Showing posts with label Herb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herb. Show all posts

Saturday, 7 April 2018



Our family loves soda bread.  We use this recipe because it tastes good, and it feels like it lifts our spirits. 

If you feel down, try the soda bread.


--Makes 16 servings..

1 ½ cups of all purpose white flour

1 cup whole wheat flour

2 tablespoons of granulated sugar (I use brown sugar)

1 ½ teaspoons of baking powder

½ teaspoon of baking soda

½ teaspoon of sea salt

1/3 cup of grated cheddar cheese (for a different taste, use raisins or currents)

1 tablespoon of rosemary flakes or crushed rosemary or fresh herb rosemary as in the picture

1 egg 1 ¼ cups of buttermilk (I use regular milk with 2 tablespoons of white vinegar)

3 tablespoons of vegetable oil

In a large bowl, combine all purpose flour, whole wheat flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Stir together well. Stir in cheese and rosemary seeds into flour mixture.

In a separate bowl, combine egg, buttermilk and oil. Pour liquid ingredients over flour mixture and very lightly combine together into rough dough.

Place dough in 9 inch by 2 ½ inch spring form pan lined with parchment paper. Bake in preheated 350 degrees Fahrenheit oven for 50 to 55 minutes. Remove from pan and cool on rack.

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Smudging Has Medical and Spiritual Benefits


Anyone that starts on a spiritual practice learns about smudging with sage, juniper, lavender, palo santo wood, or with frankincense, myrrh, or any other number of products. Many incenses are also pure enough to be good smudging agents. Smudging is a way of clearing the energy or aura around one's self or around others to get rid of negative energy. Anecdotal evidence provides many reasons to keep smudging:

  • The feeling of being lighter or clearer
  • Feeling one can breath better
  • Feeling that the space that was cleared is less dense then areas that are not cleared

However, there is now scientific evidence showing the benefits of smudging.  Because a remarkable 2007 study titled, "Medicinal smoke reduces airborne bacteria," published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, we now know that smudging may be one of the most powerful antiseptic technologies ever discovered.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

We have observed that 1 hour treatment of medicinal smoke emanated by burning wood and a mixture of odoriferous and medicinal herbs (havan sámagri=material used in oblation to fire all over India), on aerial bacterial population caused over 94% reduction of bacterial counts by 60 min and the ability of the smoke to purify or disinfect the air and to make the environment cleaner was maintained up to 24 hour in the closed room. Absence of pathogenic bacteria Corynebacterium urealyticum, Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens, Enterobacter aerogenes (Klebsiella mobilis), Kocuria rosea, Pseudomonas syringae pv. persicae, Staphylococcus lentus, and Xanthomonas campestris pv. tardicrescens in the open room even after 30 days is indicative of the bactericidal potential of the medicinal smoke treatment. We have demonstrated that using medicinal smoke it is possible to completely eliminate diverse plant and human pathogenic bacteria of the air within confined space."

Not only did the burning of medicinal herbs clear aerial bacterial populations by 94% within one hour, but a full day later, the closed room was still effectively decontaminated. Even more amazing, a full month later, seven other pathogenic bacteria in the open room were still non-detectable.  There is evidence that smudging is more effective than Lysol type air purifiers. 

Action Plan

Go out and buy some sage, sweet grass, lavender, or any combination, and give your home a good cleansing.  Post a comment telling the rest of us how it worked for you.

Many blessings.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Nature Speaks - Be An Original


Nature creates species of things and then lets them develop the way that they need to.  Very few things in Nature are identical.  The amount of freedom and creativity within Nature is awe inspiring.

Humans however, seem to think that they need to "copy" someone else.  They believe that to mimic is to show praise.  Instead, it shows absence of originality and creativity.  To copy is to minimalize the beauty of the self.

Today, be your original self.


Sunday, 17 July 2016

Food Wise - What You Eat


All of us need to be mindful of what we put in our mouths.  Fake, free, fast, and cheap are all adjectives that are used to sell us prepackaged food filled with preservatives.  Funny, though, the preservatives will not preserve us; rather, they break us down.

We can choose food that is healthy, healing, and wholesome.  We can find ways to make meals fun.  Making food is time consuming, yes, so use that time as a form of meditation.  Use it for rest or for growth.


Friday, 1 April 2016

Nature Speaks- Bringing in April 2016


Fig 1 – preparing the garden, source unknown

The turning of the seasons is something that I look forward to because it tells me that there are cycles. If there are cycles in one place, there will be cycles in other parts of our life. 

An interesting  exercise is to sit down, with no distractions, and list out the major events in your life, with the month and the year, to see if you can identify any cycles in your life.

Back to Nature – the message from Nature and from Mother Earth is that it is time to be responsible for your own food.  You can source it from farmers/farmer's markets, or, you can grow your own in pots. 

Herbs are easy to grow indoors. Use the herbs in all your cooking, and dry some to make tea.  Blend the dry herbs for different teas.

Here is a great tea recipe from Http://

Cold Care Tea

Calendula flowers
Sage leaves
Hibiscus flowers


  • Place a pinch of each into a glass jar. Boil water. Add water to the jar.
  • Place lid on the jar.
  • Allow to steep 8-10 minutes.
  • Add a little herb-infused honey

The best part about this tea is that you can grow these plants in your house, on your balcony in pots, or in your garden.  Our ancestors had two gardens – one for vegetables and one for herbs.  The herbs were the medicine, and they were gathered frequently.


Friday, 27 February 2015

Angels Speak - Nature Has Simplicity


As spring creeps closer, The Angels tell us to spend more time outside, out in Nature, because the simplicity of nature can balance out the daily stress in everyday life.

The Archangels tell us that there is much healing in Nature and from Nature.  They refer to the natural remedies made from herbs, or weeds, as westerners like to call them, and from the sounds of nature.

The Creator allowed for humans to mix with Nature so that natural oneness might transpire.  For many, oneness never happens.

Where do you want to be today?


Thursday, 19 February 2015

Nature Speaks - On Satisfaction


It seems that often I see stories about people who are dissatisfied.  Being dis-satisfied means that one wants something that is not available to them.  It might be material goods, a job, a relationship, or even, abilities of some sort. 

My observation is that people that are not satisfied – and I am not talking about athletes who are striving for their best performance and therefore practice constantly – are looking for shortcuts.   The thing about life is that you have to live it. There are not any short cuts. 

Nature does not take any shortcuts in the growing cycle.  Healing only happens one way – with time.  Meditators only achieve oneness after hours and hours of meditation practice.  A herb only knows one way to be.  Life may be altered by prayer, and generally, the solution takes time.

The next time you feel dissatisfied, take a walk in Nature.  Life comes back into perspective.


Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Spirit Speaks - Nature is Part Of Me


As we move through the next several weeks, I know that keeping grounded and being in Nature will help me to cope with the mixed energies of those around me.   For me, December is a happy time.  For many, it is a time of great stress and of anguish and anger. 

When you feel that stress hit you, find a few minutes to walk in the park or by the river or lake or ocean. .  Lean against a tree.  Sit on a bench and be still.  Le the World talk to you.  Mother Nature has lots to say.


Saturday, 13 December 2014

Angels Speak - In Motion



This poster reminds me that sometimes, we get going so fast that we cannot stop.  And, some people never get started.  It is a wonderful thing to be so happy in life that one just keeps moving and growing and loving. 


Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Angels Speak - No Excuses


Gotta love the practical message in this poster!  Making excuses is an easy way to deflect responsibility from one’s self and to blame others.  (See Monday’s post)  Accept that you have to do “something” and that you have made that commitment. Accept that you cannot always meet commitments as there are circumstances beyond our control.  However, own up that you “did not do…..”, regardless of the reason.  It is going beyond and the feeling is quite freeing.


Sunday, 1 June 2014

Spirit Animal–Lady Bug Arrives

Summer arrives when Lady Bug arrives… that’s how I measure summer.  The weather warms up, in the mid 60 degrees, and Lady Bug appears on new leaves.  With her arrival, Lady Bug reminds us:

  • Fresh starts are not a favor; they are a birth right.  Everyone can start over as many times as they want.
  • This is a good time to get grounded and to remember what is important in life… family ties, home, neighborhood, and community.  They will always support you when your work place will not.
  • Every situation is a chance to spread your wings and try something new.  You might fall down.  However, know that you can always get back up!  It is empowering to get back up.


Thursday, 1 May 2014

Angels Speak - Growing and Growing



Today tells me that Summer is around the corner.

Today, I know that the leaves are emerging along the branches of the trees.

Today, the Sun is the warmest that it has been.

Today, I feel like I have moved through the quiet to the exciting time of the year.


Thursday, 2 February 2012

Mother Earth Speaks - How To Plan Companion Planting For Herbs


Dear Ones!  I come to speak to you about planting for some of you are getting ready to plant in green houses or even out doors.  You can give your herbs and garden plants a new kick start by planting different herbs with different plants.

For example, if you plant Basil with Tomatoes, you will repel insects that plague tomatoes.  This is a Mother Nature natural remedy for pests!  This works with potted plants as well as ground planted veggies. 

If you plant chives around apple trees, it will prevent scab on the apples.  Since chives have a lovely purple flower, it also brings the bees around to the apple tree.

Nasturtium plants repel aphids when planted with beans and tomatoes.  Nasturtium flowers can be used in salads and sandwiches.  Nasturtiums also make an excellent companion plant to not just broccoli or apple trees, but also to corn, sweet corn, Zea maize,  and cabbages. 

Harvesting your Herbs

As soon as there are enough leaves on the herb plant, that picking a few will not impair the plant's survival. This also means that the herb is ready to be harvested. Always harvest your herbs in the morning hours. It is usually in the morning that the herb plant's oils are at their highest concentration. When harvesting herb make use of a sharp knife, pruning scissors, or shears. Do rinse the herbs gently in cool water immediately after harvesting. Allow the herbs to air dry, or pat the herbs lightly with a paper towel. Use them immediately, alternatively, store in the refrigerator for later use.



See our websites: The February Magazine is up at
See also

I am happy to announce that my book is now available on…

Earth Wisdom Meditations: 111 Contemplations For People Who Love The Earth

Earth Wisdom Meditations: 111 Contemplations For People Who Love The Earth [Paperback] Judith Hirst (Author) A Kindle version is also available.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Spirit Speaks - The Rhythm Of Balance


The message that came up in my meditation is that we humans still do not understand the concept of balance in nature.  Balance has many different meanings – that is true.  Balance in nature is about taking and giving in return.  Humans practice this to some degree with the exchange of money for services.  This exchange, however, is not “in balance” because the theme of greed exists in the exchange. 

In Nature, when a plant takes nourishment from the Earth, it is constantly giving back to the Earth through the synthesis of sunlight, decayed plant material, and the cleaning that it does by drawing in “stuff” from the earth.  The balance is constant, and not done by having a value placed on it, but by being the very service that the plant, in this case, is able to provide. 

Our Ancestors always gave a gift when they took something from nature. The gift could be the smallest thing.  When seeding was done, the ground was worked constantly, which is good for the earth, and often milk or a brew of some sort was poured onto the earth as well, as a “thanks”. 

Even giving thanks every day is a form of returning energy, and helps to keep the balance.  Trying doing some of your activities in balance with the earth.  See how the energy starts to shift for you.


See the December 2011 Angels’ magazine  “Joyeux Noel”  at

See our websites:;;

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

How To Connect With Plant Life With the Goddess, Pamona


Pomona is the Roman goddess of fruiting trees and orchards. She watches over and protects fruit trees and cares for their cultivation.  She is the Goddess of plants, herbs, crops, and harvest.  In olden times, some of the crop was given to her for sharing with those without.

I am sharing with you one of the meditations from our New Moon meditation from several nights ago.  Pamona took us on a short journey to see what plants or trees we were connected with, and why.  Most of us saw a little story/movie around each tree or plant that we were connected with.  You can do this meditation at any time.  Please do this in sacred space or protected space.

“Dearest ones!  Welcome.  Take a deep breath in and out three or four times to relax your body.  Shrug your shoulders and loosen them from the tension of the day.  Move your neck around to loosen it.

Now, settle in comfortably for the journey.  Close your eyes and breath slowly.  Find your way to your safe place – the place you go when you meditate.  It may be the spot by the river, on a rock.  Or, it may be a sandy beach, or up on ledge on a mountain side.  Or, it may be a small clearing by a waterfall.  Where ever it is, go there now.  As you go, know that your guardian angel walks with you and that some of your other Angels that walk with you are staying in guarding position.  You are safe! You have nothing to fear.  You may go to this place to do the work that you need to do.

When you get to your spot, get settled.  Sit down and look around.  Breath in the clean, fresh air.  Know that this is a place where magic happens.  As you sit there, you begin to hear the sounds of bells and some tinkling.  You may hear the sound of some quiet drumming.  And, you hear laughter.  A beautiful, tall lady comes into view.  She is surrounded by small children who are laughing and playing instruments – drums, bells, little chimes – and she is surrounded by small birds and animals.  The entourage seems filled with love and joy. 

You realize as she gets closer that Pamona must be six feet tall, and that she is not slender, but well rounded and muscular.  She also looks very loving and kind.  You begin to feel a little bit of awe.

Pamona and her group surround you and begin dancing and singing around you.  You hear her say that she will connect you with the times that you were responsible for trees, fruit, plants, and perhaps, harvest.  She sings you to the points in time where you were one with a tree or plant.

Now, you will have a time of silence to connect to these memories in your cells.  In three to five minutes, you will be called back to your safe place.


Slowly, you come back from your journey with Pamona.  You are completely aware of the times that you had a special connection with a different tree, or herb, or other plant.  She and her group smile on you, and she touches your forehead, before they all disappear into the forest.

You shake your self and plant the memories firmly in your mind.  Then slowly, you come back to the now moment, and shrug your shoulders, and then open your eyes.

You give thanks to Pamona for her gift of memory, and thank Creator for the wondrous life that you have.

When you are back, it is a good idea to ground.  If you have time, write a quick synopsis of your meditation in your journal.

Look for the September Angels’ magazine in the next few days at

See our websites:;;;

Friday, 11 March 2011

Mother Earth Speaks - See Further



I hear your questions about the way things are.

I say to you that it need not be like this – no one needs to be hungry or without shelter.

How people end up this way is by making choices. 

These choices are not right or wrong.  I ask you to see further than seeing something as black or white.

All that occurs is because of the plan that is laid out for each of you, and for me.

Each plan causes us to take action and to leave passivity behind.

I see further than I did one million years ago.

I see the beauty of the interaction of the organisms under my care.

I too have learned to expand my compassion. 

And, I have learned that I must follow the natural processes.

I see how well housecleaning serves us all.

I will move forward with the changing of the land.

I will clean up the waters for the waters are nourishment to many.

I will be strong in my guidance to all of you.

Again I say, “See Further!”  See our new page Tools for Healing

The March 2011 Magazine is now up at as well as an updated  listing of events.  

See our websites:

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Spirit Speaks – Using Nettles (Herb)


A Stinging Nettle in the field.

When I was growing up, every summer was filled with chores that helped put food on the table.  One of the chores was pulling weeds.  Our farm was located in what is called light soil, and so the soil had a sand component.  Contrary to the belief that stinging nettles only grow in damp places, these nettles grow mostly anywhere, and they grew very well in the garden.  We had to wear long sleeve shirts and gloves to weed them out of the plants because we kids did get rashes from the nettles.

What makes this somewhat ironical is that in the spring, when the stinging nettles were first coming out, and when they were still quite soft, my mother would make us gather the nettles and we would have a feed of steamed green nettles, at least once a week for three weeks.  Mom said that it was a spring tonic that cleaned out the winter colds and flu bugs still stored in our bodies. 

As I got older, and became more interested in the properties of different plants, I learned a bit more about this amazing weed.

  • Stinging nettle contains natural antihistamines and anti-inflammatories (including quercetin), that open up constricted bronchial and nasal passages, helping to ease hay fever, and nose & sinus type allergies symptoms.
  • Nettles were used as a tonic for the female system.  This was discovered by the Native American women who used it throughout pregnancy and as a remedy to stop haemorrhaging during childbirth. It is considered one of the best all round women's tonics.
  • Nettles are amazing in that they contain protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, beta-carotene, along with vitamins A,C, D, and B complex, all in a form that is easy for the body to use.
  • Nettles act as a diuretic that encourages excretion of uric acid and therefore helps prevent kidney stones.

Add a little nettle to your meal this spring!


Other herb posts -   Spirit Speaks – Blueberries (Bilberry) (Herb)Spirit Speaks – Feverfew (Herb),   Spirit Speaks – Sweetgrass,   Ancestors Speak – Using Dandelions (Weeds) as Medicine (Herb)

See all the available audios on the “I AM” series with Archangel Michael at   See the new May Magazine at

Monday, 20 July 2009

Ancestors Speak – Using Dandelions (Weeds) as Medicine (Herb)

Picture of Dandelion from
As the summer rolls on, I am more intrigued by the idea of the plants that we know as “weeds” being healing plants.  I wonder then why someone labelled plants like quack grass and dandelions as weeds.  Could it be so large pharmaceutical companies like Monsanto, can create herbicides that wipe out healing plants? It is just a silly thought that I had.
Our Ancestors used dandelion leaves or greens in the spring, in salads and with bread and cheese, to get the nutrients that were not available through the winter.  Yes, Dandelion was a tonic.  Not only is the early spring dandelion rich in vitamins, it also has a mineral component.  Now, however, we simply eat artificial vitamins.
The tea made from Dandelion roots and leaves is used to soothe rheumatism, gallbladder and liver conditions, indigestion, and to relieve fluid retention.  Dandelion does have anti-inflammatory medicine within its roots, and therefore seems to be effective in treating arthritis or other inflammatory joint problems.  And, it is easy on your stomach!
Dandelion leaves and roots may be dried in the oven, after being thoroughly washed, at about 150 degrees Fahrenheit.  Spread the leaves and roots over parchment paper on a cookie sheet.  Try to keep the roots and leaves from overlapping since they dry faster. It may take two to three hours for a tray full of Dandelion to dry.  Keep checking it after two hours.  When it is dry, crush it, and store it in a glass jar to keep freshness, or store it in the freezer, taking out what you need to make a weekly pot of tea. 
Did I mention that a delicious wine may be made from the Dandelion flowers?  Well, that is not really medicine.  Perhaps I better stop now.   Do you have a story about Dandelion?  Share it with me, please!     Watch for the August 2009 newsletter at 
See  Ancestors Speak – Quack Grass As A Remedy; Ancestors - Home Remedy for Diarrhea, IBS, Colitis Symptoms

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Juniper Medicine (Herb)

Juniper Berry picture from Wikipedia

A good read is Whispers From the Woods by Sandra Kynes (Lewellyn Worldwide, Woodbury, MN The description of one of the trees really struck a me with a moment of AHA! All over Canada, it seems that juniper bushes get planted in front of the house or behind the house or in the yard.
Kynes talks about the fact that juniper bushes were planted in front of a house as a protection against witches. She also talks about the German belief that having a juniper bush in front of your house will prevent thieves from breaking into the house and stealing all the valuables. Did you know that juniper berries could be used to make gin?
What is really striking is that in the West, we have acres of juniper, if it were all together in one lot. It is striking that because of its medicinal purposes for colds, aches, and pains among other things, that almost every home then has a little medicine cabinet outside the door. Yet we are not conscious of the properties of the plant. We do seem to be conscious that somehow juniper is beneficial for we name many things from network systems, to music to designs after the juniper bush.
The juniper tree's greatest gift is the berries.  These berries may be used to make a diuretic tea that does not seem to diminish one's electrolytes as over the counter diuretics may do.  Pick the berries when they are ripe and then place them on a cookie sheet covered with brown paper. Place the cookie sheet in a dark place - a pantry - for three days. The berries will dry. They may be stored in a cloth pouch and used, a teaspoonful at a time, in tea.  Pour boiling water over the berries, and mash a bit, and let the tea steep for three minutes.  Sweeten with honey if you find the taste too bitter.
Let us know how your medicine from juniper turns out. Let us know too, if you have any juniper recipes to share. Bright blessings!
Judith  (