Showing posts with label Anger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anger. Show all posts

Friday, 14 January 2022

Leave It Behind


                                                            Picture from

When I work with clients, I find that many people are stuck in a past event or set of events, that they cannot let go of.  These folks are always looking behind them so that they have trouble moving forward.  This means that they miss so many opportunities that they end up spinning their wheels and feeling frustrated and resentful of life.

Life is set up to give us all experiences… experiences that are fun, that are challenging, that rock our world, that cause us grief and sorrow, and that move us forward.  If someone stays stuck in the past, they develop an anger that gets directed outwards to everyone around them, even though the anger is towards them-self.

When life happens, we need to be mindful that nothing lasts forever, that each moment is a teaching moment for us, and that we need to let go of imagined hurts, push through the pain of injuries, and look forward to the next thing which is usually an offset to what just happened.  Remember, the Universe always works in balance.  A negative is balanced with a positive.  However, you must be aware to see it happen!

Many blessings.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Energy - Job This Year

Everyone seems to wonder what their purpose or job is – the purpose of their life.  I think that it changes from time to time, depending on what is going on in the world.  I hear mystics talking about all the things that need to be done this year to change the tide of negative energy.
I think that the number one job this year for all of us is to keep our cool and to bring peace and calm to where ever we are.  Calmness inspires others.  It gives one an identity.  It brings healing to anger and aggression.  With calmness, we can show kindness and positivity.  It is a chance to change our environment.
If we each change our environment, then eventually, the environments will link together to form a net of calmness and peace.
Many blessings.

Monday, 31 October 2016

All Hallows Eve October 31 2016


All Hallow's Eve is the night before All Saints Day.  Over the years, the name has been shortened to Hallowe'en (from Hallow Even).

In Northern Europe, Samhain starts on October 31 and ends on November 1. This was the time of the season designated to honor the bountiful harvest, and to ask for a kind winter.  It was also a time to honor the Ancestors' spirits for helping to create the abundance in the family.

Since the celebration started on the 31st by our current calendar, this is the time that the Ancestor Spirits started to come into this plane.  Since some spirits can come in with ANGER because of what the family has done, or by what was done to them, we have the tradition of creepy, scary spirits.  Where the family has treated the Ancestors with COMPASSION, love, and where they have communicated with the Ancestors with prayers and offerings, the spirits come in as benevolent.

The idea of scary faces on pumpkins was to scare off the spirits that were roaming the Earth that were not related to you, and who may do harm. 

Tonight is a good night to remember the Ancestors with kindness and honor them.


Sunday, 19 April 2015

Angels Speak - How To Over Come Being Offended



Perhaps I am getting more sensitive these days, and maybe I take offense more easily.  And, maybe, people are just more rude and say more offensive things.  What I do know is that being offensive is a sign of someone who is looking for power over you, and, being offensive is often the sign of someone working their way up to being a bully.

So, the other day when a fellow worker was saying things that offended me, I asked the Angels for help.  The angels – Michael, Gabriel and Uriel, all gave me an exercise to do when something offends me.

1. Ask yourself what is being triggered inside you to make you feel offended.  For example, did they say something that offended your sense of worth, your credibility, your integrity, your ethics, etc?

2.  Now ask why that is important to you.  When you know, move on to the next question.

3. Now ask yourself why this person is so important in your life that they can offend you.

4. When you make the connection that the person is not important to you, then you no longer have to be offended.  And, the person that was being offensive has been a good teacher to help you look at something going on inside of you.


Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Spirit Animal - Being The Black Sheep


Do you have black sheep in your family?  What does that mean?  The poster shows us the black sheep looks different from its siblings.  That is a wonderful thing.  Black Sheep shows a reaching back to a different set of genes.  This trait in Nature keeps our species strain quite powerful.

If someone has labeled you the black sheep – take heart.  You may be a rebel in your family’s eyes.  However, you are striking new pathways for the family and community around, and that comes up behind you. You are powerful.


See more about Sheep’s message at

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Buddha Speaks – Suffering Is Not The Enemy


We are constantly encouraged to reject what is unpleasant, disappointing or difficult. 'What's all this suffering? Let's be happy! Have fun!' But our suffering is not our enemy. It is only through a relationship with my pain, my sadness, that I can truly know and touch the opposite—my pleasure, my joy, and my happiness.  - Claude AnShin Thomas, “Conceptions of Happiness”




Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Spirit Speaks – Two Kinds of Rocks


This picture along the Kootenay River reminds me of the stories about rocks.  There are two kinds of rocks that grow in the Earth.  One rock represents goodness, kindness, steadfastness, and strength.  These rock are guardians or sentinels.  A good example is the ring of rocks at Stonehenge.  Another example are the mountains of the Rocky Mountains.


Then there are the rocks that are grown from anger.  These rocks are pushed up through the Earth because people have expressed a heart felt wish of extreme anger.  The rocks lose their ability to hold strength and push up as broken and feel “off”.  These rocks can mark a place of Sorrows.

This day, be mindful of what your heart holds and what you create in the world.



Thursday, 11 April 2013

Spirit Speaks - Defining Courage


This past week, I was in a situation where I felt that my knowledge, feelings, and place as a consultant was being thrown out because I did not have the same understanding and view of a situation as the VP of the client did.  I finally suggested that we end the meeting and adjourn until tomorrow.  Knowing truth and being able to help others see truth is not always easy. 

When I get into these situations, I remember that nothing is really real, that this world is a dream.  I remember that others may have a different dream than I do, and that is okay.  I remember that my dream is true for me and their dream is true for them.  I ask the Creator to help me find the balance for all of us to move forward.  And, I am granted immediate peace.

As more and more challenges come your way, find the courage to step back.  Ask your guides, angels, and Creator for help in moving forward.  You will find that guidance comes in amazing ways.  In fact, grace of action is amazing!



Saturday, 12 January 2013

Spirit Speaks - On being Positive


One of my friends sent me information on positive change.  She thought that I might share it with people who look at my blog.   I went further and found that the information comes from Selacia.  Her advice is great.  The links to her site are at the bottom of the article.  Enjoy!

Accelerate Your Transformation

- Tips to Jump Start Positive Change -
by Selacia

Tips to Jump Start Positive Change

1. Challenging Circumstances- When faced with a challenge, keep your focus in present time. Even if what you are experiencing began long ago, you want to respond with today's energy. As part of your lifelong process of transformation, your energy shifts from day to day. Insights and processing from last night's dreaming can provide you with fresh perspectives and more lightness of being. When looking at your challenge, invite your higher wisdom to guide you in applying a higher awareness and fully utilizing your current knowing. You may be pleasantly surprised with the positive results. 

2. A Time for Everything- Life is often so fast paced that it's common to feel behind schedule. Relax your body and mind for moments here and there as you intuitively check in about timings. Indeed, there's a time for everything. Remember this before jumping into your next activity. Oftentimes what you planned, no matter how important it seems, is best left until after you have done something else - which can be an activity or simply being still. Your heart and intuitively guided reason can show you the way. Check in with yourself to determine if what you planned for the day needs to shift, and then make adjustments. You will be happy you did. 

3. Manifesting Your Vision- As you pick the less traveled road for the next portion of your unique journey, inquire within to be sure that it's wide enough and extends far enough to accommodate your goals and expansive vision. As a divine changemaker, you are learning to express your highest potentials. Do not limit yourself to what your doubts tell you to settle for, or for what others have told you is possible. Embrace the expanded view spirit has for your life. 

4. Roadblocks- Consider that the roadblock you face is a symbol that you may need to update your view. Sometimes a detour or alternative approach is required. This may involve a different timing, implementing something you haven't yet thought of, or even abandoning your idea altogether. A divine changemaker learns to see roadblocks as opportunities for spiritual practice - they aren't the enemy; they may be a blessing in disguise. 

5. Positive Potentials - Each day carries within it a positive potential and energies you can apply for your own enlightenment. Connect with more of the positive potentials available by regularly acknowledging that they exist. This is easier on some days than others, of course. Even so, get into the habit of remembering this lighter side of being. A new opportunity waits each time you open your eyes in a new way - without expectations and without focusing on what you created before.  When you are open to the next wonderful surprise arriving on your doorstep - letting go of how and when it shows up - you become like a magnet for your own good.

Copyright 2013 by Selacia -





Monday, 3 September 2012

Spirit Animal–Three Hornets


Today, I sat down to work at my laptop on a project.  As I started to open Microsoft Word, a strange message came up, telling me that I had been hit by a virus and that I needed to download a virus patch.

I recognized the message as a fake, and I immediately turned off access to the internet.  I then tried to use my virus removal software.  However, clever hacker had written the virus to block any program that scanned and removed viruses, Trojans, spyware, or worms.

I was very angry at the hacker that wrote this code.  Coincidently, I was feeling upset about all the yard work that I still had to do, and, I was upset that my dishwasher was not working properly.  I was also sitting in the kitchen.  As I was thinking all these things, three Hornets flew through the open door and settled in the kitchen, at the window, close to my chair. 

The three Hornets were pretty agitated that they could see where they wanted to go – the big outdoors – through the glass, but, they could not get there.  The buzzing got louder and louder.  The Fool in me (the Fool is the first card in the Tarot) laughed and said, “Well, isn’t that Nature imitating Life!” 

I had to laugh too.

Although Hornet has a bad reputation, she is about working with the Earth, about being grounded, about being secluded, and about leaving others alone.  Nothing makes a Hornet angrier than being disturbed in its work.  Again, I laughed.  I was imitating Nature.

Common sense kicked in, and I realized that I would need to fix my laptop, and delete the virus.  I also realized that it would probably take some time. 

Since all things are perfect, I knew that I was not meant to work on that particular task today.

I am grateful!



Saturday, 2 June 2012

Buddha Speaks - Nonviolence

Nonviolence is a conscious way of acting that is based on the connectedness of all life. Violence against another is violence against one's own being, so it is futile.  - Paul Hawken, "Upsurge


This weekend, I had a chance to see various forms of violence in action.  I saw a parent with a small child who was having a temper tantrum, and the spank to the bottom which was delivered in anger.  I saw a man rage at a woman in a parking lot – he was claiming that she “took” his spot.  I saw a security person push an elderly man, who seemed to have some mental incapacity, out of the shopping center.  I watched two young brothers pound one another over a hockey stick.

These various actions brought home to me that my anger and frustration is something that I always carry with me.  Mostly, it is quiet.  However there are times that I can feel it simmer.  I meditate and I work on finding where the anger comes from.  I agree with the quote, that violence (and anger is a form of violence), hurts us more than it hurts anyone. 

I ask my angels to work with me to let my anger heal.  And, I forgive myself for feeling the anger. 

What do you do?



See our websites:;;;;

I am happy to announce that my book is now available on…


Earth Wisdom Meditations: 111 Contemplations For People Who Love The Earth [Paperback] Judith Hirst (Author) A Kindle version is also available.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Spirit Speaks - Words of Advice For February

As I was contemplating my life, and how it was working for me, and what still had the power to irritate me, I began to get little messages about anger.  The messages included things like “anger kills” and “anger destroys” and “anger causes separation”.  All of those thoughts are true.  I just was not sure what to do with them.

Then, I received an email from an old friend.   It was about changing how we look at things, and it was entitled, “This is a new month.  Now is a good time to make changes.”

I wondered how to get a message out about Anger.  Here is the perfect picture that came my way from my friend Leslie.  This picture says it all!





See our websites:  The February Magazine is up at  
See also

I am happy to announce that my book is now available on…

Earth Wisdom Meditations: 111 Contemplations For People Who Love The Earth

Earth Wisdom Meditations: 111 Contemplations For People Who Love The Earth [Paperback] Judith Hirst (Author) A Kindle version is also available.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Angels Speak - Revenge


Dearest Ones!  We delight in all that you do.  We see you take on tasks that seem to be impossible, and we see you make the world work.  We see that you have learned to fly higher and faster even though you do not have wings.  We see you have compassion for beings that cannot speak.

What we do not understand is your need to have “revenge”.  Revenge, from what we see is about inflicting punishment in return for some real or imagined injury or insult. Revenge is about “not love”.  Love does make the world go round.  Revenge is someone deciding to play Creator and change the course of another individual's life by deciding that they must “pay” for something. 

We say to you, would you want someone making decisions like this for your life?  Do unto others!  Revenge is really about temper – anger.  It is about not getting your way.  It is about interfering with the path of others.  Yes, you can say that it is your path.  However, in this life, each of you has a choice to make.  This life is about choices.  If revenge is your ch(joy)oice, then you will be on this treadmill of life for a long time. 

Enjoy life and do not seek revenge.  It will create more karma for you, and it will interfere with the love vibration.  We the Archangels tell you that it is so.

For more about thoughts about revenge, see these posts   Spirit Animal – Elephant   Revenge - What Goes Around, Comes Around


Judy See the January 2012 Angels’ magazine  “MAY ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE”  at
See our websites: www.;;

I am happy to announce that my book is now available on…

Earth Wisdom Meditations: 111 Contemplations For People Who Love The Earth

Earth Wisdom Meditations: 111 Contemplations For People Who Love The Earth [Paperback] Judith Hirst (Author) A Kindle version is also available.

Saturday, 31 December 2011

Happy New Year’s Eve December 31 2011– Being Kind

I love New Year’s Eve, and tonight we will be out celebrating with friends.  Before we leave 2011, I would like to share this wonderful story about being kind to animals.

Please read this story, and enjoy it.


Blessings for 2012,



Tom Satre told the Sitka Gazette that he was out with a charter group on his 62-foot fishing vessel when four juvenile black-tailed deer swam directly toward his boat.


"Once the deer reached the boat, the four began to circle the boat, looking directly at us.  We could tell right away that the young bucks were distressed.

I opened up my back gate and we helped the typically skittish and absolutely wild animals onto the boat.  In all my years fishing, I've never seen anything quite like it!

Once onboard, they collapsed with exhaustion, shivering."
"This is a picture I took of the rescued bucks on the back of my boat, the Alaska Quest. 
We headed for Taku Harbour. Once we reached the dock, the first
buck that we had been pulled from the water hopped onto the dock, looked back as if to say 'thank you' and disappeared into the forest.

After a bit of prodding and assistance, two more followed, but the smallest deer needed a little more help.
This is me carrying the little guy.

My daughter, Anna, and son, Tim, helped the last buck to its feet.  We didn't know how long they had been in the icy waters or if there had been others who did not survive. My daughter later told me that the experience was something that she would never forget, and I suspect the deer felt the same way as well!"
See the December 2011 Angels’ magazine  “Joyeux Noel”  at

See our websites:;;

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

From Judy - What Is Your Hot Button?

We all have personal sensitivities—“hot buttons”—that are evoked in close relationships. Mindfulness practice helps us to identify them and disengage from our habitual reactions, so that we can reconnect with our partners. We can mindfully address recurring problems with a simple four-step technique: (1) Feel the emotional pain of disconnection, (2) Accept that the pain is a natural and healthy sign of disconnection, and the need to make a change, (3) Compassionately explore the personal issues or beliefs being evoked within yourself, (4) Trust that a skillful response will arise at the right moment.  – Christopher Germer, "Getting Along"

I read this quote and realized how appropriate it is for these times when we are all on a short fuse and anxious about what will happen.  I wondered how many people are finding that the hot buttons that they thought were dealt with are now popping up in the most odd places, and anger is being triggered.  Or perhaps it is not anger, it is simply the huge reaction (emotional) that you have to something.  Triggers are all about learning – around self, family, and beliefs.

What beliefs do you carry that are not helping you?  What values are out dated?  What people are no longer going to be part of your life because you need to move on?

These questions are ones that we see pop up everyday.  How are you handling them?

See the October 2011 Angels’ magazine  at

See our websites:;;;

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Ancestors Speak - We Are Temporary In This World


We are all products of what has come before – whether it is directly from our families, or from our tribes and villages, or even from our race.  This is evident as we look around the world at the events of war and terrorism.  The battles are not new ones; they are the same ones that have been fought for thousands of years.

I was in meditation and asked my guides why that was; why there was such animosity.  The Ancestors came in response to my question.  They showed me the pictures of injustices between two families, and the lining up of the friends and family on either side, and how anger sowed the seeds of jealousy, judgment, greed, animosity, and all the emotions that divide people.   They showed me how the parents fanned the seeds in the children, forcing the children to carry the legacy of the generations before them.  Children and their chance to explore something new, to become something different, were disregarded.  Children became the tool of the generations before them. 

The Ancestors went on to say that it did not matter because the body is temporary, and that many of the Beings could not come to stay in such dense energies and therefore, many lives were quite short.  Beings come in and get out.  The situation is perfect, and let it happen. 

These words made me feel like there was a greater plan around me.  Then a friend sent me this Invocation.  I share it with you so that you may use it and find peace.


Invocation of Forgiveness
Today, I call on the powers of forgiveness,
the hope that heals & wipes away resentment,
I am ready to forgive & heal old wounds.
I forgive you for the past, making way for friendship &
to forgive all who have hurt me in the past, deliberately
or by accident. I am ready to forgive myself for errors
made & things I have done in the past that I regret.
Healing replaces resentment, peace replaces anger
as forgiveness grows inside me, my heart lightens.
filling me with a sense of wellbeing & acceptance,
I embrace forgiveness, the great healer of hearts.

See the October 2011 Angels’ magazine  at

See our websites:;;;

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Spirit Animal - Bucking Bronco


Today is about freedom.  A bucking horse comes galloping and bucking across my meadow in my meditation.  Bronco has some thoughts to share.

  • Freedom is about NOT being restrained.
  • Throw off anything that does not suit you.
  • If you want to go some place new, full steam ahead at a gallop.
  • Exercise is not just about walking – it is about running and jumping.
  • When your head is down, it is hard to put a rope around it.
  • There is always someone who wants to saddle you with something.
  • Don’t let anyone touch your ears!
  • If you let them, people will run you in circles. 
  • When someone holds out a carrot, they definitely have a hidden agenda.

The August Angels Magazine “C’est La Vie – August in Paris” is at

See our websites:;;;

Friday, 22 July 2011

Buddha Speaks - Why Get Upset?


Replace Anger with Tolerance  -  The sixth chapter of the Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life is considered to be a special magical precept from Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, for replacing anger with tolerance. The essence is: Why get upset if you can do something about something? And if you can't do anything about it, then why get upset?  -Robert Thurman, “Rising to the Challenge: Cool Heroism”

I see many people work themselves into a mass of anger over a situation which they may have not created, and which they cannot control.  I realize that often the anger is about the injustice of a situation, or, I should say, the perceived injustice in the situation.

Often too, the anger is about not tolerating anything that seems to be a compromise.  In this case, the ego is so strong that everything must be either the person’s way, or they erupt in anger.

If we avoid getting upset, often we can see a different way to resolve our feelings because we can see a solution for the situation.  It is hard to think outside the box if we are sitting in the box and stewing about it.

The July Angels Magazine “Summer Freedom” is at

See our websites:;;;

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Spirit Animal - Black Bear



Today, a Black Bear mother popped in to say that she had a few words to say about humans and their view of Black Bear.  She said that humans see the black bear as angry, confrontational and destructive.  She feels sad about this.

Her view is that humans interfere too much in the lives of Black Bear, especially when she is with her cubs.  She will do anything to protect her cubs from over zealous humans.  And, these humans call her angry and destructive.

Black Bear says, “Give us our space.  Honour our role in creation and in the maintenance of the wild.  Treat us with respect and we will not become angry that you are in our space.  Give us time to raise our young, and then we will disappear to the higher country.  We must be at lower levels to show our little ones how to hunt and feed the food that is not higher.  It is what it is.”

The July Angels Magazine “Summer Freedom” is at

See our websites:;;

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Spirit Speaks - On Being Mean


“The moment we begin tolerating meanness, in ourselves and others, we are using our authorial power in the service of wrongdoing. We have both the capacity and the obligation to do better.” – Martha Beck

I saw this quote today, and it rang through me.  I believe that we have all been treated meanly at times, and through that process, we have learned to be mean.  Some of us may have had parents who treated us meanly either as a means of “toughening us up”, or, because they resented us and what being a parent means.  Look at this word and how many meanings it has in this paragraph.  No wonder we are confused about how to act!

The Old English definition of “mean” is common, as in the mean or center between very poor and very rich, or very uneducated and very educated.  This explanation, for me, is fitting.  When we act “meanly”, we are acting in a selfish, unkind, malicious, cruel, spiteful way.

Well, I am sure that you have heard it all before.  I don’t MEAN anything by this post.

imageThe June Angels Magazine  is up at

See our websites:;;