Monday 4 November 2019

How We Treat The Earth

All around North America, we have been hearing about the journey of the young Greta Thunberg from Sweden, the environmental activist.  She seems to speak of caring for the earth, the environment, and about accepting responsibility for keeping the environment safe and pristine. 

It seems so amazing that people will listen to a young woman from another country about the same beliefs that indigenous peoples have always held.  In many cases, towns or cities or counties will often listen to expertise or advice from away rather than listening to those folks at home.  The belief being that one of our own cannot possibly know what is right.  

When we walk on the Earth, we know what feels right and wrong about it.  We know from looking at pictures that open pit mining creates drastic consequences for down the road.  We know that over cutting of trees will cause land slides and possibly mud slides.  We know that diesel emissions in cities can kill plants and trees, and that it hurts peoples' lungs.

What will you do to help the environment?
