Showing posts with label Self Worth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self Worth. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Dealing With Guilt


Psychologists - Freud in particular - talk about two types of guilt - persecutory and reparative. The meanings of these labels is a complex explanation.  The Google Dictionary meaning of guilt refers to two types of guilt: 1) the guilt from having committed an offence or crime, or a perceived offence, and 2) guilt used as a manipulation to make someone do something.  For example, when a parent says it you do not do this thing for me, then you do not love me!

Guilt is an emotion that we get saddled with early on in our lives.  Someone tells us that we have done something wrong or bad and we feel guilty.  The problem is that everyone heaps guilt on us but no one says - here is how you relieve the guilt.

One of the best ways to release guilt is to forgive yourself, and promise yourself that you will not repeat the situation.  You can do this before you ask someone else for forgiveness.  If the person is not noted for being forgiving, then skip them because they will simply heap more guilt on you.  

An exercise that I do to release guilt is to write out what I am feeling guilty about and why.  I add the person's or group's name if I owe them an apology.  I say a short prayer of self forgiveness and ask that the person or group forgive me.  I throw my paper into the fire in the fireplace and ask the Universe to wash me in forgiveness for that action.  I give thanks.  I let the issue/action go.

This may not work for everyone as it works for me.  I teach this process to students and the students tell me that it seems to clear a weight from them.  


Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Nourishing Ourselves


The Angels say that we must nourish ourselves continuously as we move through the next several years.  The changing energies, weather, and fluctuations in our abilities will cause us to feel very tired and almost depressed unless we take care of ourselves. 

We are in a beautiful time of change.  We see the light move around us and we see new acts of kindness and goodness.  In the upheaval, we see Nature take on a new role where she spews out lava, rocks the world with earthquakes, and drowns the Earth with rain or drought.  We can get through all of this with a little self care. 

Many blessings.

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Self Care


I have been quite busy with work and family stuff.  The Angels have been telling me that I need to make sure that as well as taking care of others and other things, that I must take care of myself.  They say that I need more rest and more fun.  I am planning some fun things! 

As always, when I need something to spur me to action, a nifty article comes my way. Here is a fantastic meditation or mantra on self care from Louise Hay.

I love my body.
My body is perfect for me at this time. My body weight is also perfect. I am exactly where I choose to be. I am beautiful, and every day I become more attractive. This concept used to be very hard for me to accept, yet things are changing now that I am treating myself as if I were someone who was deeply loved. I’m learning to reward myself with healthy little treats and pleasures now and again. Little acts of love nurture me, doing things that I really like, such as quiet time, a walk in nature, a hot soothing bath, or anything that really gives me pleasure. I enjoy caring for myself. I believe it is okay to like myself and to be my own best friend. I know my body is filled with star light and that I sparkle and glow everywhere I go.

-----Excerpt taken from Meditations to Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Spirit Speaks -- Do Your Thing

imageIt is really difficult to be your own person if people ridicule you by saying things like "you're weird", or, "you are a freak".  People do not like to see you happy or plugged in to doing your own thing. Why? Because it frightens them that you may be doing something better or greater than what they are doing. 

To maintain our peace, we must learn to say the hard things to those who try to criticize and "you should" us.  The hard things are sayings like "your way is not my way.  Leave me alone."

Today, decide what you would like to do to be doing "your thing".

Many blessings.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Energy - Stretching


Picture from

Stretching For Energy

Have you ever watched a cat or a dog after they have awakened from a deep sleep, or even from a nap? The first thing they do is to stretch. And, it is not just a little stretch, it is a front paw, open jaw yawn, gut arranging, to the back paw stretch. The stretch energizes the muscles as fresh oxygen rushes through the blood and muscles. How may of us take time to stretch like this in the morning?

Do give yourself permission to stretch for energy and health each morning and when you need a break during the day. Start with your toes and stretch them wide apart. Stretch your calves, knees, and thighs. Stretch your abdomen and hips by sucking your gut in and out with a deep inhale and exhale. Stretch your ribs and stomach by arching backwards and extending your arms over your head and backwards. Then tilt your head back and yawn. The first couple of times that you stretch really hard, you may hear tendons creak, and you might even see stars! This is a good indicator that you really need this regular stretch. Think about adding stretching to your New Year’s resolutions.

Many blessings.

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Energy - Smiling


The Angels say that smiling was a gift given to humanity to help them change their emotional thermometer.  It seems when the Earth was dark and the vibration very low, humans, such as they were, gave off an angry, aggressive vibration.

For mankind to progress, the Angels say, the humans needed to be able to raise their vibration to pull in the small rays of light that were beaming to Earth.  The Angels pondered the problem.  They tried to give humans games, songs, and other activities to raise their spirits.  Nothing worked. 

The Angels took their problem out to the Universe and asked what might change the humans so that they were not so angry and aggressive.  The Universe, in turn, pondered the problem, and determined that a physiological solution was required.  The Universe realized that the humans needed to have some kind of self worth and needed to feel tranquility, and perhaps contentment.  Further, the humans needed to be able to express that they were not angry or feeling like fighting. 

The Universe decided on some physiological adjustments to the human DNA.  One of the mechanics placed in the DNA was the ability to change the face muscles to shift upward to show a relaxed countenance.  And, the Universe shifted the DNA to include some emotion and self awareness.  Over several generations, humans began to smile to show that they were content and happy with themselves and with each other.

Many blessings.

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Saint Germain - 12 Step Program to Self Care


Saint Germain found a poster that lists the twelve steps that we can each follow to improve our self care. 

These steps are not hard and fast rules; they are guidelines for those who have not had guidelines before.

Follow them.


Friday, 5 May 2017

Earth Ancestors - Your Legacy


Our Ancestors tell us that we can easily get caught up in the "me" and "I" moments of life.  They remind us that each generation needs to find something that has a greater meaning and that will be the long, lasting legacy that the children and grandchildren and later generations will find and hold with respect.

Our Ancestors encourage us to find something that is bigger than ourselves, to do, and to work with.  Many use some kind of volunteer work to begin the journey to go beyond one's self. 

What speaks to you that takes you outside of the concept of "me"?


Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Spirit Guides - The Story of Self





The mystery of self – the Spirit Guides tell us that we come to Earth to explore the mystery.  Many get side-tracked by the other things that happen, and they focus on outer things like celebrities, drama, "fixing things", and other things that distract them from looking inward.

The Guides say that now is the time to let go of the distractions.


Saturday, 15 April 2017

Spirit Guides - Who You Are


The Spirit Guides tell us that today is the day to realize that you are a very special contribution to the world.  The Guides say that we under value our worth because over the years, others have belittled our worth.  We are now in a place to learn about loving ourselves, and letting go of all the doubts that people have imprinted upon us.

Today is your day to find out that you are amazing, important, special, unique, kind, precious, and, that you are loved.


Saturday, 1 April 2017

Spirit Guides - There Are No Others


The greatest lesson to all mankind is that we are all one.  There are no others. 

As we move into April 2017, we can work on the integration of all beings into the oneness of being. 

We can work on Kindness to ourselves and to others.

We can examine what self worth means and why we have so much difficulty with our own self worth, and, instead, berate others.

We can find ways to feed our soul with love, purpose, and mindfulness.


Thursday, 23 March 2017

Nature Speaks - Be An Original


Nature creates species of things and then lets them develop the way that they need to.  Very few things in Nature are identical.  The amount of freedom and creativity within Nature is awe inspiring.

Humans however, seem to think that they need to "copy" someone else.  They believe that to mimic is to show praise.  Instead, it shows absence of originality and creativity.  To copy is to minimalize the beauty of the self.

Today, be your original self.


Sunday, 19 March 2017

Nature Speaks - The Burden of Life


Nature tells us that life is not a burden.  All the beings in her realm live their lives fully.  Some are short lived and some are long lived.  None of them have regrets or guilt.

Humans tend to create a world where everything is difficult.  Humans make it so.  Rather than going with the flow, humans create all sorts of hills and valleys that do not exist.  They create their own despair and desperation.

Today, find time to let go of your burdens and lift yourself and those around you up with the knowledge of the beauty of who we are.


Saturday, 21 January 2017

Buddha Speaks - Release Resentful Thoughts


The hardest thing about living life is the letting go of the resentful thoughts and grievances that we accumulate daily.   When we have resentful thoughts, the thoughts diminish our light. 

As a way to love yourself this year, let go of resentment and grievances.  Remember that you are the light to those around you.  By being in SERVICE and being MINDFUL, we expand our light and our self worth increases. 

Be you.


Sunday, 9 October 2016

Watch the Animation–The Present


Sometimes a film clip will catch you by surprise, and change your view of the world from the simple act of watching it.

The animation, "The Present" is a wonderfully clever movie that explains more about self worth than any thing that I have seen.

You can watch the movie on YouTube, at the link below.  CTRL and Click and you will pop over to YouTube.

Remember, YouTube links often change over time so at some point, this link may become obsolete.


Saturday, 17 September 2016

Change How You Work


All our lives, we have been taught that we need to work hard.  Hard means…not soft; solid and firm to the touch; unyielding to pressure and impenetrable or almost impenetrable… from 

We can still have focus and work steadily. We can work from home or from a cafe or even from a library unless your job calls for you to be hands on such as a welder or an electrician.  Even then as a welder, you want to work steadily and with focus, and with flexibility.  If you do everything hard and one way, your welds may break.

We are at a time in society when the concept of work is changing.  What is your new definition of work?


Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Spirit Animal - Canada Goose


The Canada Goose was out with her newest offspring, letting them get used to the water.  She and Dad Goose were very mindful of anyone or anything getting too close to the babies.

The Canada Goose is a wonderful example of having children and setting them free.

  • In the beginning of their life, the goslings are the most important part of the parent's life.
  • Mama Goose teaches the babies the correct things to eat, how to move through different currents, how to see danger and how to be safe.  The goslings take it all in.
  • As the goslings get older, the parents teach them about the "oneness" of the flock, and about being in service to the flock.  Service involves things like taking your turn as lead on the flying squad, staying fit, and taking your turn at guard duty.
  • The goslings move forward in life with a sense of strong self worth, ready to take on anything, and to travel great distances.


Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Angels Speak - We Need To Say the Hard Things



I read this poster and felt the zings that one feels when a truth is spoken.  I get this feeling when something I want to talk about is close to my heart.  I get choked up.  Emotion is what alerts us to the "important" things.  At a cerebral level, nothing is really that important. 

Think about all the things you will not talk about to others.  Make a list, just for yourself, and read it out loud.  Then, burn it or tear it into bits and flush it.  There!  You have talked about it.  You have loosened its hold on you.  Relax for a bit.
