Gratitude means thanks and appreciation. ... Gratitude, which rhymes with "attitude," comes from the Latin word gratus, which means "thankful, pleasing." When you feel gratitude, you're pleased by what someone did for you and also pleased by the results. Unlike indebtedness, you're not anxious about having to pay it back.
Wisdom and guidance from the Angels, Ancestors, Shaman, Druids, Healers, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters. Topics covering: Energy, Peace, Karma, Spirit Animal, Guides, Nature, and Wellness
Friday, 4 February 2022
Why Gratitude?
Wednesday, 12 January 2022
Just a Little Prayer
Image is from PrayerBowls….
The times that you feel at your worst and your lowest energy is a great time to say a little prayer. When you are happy and on top of the world, it is a great time to say a little prayer. In other words, anytime is a good time for a little prayer.
A little prayer means that. Short. Small. Little. Address the entity that you pray to, make an ask if that is what you need. Give thanks and end. Or simply do a little prayer of thanks. Gratitude goes a long way to keeping your energy levels up.
Many blessings!
Saturday, 25 December 2021
Merry Christmas - December 25 2021!
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
Welcome to December 2021
The beginning of December is a signal in Canada that the weather is about to change to become colder and snowier. It is a reminder that Christmas is twenty-four days away, and that the new year is just around the corner. It is a big time of change! In the North, people tend to hibernate when it is cold. They stay indoors and pursue crafts or binge watch Netflix or Prime. Some fresh-air lovers do go cross country skiing, snowshoeing and winter trekking. The ski hills are already greeting the skiers and snowboarders. Home owners are getting their Christmas lights and yard decorations set up. It is “lights on” all through December.
For some, December is a time of gratitude, of remembering the year and being thankful that the year is nearly done. It is a time for winter planting in some areas and for starting to use the summer’s canning and freezing of fruit and vegetables. December is the best reminder that all things must be in balance because the long summer days are now short winter days. The sun and light through the summer are balanced by the darkness of the winter. The harmony of the cycle of the seasons is so apparent in December.
Monday, 4 October 2021
Too Much Stress?
During the week of September 25 to October 1, I was watching the Global Energy Healing Summit. I love that Energy Healing is now becoming accepted by the main stream western health care although there are still many who do not believe that it works. More on that later. The number one cause of illness and disease that all healers talked about was "stress". They talked about how stress shows up differently for different people, how it is all around us in the energy that is in the air or work environment and home environment, and how most of us keep it shut in our bodies instead of releasing the stress.
Then today, in my email from Nick Ortner's organization (Nick Ortner is noted for his books The Tapping Solution and teachings on EFT), there was a great article - 23 Signs You May Have Too Much Stress. The link is below. Go ahead and read it and see how many of the signs are present in your life.
23 Signs You May Have Too Much Stress (
There are many ways to release stress. EFT (Tapping) of course is one of them. Others include walking in Nature (without your phone), swimming, jogging/running, hiking, and of course, many different energy healing modalities. When you release stress, you are loving yourself. A great way to release some anxiety from stress is to make a short list (3 or 4 items) of what you are grateful for. When you express gratitude, your shoulders will shift.
Today, try one thing that might relieve stress for you.
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Healing - Ability to Heal Ourselves
Healers have been telling the world for the last several hundred years that each human has the power to do self healing. The medical profession has disagreed, saying that if one is not medically trained then the patient cannot possibly heal themselves.
In a recent article, the writer lists several experiments that show individuals do the healing, rather than a form of medicine.
From the article:
In a documentary called The Power of Thought
, stem-cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton estimates at least a third of all healings – including those involving drugs, surgery and all other allopathic treatment – have nothing to do with the treatment itself, but everything to do with the patient’s belief in the treatment.
The placebo effect, as defined by Google, is a “beneficial effect, produced by a placebo drug or treatment that cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient’s belief in that treatment.”
What this means is that you can find a way to heal an ailment.
Remember, the information in this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider for a medical condition.
Monday, 9 October 2017
Happy Thanksgiving Canada 2017
Happy Thanksgiving to all beings.
The following prayer of gratitude comes from the site Enjoy.
Iroquois Prayer of Gratitude
We return thanks to our mother, the earth, which sustains us.
We return thanks to the rivers and streams, which supply us with waters.
We return thanks to all herbs, which furnish medicine for the cure of our diseases.
We return thanks to the corn, and to her sisters, the beans and the squashes, which give us life.
We return thanks to the wind, which moving the air has banished diseases.
We return thanks to the moon and the stars,
which have given us their light when the sun was gone.
We return thanks to the sun, that he has looked upon the earth with a beneficent eye.
Lastly, we return thanks to the Great Spirit, in whom is embodied all goodness, and who directs all things for the good of his children.
Wednesday, 19 July 2017
Saint Germain - Approve of Yourself
Saint Germain tells us that we are very hard on ourselves. Mostly, he says, because others are hard on us. They criticize, want to change us, and condemn us for things that they dislike.
Saint Germain tells us that it is time to take back our lives and to give approval to ourselves. When we are in spirit, we can easily see how perfect we are. This peace is filled with gratitude. Our wellbeing comes back to us, and we move forward with confidence and with faith.
Tuesday, 21 March 2017
Nature Speaks - What is Life?
When we are able to see all the little things that are amazing in Nature, then we have achieved the ability to move beyond the small things in life. We have moved beyond the pettiness.
Nature tells us and shows us so many beautiful things and so many miracles all the time. Mostly, though, we do not see them. We are locked in a rut of living that we consider to be our life. Our life is so much more, if we let it be.
Chief Crowfoot, in the quote above, teaches us to look at all the little things that otherwise go unnoticed. Today, step back from your regular steps in your life, and look for something different. Look for the daily, little miracles that move through this world.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Angels Speak - Give Your All To Life
When you are moving through your day, be conscious that it is a good day. Be conscious that everything that happens to you is perfect, and that your being is prepared to have a perfect day.
When you are moving through your day, smile and have a wonderful conversation with yourself about all the good you find in each activity. Doing the action with love and compassion will bring you a great satisfaction. Each action will seem easier.
When you are moving through your day, feel the peace and gentleness that exists. Push away the negative emotions and negative energies that flow off of the unhappy people. Bless them and send them love, and ask them, silently, to move away from your space.
When you are moving through your day, offer thanks that you are so lucky to be in this place.
Sunday, 9 October 2016
Happy Thanksgiving, Canada!
The Angels tell us that we have much to be grateful for this year. Yes, jobs are not plentiful, and there are political issues. Yet, we have many things that other countries lack… a big thing is that we have peace.
This year, at your dinner, please ask for peace for everyone.
Monday, 9 November 2015
Angels Speak– Be Yourself
Life is big. That’s the way it is meant to be. If it was small, we would feel confined. Because life is big, we have the chance to truly be ourselves. We can move forward with faith. We were created perfectly to live our life. We do not have the capacity to comfortably live someone else’s life. It is the same in Nature. Each piece of Nature is unique. Each flower, for example, is the same and is also different. Isn’t it wonderful?
Saturday, 17 October 2015
Angels Speak - Blessings and Curses
When we want to feel peace in our lives, we sometimes look at ourselves and blame our lives for being cursed. In our perception, we have all the bad luck, all the things go wrong, and all the issues in the family. Therefore, we must be cursed!
It is funny, isn’t it, that others look at our lives and think how lucky we are! They see the family squabbles as wonderful because you have family, and they don't. They see your bad luck at not getting a job as great luck because the business goes bankrupt. They see your failure to create a painting masterpiece as a new way of creating art.
Do you see where I am going with this?
Monday, 5 October 2015
Angels Speak - On Complaining
The Angels say that when you are complaining, you do not have peace. When you complain, you show that you blame someone else instead of taking responsibility. When you are stuck in the rut of complain, then you do not have time to enjoy the other good things in your life.
Move on. Let it go.
Sunday, 23 August 2015
Angels Speak - Pain and Sorrow
The poster with the wonderful words of Rumi, speaks to the saying from our Ancestors that “God does not give us more than we can handle”. We all have times when we cannot move because there is great sorrow in our lives.
Pain and sorrow allow you to grow or to shut down (with anger, resentment, and grievances). We need to find a way to move to the light, to the lightness of heart.
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Angels Speak - Where You Spend Your Time
You often hear people say that they “wish they could…. (fill in the blank)” but they cannot because of this reason or that reason. We all have probably said this from time to time. The poster above is really reminding us that we need to put our resources into what we want to do – not what others want us to do.
Sometimes, it is difficult to get out and water the grass each day. But you get to choose where you spend your time.
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Angels Speak - If You Judge People
How do you find it in your heart to have compassion for someone who has just spouted vile words at you, for no apparent reason? How do you find compassion for the person who sits behind Anonymous and writes bullying words and makes threats? Do we need to find compassion for them?
This was my question for my meditation. I was finding it hard to understand why someone would want to yell at someone else for no reason. Or, if you want to be really mean to someone, why not use your name?
I sat and waited for the knowing. Nothing happened. I waited some more. Nothing happened. I waited and sank into a deeper state. And I had the knowing that frustration and anger at life is a driving emotion that causes Anonymous to post the blogs or for someone you might not even know to shout out at you.
The interesting part of the meditation was that when this situation happens to you or touches you, the Universe (Spirit) is holding up a mirror that shows an aspect of you.
I looked inside for peace. I looked inside for healing. I offered gratitude that I was not writing anonymous angry words or going around shouting at people. The Shaman in the legends talk about the angry, crazy person having some hidden wisdom in the meaningless rambling.
I could not find any words of wisdom. I did find compassion. How horrible it must be to feel that much pain and to take it out on random people. I offer blessings to them.
Thursday, 29 January 2015
Spirit Speaks - Your Connection With Others
I have been reviewing my life as I watch my 22 year old nephew live his life. I find what he does so fascinating. We are different and the same. We are related by blood.
I watch the fun that he has with his friends. Some of those friends he met when he was thirteen, and playing hockey. Some of his friends were on opposing teams. His group of friends keep peace with each other, guide each other, enjoy the spirit of life with each other, and genuinely express gratitude for the great things they get to do. The six of them just did a junket to Vegas. They did tours and went to shows and explored. They grew their bond. He has friends that have stayed for a while and dropped off. But these are his core.
I am lucky that I have several friends that have been with me since I was 19. And I am several decades older now. We still laugh and carry on, when we can get together as we are several provinces apart. These friends are my foundation. They have been my guides and they have helped me find peace with different situations. They were the training ground for the rules of friendship and have given me the grace to go out and make more friends – some that stay and some that do not.
It makes me realize that we are not just I or me; we are our friends too. And that, I think, is a great treasure!
Thursday, 1 January 2015
Angels Speak–Peace for 2015
Happy New Year! Welcome to the great adventure that is going to be defined in 2015. There are many things that I would like to happen in 2015.
- I wish that everyone could be in service instead of in greed and power hoarding.
- I wish that we all could see how beautiful our soul and the soul of others really is. Then, we would not want to hurt them in any way.
- I wish that everyone could be mindful of their actions. By slowing down some, mindfulness can settle in and help bring meaning to every day activities.
- I wish that everyone has a chance to walk in Nature – in a park, a field, wherever, at least once a week.
- I wish that everyone could realize that Oneness is about us all being connected, not just by the internet, but by who we are as humans.
- I wish that each person could heal the hurts that have been done to them.
- I wish that each person expressed their gratitude every day, and showed that by being kinder to others.
- I wish the Archangels walk with everyone so closely that each person becomes aware.
- I wish, peace, peace in all its forms, to everyone.
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Angels Speak - Thoughts On Failing
This quote resonated deeply for me. Failing or succeeding is in the eyes of the person walking the action, not in those that observe the action.
While this might seem cryptic, I mean if I run a race and beat my own time by several seconds and yet do not win the race, I may have failed at winning the race but I succeeded in improving what I could do. I succeeded!
Sometimes, we do not see how we have been succeeding because we focus on the failing. We need to change how we observe, and we need to have faith that we always succeed in some way. Our faith and an attitude of gratitude will keep us from failing.
As long as we are in service to loving kindness, which is a great recipe for living, we cannot fail.