a planet where we have not been for a very long time.

The lightbearers needed to pull out in order to allow for more of the fall. We needed to be in a different space than what will be falling with even more intensity than what we have currently experienced up until now. We are not supposed to be holding anything up....much must go.

The unity consciousness is not taking hold as easily as it could. Many on the planet are not letting go as they could. In this regard, a more shaking up will be needed, and this will arrive with the summer solstice. We are being held back in order to be safe and secure. And after even more shaking up and digging deep, more individuals will hopefully be ready for the help and guidance the lightbearers can provide. They must be left alone with complete non-interference from us in order for them to find their own way, to be willing to allow for something new, to examine themselves and what is no longer working, to finally realize what is truly important to them, and to then be ready for a very new connection."

I wish everyone a very wonderful and clearing solstice!  So mote it be.


See the June newsletter at Angels And Ancestors June Newsletter