Showing posts with label Art of Healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art of Healing. Show all posts

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Sharing - Activating Hope Summit

 Hi everyone,

I received this email from Greg Braden and thought it was worth sharing.

“Hope is what enables us to keep going in the face of adversity.” —Jane Goodall

In the face of crisis and upheaval, division and isolation, it can be easy to overlook the power of optimism. Now more than ever, hope is desperately needed.

After almost 60 years of groundbreaking environmental conservation work, Jane Goodall is turning her attention to today’s urgent need of species conservation—namely, local people and the environment. After all, we only have one planet. So we need to act together, today.


Led by a broad roster of revolutionary minds—including Jane herself—the Activating Hope Summit sets out to infuse hope in these trying times, giving participants the vision and tools to fight for our global future together. The Activating Hope Summit brings you...

  • Beacons of Hope Teachings & Conversations. Embrace one-hour messages of hope from a collection of diverse voices, including wellness leaders, beloved musicians, prominent activists, and more.
  • Daily Workshops led by some of today’s top mindfulness leaders and luminaries, these daily 45-minute workshops explore how hope can be infused into all facets of everyday life—from grief to movement.
  • Dozens of short videos from socially conscious, high-profile individuals aimed at providing bite-sized moments of hope and inspiration.

>>Click Here to Register for the Activating Hope Summit!


Sunday, 7 January 2018

Energy - Job This Year

Everyone seems to wonder what their purpose or job is – the purpose of their life.  I think that it changes from time to time, depending on what is going on in the world.  I hear mystics talking about all the things that need to be done this year to change the tide of negative energy.
I think that the number one job this year for all of us is to keep our cool and to bring peace and calm to where ever we are.  Calmness inspires others.  It gives one an identity.  It brings healing to anger and aggression.  With calmness, we can show kindness and positivity.  It is a chance to change our environment.
If we each change our environment, then eventually, the environments will link together to form a net of calmness and peace.
Many blessings.

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Healing - Invest in Yourself


There are lots of healing modalities available for anyone to try.  Some modalities offer classes so that you can learn to do deeper self healing.  Some modalities require practitioners to work their expertise on your body/mind.

Regardless of the modality that you choose, spend some time exploring it.

Some of my favorite methods of healing are:

  • Massage
  • Meditation
  • Reiki
  • Reflexology
  • Chanting

Try to find the things that make your heart sing, and follow them.


Sunday, 29 October 2017

Healing - Its Not About Success; Its About Interacting


Life is about moving forward.  It is hard to move forward when you are ill, or in despair, or depressed, or fighting an injury, or living with PSTD, or…..

All of those things interfere with life.  They make us stuck.  Healing is about being unstuck. 

Like the poster says, we need so many people that are able to heal with their art, peaceful ways, stories, love, and with their helping hands. 

You can choose what you want to be.


Saturday, 21 October 2017

Healing - Chanting


A powerful form of healing is chanting. Many of us do this unconsciously when we hum.  Mothers hum to their babies and young children. We hum to ourselves in times of stress or of happiness.

A common spiritual chant is OM (AUM).  This sound – the OM sound – was sung in the original pitch of 136 Hz, so that the power of Om, as it resonates with the Earth's own frequency (

There are many chants that one can repeat for calming, healing, nurturing, or for praying.  Try several – you can listen to them on YouTube – and then stick with one, repeating it three times a day for 21 days.  You will see a difference.


Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Healing - Releasing Resentment


It may seem to readers that have been following this blog for the past couple of days that the theme seems to be SELF LOVE.  That is true.  However, there are so many aspects to the harm that we do to ourselves that we need many ways of undoing the harm, and many ways to promote healing.  One of the most common destructive emotions I see in clients is resentment.

I like this exercise on releasing resentment.  It appears in many books and articles.  The exercise write up comes from the blog

Dissolving Resentment

Dissolving resentment can be simple, not easy but simple. One of the best exercises I have used in my own life and offered to my clients is an exercise that Louise Hay shares in her book, “You Can Heal Your Life” and she point out that this is an old Emmet Fox exercise that helps to dissolve resentment. Since it helps to dissolve the resentment, it will also help you in forgiving others and in forgiving yourself.

  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths and when you feel relaxed, imagine yourself in a special place. This special place can be anywhere that your imagination takes you, perhaps somewhere in nature or to a special forgiveness room that you can return to again and again when doing forgiveness work.
  • In the spirit of forgiving others, think of someone who you resent in some way or someone who has upset, hurt or offended you. See this person sitting in front of you, at a distance that feels comfortable to you. If for any reason it is not comfortable for you to invite this person into the sacred space that you have created with your imagination envision them behind a wall of glass or in a room across from yours or see them on the TV screen, be creative and do what feels comfortable.
  • When you see this person clearly, visualize good things happening to this person – things that would be meaningful to him. See him or her smiling and happy. Hold the image for a few minutes and then let it fade away.
  • Now take a moment to do the same for yourself. Once the image of the other person fades, see good things happening to you. See yourself smiling and happy. Feel how good this feels. Close your session with gratitude.

Remember, the information in this blog  is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider for a medical condition.


Thursday, 5 October 2017

Healing - Everything Does Heal


Science has proven that our physical body can heal itself.  When the physical body does not heal, some doctors believe it is because the organ or area damaged has a memory of trauma that stops it from regenerating.  To help our body heal, we need to undo the trauma that it is storing in its memory cells. 

Sometimes, the trauma is caused by the painful memories.  Have a look at the following information from, which is an excerpt of information from Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence, by neuropsychologist Rick Hanson. (link to the whole article

How to HEAL

Based on the latest in neuroscience finds Rick Hanson offers a simple, yet effective, method for rewiring the brain from the negative emotions associated with trauma to the positive emotions associated with health and wellness. In his book, he describes a four step process using the acronym HEAL.

  1. Have a positive experience.

Step 1 activates a positive mental state, and steps 2, 3, and 4 install it in your brain. In step 1 we notice a positive experience that’s already present in the foreground or background of your awareness. In the example I offered at the beginning, I tuned into an experience where I felt safe and supported, and brought to mind experiences of safety and security.

  1. Enrich it.

Too often we spend minutes, and sometimes hours and days, ruminating over a negative experience, but we gloss over the positive. Here we take time to deepen the positive experience. I would open myself to the feelings of support I have in my life. I would picture and my wife and friends and the many supports I have, filling my inner conscious with at least 10 to 20 seconds of positive memory.

  1. Absorb it.

Here we imagine ourselves drinking in the experience. I imagine all my cells being infused with the experience. I feel it sinking into me and becoming part of my brain and all the parts of my being.

  1. Link positive and negative material.

Hanson describes this as an optional step. We don’t want to become overwhelmed by the negative, but to hold the negative in consciousness while it is infused with the positive. Hanson uses the image of a garden. We imagine the beauty of beautiful flowers we are planting. We become aware of the weeds and gently pull them out so there’s room for growth. He concludes by saying, “Whenever you want, let go of all negative material and rest only in the positive. Then, to continue uprooting the negative material, a few times over the next hour be aware of only neutral or positive things that may have been associated with the negative.

Remember, this information is not meant to replace or refute any advice from a physician or medical expert.


Saturday, 15 July 2017

Saint Germain - Show Your Emotions


Saint Germain tells us over and over that we must release our emotions and not keep them bottled up inside.  When we keep emotions inside, we provide an entry point for did-ease.  And, did-ease leads to major illnesses.  Get stuff out!

Our bodies know how to heal themselves so it is time to get the stuff out so that healing may commence.  Scientists have proven that our cells regenerate.  If you have an injury or ailment that will not heal, it is because healing is blocked by the emotion that is stuck in that organ, or that gastric system, or in the cardiovascular system. 

Stuck emotions become gooey and dark in our bodies.  The emotions make us tired and cranky, and depressed.  We do not need to hang on to them


Friday, 21 April 2017

Spirit Guides - Picking People


The Spirit Guides tell us that people can drain our energy because they are so needy.  Sometimes, that neediness translates into them saying nasty things to us.  When they are nasty and put us down, they feel powerful.  We feel abused and drained.

The Spirit Guides tell us that the best people to be around are the people that make us feel peaceful and calm.  They help to inspire us to do different things.  We think our world is better because we have met them.

We have the free will to choose the people around us.  It is an act of healing to let go of the people who drain us.  It is a change of life to refuse to let others hold us down.  Our destiny is to be happy and loving and compassionate.

Start today.


Saturday, 25 March 2017

Nature Speaks - Nature Your Soul



All the things that we need to live can come from Nature.  Nature has always been there for humans.  Now, however, man wants to replace Nature with things that are artificial.  Man thinks that humans can be fooled into thinking that artificial is better.

Nature tells us that the best things in the world for humans are the natural things – fresh fruit, fresh veggies, herbs, and large, healthy trees, fresh water, and the invigoration of the four seasons.  Today, give up the artificial.  Cook and eat fresh goods. 


Wednesday, 1 February 2017

February as a Step Into Spring


The weather has been cold and there is lots of snow.  It seems difficult to believe that in two weeks the weather man is predicting melting temperatures.  We snuggle in our homes and semi-hibernate as the cold roles through.  We admire the snow because it is clean and bright, and we if we are avid winter people, we get out and ski, snow shoe, or walk.

The challenge for all of us is to find grace in what we do each day.  As February moves into SPRING, we have a chance to practice the art of self healing – the letting go of things that bother us or of people that bother us.  Our Ancestors used the winter to review their life and to think about changes that they wanted to make come spring.  We can achieve what we think of. 


Thursday, 5 January 2017

Angels Speak - About Life Lessons



Moving through life does not happen without one meeting obstacles.  The obstacles are like accidents or detours on the road when you are driving from A to B.  Although we may curse the delay and set back in our travels, in LIFE, these delays and setbacks always prepare us for what is yet to come.

The Angels speak and tell us that a guardian angel is with you always, and that that Angel will keep you where you are supposed to be, for that is what guardian angels do.  This means that what ever happens to us is perfect for our life. 

If we do not want the series of unfortunate events, then we need to shift our belief system, our values, and our evaluation of self.


Thursday, 15 December 2016



It is a funny state of affairs that when we are born, our parents look at us and think that we are perfect.  Then, as we get older, they tell us all the things that we must do to change, to be perfect.

One of the definitions from says that the word "perfect" means "entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings". The amusing part of the definition is that flaws, defects, and determination of shortcomings, are all in the eye of the observer. 

The observer only sees what is on the surface.  And, the observer only sees what his or her limited vision can see at the time.  So, how can anyone know that another is perfect, or not.

The Angels tell us that each of us is perfect inside and out, and perfect for the life that we have chosen at this time.


Monday, 7 March 2016

Angels Speak - Having New Eyes


Every day, life moves around us.  Sometimes, one thing shifts, and we see everything with new eyes because the perspective has changed.  We each have preconceived ideas about people, situations, money, relationships, and so on. 

We change often because of an act of kindness.  You might call an act of kindness that someone extends to you, a gift.  The action enables the art of healing one's self. 

Think about a situation where you blame somebody for a perceived wrong against you.  Now, hold the picture in your mind, and look at it from a different view.  Look at it from the view that the aggressor was hurt in some way, physically or emotionally.  Look at from the view that you were to learn a lesson – perhaps on compassion.  Look at it from the view that you were put there to help that person.


Friday, 26 February 2016

Angels Speak -


When you attempt to do something "big", the world will tell us that we have a very high probability of failure.  The Angels tell us that we have already been successful because we set our goals high. 

The paradox is that many want you to fail; they do not want you to succeed.  A young man in Ontario worked three jobs to pay off his mortgage.  He paid it off in a year and a bit.  As a child, he had experienced their home being repossessed.  He vowed it would not happen to him. 

He was successful in paying off his mortgage.  He celebrated with friends, and the story hit the media.  Soon after his story was published, he started to get hate mail, angry phone calls, and even death threats.  People were angry with him. 

They were angry that he succeeded.  Those folks around him took his sacrifices as a personal challenge to them, and they resented him.  He did something great.


Monday, 25 January 2016

Nature Speaks - The Art Of Healing


Have you read any articles in the past six months that talk about how western medicine is beginning to fail?  There are shows and discussions about this on the radio and on television or the internet. The big issue seems to be that the artificial medicines are no longer beating back diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, and infection.

Lone Pine Publishing has several books on herbs and plants, and healing.  I am reading "Medicinal Garden Plants for Canada".  It is filled with information about the plant and the ailment in humans that the plant can heal.  White clover tea, for example, is used by First Nations people to revive the exhausted or to fight fevers. 

The best thing is that many of these plants can be grown in balcony pots.  Perhaps it is time to try growing some plants to experiment with.
