Showing posts with label Spirit Animal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spirit Animal. Show all posts

Thursday, 17 February 2022

Spirit Animal - Swans Speak


It seems that every Monday, when I walk my dog with my friends, we see a flock of twelve swans fly over us.  First, that the swans stay here in the winter is remarkable.  Second, the energy of their flight washes over us and even the dogs get excited.

What is the message that these beautiful birds are bringing to us? The most important message is that you need to acknowledge the true beauty of self and to awaken that inner power of self.  Other aspects are:

  • Honour your emotions and the emotions of others
  • Honour the ancient and the rituals
  • Look to new adventures and new spirituality
  • Look at the swan as a totem for the mystic and the dreamer

Many blessings

Monday, 10 January 2022

Spirit Animal - The Call of the Dove

                                        Mourning Doves from the 

Through this very cold weather that started about a month ago, I am making sure to keep the bird feeders filled and I am sprinkling seed on the ground for those birds and animals that do not access the feeder.  The most regular attendees for the seeds on the ground are the Mourning Doves. Currently, we only have two at our seed bank.  In late summer and fall, the Dove pairs brought their hatchlings to feed so we sometimes had as many as 15 Doves on the ground.  We love watching them!  There is always a “look out” Dove allowing the others to feed in peace.  If a threat is spotted, for example, a hawk, Look Out Dove signals the rest and they scatter into the evergreens for shelter.

The sound of the Dove, the soft cooing, represents different things depending on the cadence of the call.  For some folks, the sound of the Dove during bereavement means that the deceased is signalling that they are well into the next phase.  Sometimes the sound is more of a soft hooting cooing… signalling that all is well and peaceful.  This is the sound heard mostly in the evening. The call can be clipped and urgent which is calling the clan of Doves together.

The lessons from Dove and its calling sound are:

  • The tribe/family is very important.
  • Having a look out or someone to watch your back is important as danger can come from many places.
  • Sitting with your family to chat about the day and about life is a bonding.
  • Compassion and support for people suffering loss helps all of us.

You can read about other messages from Dove in the following blogs:

Blessings to all.

Friday, 10 December 2021

Spirit Animal - Bobcat Visits


Where we live, Bobcat comes out at all times of the day and night.  She loves to use the fences in our neighbour hood as her highway to get around barriers like dogs and people.  Our neighbour was having a morning coffee in the summer when Bobcat ran along the fence behind him.  Bobcat is one of the animals that has adapted to an urban environment and has learned to mix its need to be free and yet have contact with its human friendlies.  This is a very good example of balance in action.

Bobcat has raised several litres of kittens in “the hood”.  She is very careful about boundaries and does not go after pets because this will rile up the neighbours.  She is skillful at hunting rabbits, squirrels, mice, and loves gophers and voles.  She has a favourite place to take her hunt to eat peacefully.  In the early summer morning, she will come and sun on one of the south facing driveways.  

When Bobcat appears, she is signalling some information.  

  • Carefully choose the environment that you wish to be in
  • Treat others respectfully and they will treat you respectfully
  • Blend in when you need to
  • Teach your family to be respectful



Saturday, 30 October 2021

Spirit Animal - Deer


Picture from an email.

When I first moved to Calgary twenty years ago, there was an abundance of Deer in our neighbour hood in the late evening and into the night.  There were herds of twenty or so Deer in Fish Creek Park.  The many Deer could come into the residential area, up to houses and sleep on lawns.  The message that the Deer brought to the home was about gentleness and trust.  It was about knowing your neighbours and friends and relying on them to help keep one safe.  People left fallen cherries and apples on the ground for the deer to eat.  There was a comfortable sharing of space.  Now, with the increase in population and the growing use of the park, the Deer have retreated to an island which is supposed to be off-limits to humans.  The Deer come out at night and seldom stray into the residential areas.

Remember that when Deer appears to you:

  • Deer is reminding you to be gentle with yourself.
  • If the Deer has antlers (a buck), the message is to look for a higher purpose or a higher good.
  • If the Deer is young, perhaps it is time. To start something new… a new study, a new hobby, a new phase of work.
  • If several Deer appear, perhaps it is time to make time to be with friends and family and plan a group activity.

Friday, 9 November 2018

A Story About A Puppy


A picture of our puppy, Magic, taken at Christmas time, 2006.

This is one of the neatest stories you will ever hear. You will know precisely what this little girl is talking about at the end (you'll want to share this one with your loved ones and special friends)!


"Danielle keeps repeating it over and over again. We've been back to this animal shelter at least five times. It has been weeks now since we started all of this," the mother told the volunteer.
"What is it she keeps asking for?" the volunteer asked.
"Puppy size!" replied the mother.

"Well, we have plenty of puppies, if that's what she's looking for."
"I know…we have seen most of them," the mom said in frustration…
Just then Danielle came walking into the office.
"Well, did you find one?" asked her mom. "No, not this time,"
Danielle said with sadness in her voice. "Can we come back on the weekend?"

The two women looked at each other, shook their heads and laughed.
"You never know when we will get more dogs. Unfortunately, there's
always a supply," the volunteer said.
Danielle took her mother by the hand and headed to the door. "Don't worry, I'll find one this weekend," she said.
Over the next few days both mom and dad had long conversations with her. They both felt she was being too particular. "It's this weekend or we're not looking any more," Dad finally said in frustration.

"We don't want to hear anything more about puppy size either," Mom added.
Sure enough, they were the first ones in the shelter on Saturday
morning. By now Danielle knew her way around, so she ran right for the section that housed the smaller dogs. Tired of the routine, mom sat in the small waiting room at the end of the first row of cages. There was an observation window so you could see the animals during times when visitors weren't permitted. Danielle walked slowly from cage to cage, kneeling periodically to take a closer look. One by one the dogs were brought out and she held each one.
One by one she said, "Sorry, you're not the one."
It was the last cage on this last day in search of the perfect pup.
The volunteer opened the cage door and the child carefully picked up the dog and held it closely. This time she took a little longer.
"Mom, that's it! I found the right puppy! He's the one! I know it!" she screamed with joy. "It's the puppy size!"

"But it's the same size as all the other puppies you held over the
last few weeks," Mom said.
"No not size… the sighs. When I held him in my arms, he sighed," she said.
"Don't you remember? When I asked you one day what love is, you told me love depends on the sighs of your heart. The more you love, the bigger the sigh!"
The two women looked at each other for a moment. Mom didn't know whether to laugh or cry. As she stooped down to hug the child, she did a little of both.
"Mom, every time you hold me, I sigh. When you and Daddy come home from work and hug each other, you both sigh. I knew I would find the right puppy if it sighed when I held it in my arms," she said.

Close your eyes for a moment and think about the love that makes you sigh. I not only find it in the arms of my loved ones, but in the caress of a sunset, the kiss of the moonlight and the gentle brush of cool air on a hot day.

Many blessings.

Note:  This is a reprint of a blog I did in October 2007.  It felt like it was time to write it again.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018



Several days ago, I was feeling sad because my Dad was gone, and I was feeling glad because he was now released from the body that was starting to weigh him down. As he said, "It just doesn't work right anymore!"

I went out and sat under the arbour and mountain ash tree. I relaxed my body back into the swing chair, and closed my eyes. Within minutes, I could feel something watching me and there was bird song all around. I thought the birds were eating the berries in the tree. I looked up. There were about half a dozen sparrows hopping around the tree and looking at me, like they were concerned. Yes, I do put birdseed out, however, it's not like they are dependent upon me for food.

I wondered what was up. Then they started flying past me, quite close to my face. The dogs came and sat with me, and watched the birds. Pretty soon they were swooping over the dogs. It was quite a show! They were trying to tell me something.

Sparrows are noted for eating a wide variety of insects, and will fly up around the house. This year, they have kept our garden quite free of the normal pests that eat our lettuce and spinach and tomatoes. Chairman Mao Tse-Tung learned, with disastrous consequences, what happens when one dishonours the sparrow. He calculated that a sparrow could eat almost ten pounds of rice per year, and that if he killed a million sparrows, he'd have enough rice to feed an additional 60,000 people. The Chinese people were commanded to kill as many sparrows as possible. In Shantung province, the locals killed an estimated 2.7 million sparrows. The amount of rice did not increase with the death of the sparrows. It diminished. The insects that the sparrows normally killed, ate and damaged rice well in excess of what the sparrows ate. Chairman Mao decided he'd had a bad idea and ordered the people to be friends with the sparrows so the population would return to normal.

Sparrows are noted for representing abundance - both substantial and spiritually. The Japanese have a story about a sparrow’s gifting an old woodsman with gold and silver. There is also a story about a sparrow singing to Jesus as he hung on the cross. Songs have been written about the relationship between God and the sparrow. In ancient times, sparrows were thought to carry the souls of the dead up to the Gods. Our ancestors believed it was bad luck to kill a sparrow because this stopped them (the sparrow) from fulfilling its task.

Taking all of this information into context, it seemed to me that the sparrows were telling me to cheer up. They were saying that I was well taken care of, and that Dad was also well looked after. Sparrow’s song was a reminder to stay grounded (as are the colours) and stay in the present moment. The present is full of joy and peace and wonder. Their aerial acrobatics were reinforcing that I should use the gifts of my third eye and connect with the Divine to see the perfection in everything. It is good advice!

Many blessings.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Spirit Animal - About Permission


When we move through life, we do so within the company of many other beings… other humans, animals, birds, aquatics, insects, and possibly animals that we do not yet know.  Man is not kind, generally, to other beings.

Today, let us start a trend to kindness to all beings.  Others do not require our permission.  They require our compassion.


Sunday, 13 August 2017

Spirit Animal - Animal Rights


The one thing that we can all be clear on is that all inhabitants of the Earth have the right to be here as each unique being is part of Earth's balance.

Today, find some way to help the animals, whether it is dogs and cats, or animals in the zoo.  Or, perhaps, endangered animals in your area need help.

You can give time or money, or both.  Every time that you are in service to Nature, you show your gratitude for Mother Nature and all that are in her domain.


Friday, 11 August 2017

Spirit Animal - Tiger Talks About Life


Although Tiger may seem an unlikely guide on life, she comes forward with many thoughts to share about how to live and enjoy your life.

Here are her thoughts:

  1. Walk your territory (neighborhood) several times a week to keep up with changes around you.
  2. Stay in harmony with Nature. 
  3. Eat only those foods that are good for your body.  These foods increase your health, strength, and longevity.
  4. Drink lots of clean water. 
  5. Create a routine.  Stick with it as much as possible for it will keep you grounded.


Monday, 7 August 2017

Spirit Animal - Dog on Love


More and more is being written about dogs and about their purpose.  Some people fear dogs because of snarling, biting, or other aggressive acts.  Dogs are not aggressive unless defending "something" or unless they have owners that have taught them to be aggressive. 

Dog will tell you that her purpose on Earth is to teach unconditional love.  She says that she is to reach out to as many people as she can, even when she is with a loving family.  Dog provides something that people cannot – love without rules or conditions. 

Today, find a dog and close your eyes and look at it to see if you can see the light around its body.


Saturday, 5 August 2017

Spirit Animal–Fox's Message


As the world gets more crowded with humans, the animals are pushed into habitats that are amongst people.  The animals follow the rivers and streams and live in the river valleys and parks.  The animals may be aggressive if one steps into their territory with disrespect and with arrogance. 

Fox lives in the cities and towns and raids the garbage and steals the odd small dog and cat.  Fox tells us that we humans must adapt to them as Fox has had to adapt to humans.  When we speak to Fox, Fox tells us that he can recognize whether we are sincere, whether we are trustworthy, and whether we can cohabitate together.

Today, when you are out in Nature, look for Fox and make an agreement to live with him and with other animals.


Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Spirit Animal - Lion and Leo August 1 2017


Figure 1 from August 1 Zodiac

Time moves more quickly, it seems, through the summer.  Although the sign of Leo starts on July 23 (until August 22), many people associate August with the Zodiac sign, Leo.  Leo, or THE LION sign,  speaks to the character of individuals who are very much like the Lion who is king of his pride or community.

Lion has several messages for us as we kick off August.

  • Find what you are passionate about, and pursue that dream
  • Understand your environment, and make sure that you know the motives of everyone in your environment.  This is a way to stay safe.
  • Determine who you want to be in your community – friends, family, and acquaintances, and let those that do not fit in your energies drop off your circle.
  • Stay hydrated.


More on August 1

Angels Speak - August 1, 2014
Angels Speak - How Do You Set Intentions For August 1, 2011
Ancestors Speak – August 1 – Lammas
Earth Changes – August 1 2010 – Non Discrimination

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Spirit Animal - Elk on Confidence


Sometimes, information and guidance comes from strange places.  Elk stepped in to provide some tips on being confident.  Here is what he had to say.

  • Always stand tall.  Never let your spirit be pushed down by someone else's opinion.  Their opinion is their problem, not yours.
  • Walk with purpose.  When the wolves surround the Elk, we move with dignity and do not show fear. We stay together but each of us is alert.
  • Choose where you want to go.  Elk are very individual and will go in the direction that calls to them.


Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Spirit Animal - Mountain Lion


Mountain Lion comes in to talk about life and to give advice.  She says that life is tougher in the mountains this year than the last several years.

  • She predicts that some mountain lions will perish because there is a lack of food
  • She also predicts that more mountain lions will lose their lives to human interference whether by accident, or by hunting
  • She tells us that staying physically active will keep one strong and able to face the issues that are coming from the changing weather
  • She says that having good shelter is very important
  • She ask that you listen to your intuition or instinct and follow it.

See more on mountain lion/cougar at


Thursday, 23 June 2016

Spirit Animal - Deer Family


The Deer family came out of the bush and on to the edge of the lawn.  Mother Deer was very cautious.   She looked both ways before letting Junior out.  Once out of the woods, Junior wanted to run and play.  Another Deer and her two fawns were coming out of the bush further west.  Junior spotted them, and like all kids, wanted a chance to play with his buddies.

The two Moms moved together as the fawns played.  Moms were sharp eyed and did not eat, but kept swiveling their heads to make sure danger was not around. After the little guys worked off some energy, both parents herded the fawns to patches of grass and urged them to start nibbling.  Then they took them to some different trees and showed them that the leaves were good to eat.  The last stop was the flower bed where they showed the fawns which flowers they could eat. 

It was a lot of fun to watch.  There were also some good lessons about life in the deer family's outing.  What lessons did you pick up on?


Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Spirit Animal - Canada Goose


The Canada Goose was out with her newest offspring, letting them get used to the water.  She and Dad Goose were very mindful of anyone or anything getting too close to the babies.

The Canada Goose is a wonderful example of having children and setting them free.

  • In the beginning of their life, the goslings are the most important part of the parent's life.
  • Mama Goose teaches the babies the correct things to eat, how to move through different currents, how to see danger and how to be safe.  The goslings take it all in.
  • As the goslings get older, the parents teach them about the "oneness" of the flock, and about being in service to the flock.  Service involves things like taking your turn as lead on the flying squad, staying fit, and taking your turn at guard duty.
  • The goslings move forward in life with a sense of strong self worth, ready to take on anything, and to travel great distances.


Sunday, 5 June 2016

Spirit Animal - Red Winged Blackbird


There were 16 Red Winged Blackbirds sitting together on the branches of willows that ringed the water pond in the park.  They trilled back and forth.  They talked about being here (in the park) for another year.  About the migration from the south, and the food supply, and where there were good spots for the nests. 

The discussion highlighted a few things:

  1. Home and neighborhood is important.  It is really good to have friends that you can depend upon.
  2. A supply of good, clean water is important.  The closer to where you live, the better.
  3. Protection, such as the protection to animals/birds offered by the park, gives one peace of mind.
  4. A consistent supply of the right kind of food ensures that you will be able to support your offspring.

This all sounds like good advice. 


Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Spirit Animal–Grizzly Bear on Life


Grizzly Bear has been popping up all over the place in my life recently.  Grizzly comes in to talk about freedom and how one must be planning now, on how to preserve the freedom to come and go as we please.

Grizzly also talks about having enough food to sustain one's self.


Saturday, 9 April 2016

Spirit Animal - Robin Sings


The Robins returned to our yard and each morning, at about 4:20 AM, they begin singing and sending cheer throughout our yard and surrounding neighbor yards.  Much like the Monks who rise at 4 AM to chant in the day, Robin's music meditation lifts your spirits and lets your imagination soar. 

Robin, legends say, is celebrating that it could steal a fire ember and bring fire to earth.  In the process, its breast feathers were scorched red and its head was blackened with smoke and soot.  So, Robin sings of bravery and of going beyond your self.


Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Angels Speak - To Be Mentally Strong


I love this! I have used it for many things – and all that see it say that they find it inspirational.  I love this poster because it gives us guidelines for living a comfortable life.  I hope that you find this helpful as holiday time can be stressful for some people.
