Showing posts with label Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moon. Show all posts

Monday, 11 September 2017

Buddha Speaks - You Cannot Hide Three Things


When you observe conflict between people – families, friends, co-workers – quite often it seems the conflict is caused by someone keeping "something" a secret.  The secret or lack of communication causes the conflict.

As the poster says, the sun and the moon are natural phenomenon that must shine because of the natural bodies that they are.  In the same way, truth always shines because it occurs naturally, and will always be.


Saturday, 25 June 2016

The Tribal Names for the Full Moons



On Monday, June 20, the night sky was a show with the full moon – the Strawberry Moon – lighting up the sky at the end of the longest day. 

Several people have asked me about the name – The Strawberry Moon – and my reply is that there are many names for the June Full Moon, and for the other months' full moons. 

If you are interested in the Tribal names for the full moon, then check out this website, and you will see a listing of most of the tribes in the United States, and their names for each monthly full moon.  Enjoy. 


Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Nature Speaks–Natural Rhythms


The first of the month.  The month that heralds spring in the north.  And, in a few days – March 8th – will be the new moon, with the full moon on March 23. 

Our bodies feel the push and pull of the Moon.  As the moon governs tides, its magnetic energy calls to the water in our bodies.  We feel the urge to let everything go and do what we want instead of what we must.  We feel the call to roam or travel.  We want to go out and meet with our friends.  We want to stay awake and be part of life. 

When this month's moon is going through its phases, how will you react?


Saturday, 1 August 2015

Nature Speaks - Of Magic



Walking in my garden in the morning, I can feel the magic in the air.  I take the dogs into the park and walk through the woods, and I feel the magic in the trees.  Each of the places you go to find peace in Nature will bring you magic.  It is a meditation of beauty in practice every day. 

You can see the magic in a house plant or in the grass that grows in the sidewalk.  The plants show courage and happiness and how to move with the flow.


Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Spirit Animal - Grandmother Spider’s Words


I had this crazy dream about spiders and spider webs.  I was wandering in this big garden type forest.  I felt comfortable but was suspicious that something was not quite right about the place I was in.

I saw the word in a spider web – FAITH.  I was not sure if that was about faith in the dream or in my ability to see, or what it meant. 

I then walked further and saw the word – BEAUTY.  And, all around, there was beauty. 

I walked on and came to a small stream, flowers growing on the bank, the sound of birds, and I saw the word – BLESSING.  Yes, it truly was. 

I woke up feeling quite content.  I felt the peace that one gets walking in Nature, although I am pretty sure I did not leave my bed.  I felt that I had been gifted by the Goddess and Mother Nature with an extraordinary adventure.

It also made me think of that great book, Charlotte’s Web, and the fun that people have had over the years with that book and with the movie.

I was feeling pretty happy by the time I went to work.  I was mindful that Spider had come in as an animal guide, and was reminding me of things that I may take for granted.  I was reminded that Great Spirit is in everything. 

I am grateful.


Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Mother Nature Speaks - Blessing Prayer



Thank you to all of you that sent emails asking for more prayers. 

This prayer is a prayer and a blessing, so it is special.  It is one that I use for silent prayer for my friends when they are going through a tough time.


Sunday, 17 August 2014

Angels Speak - Finding Time



The Angels used this poster to remind me that there is more to life than working, regardless of what there seems to be to do.  There is always work to do for clients.

The message was:

Dearest One, we call to you and say that you need not hunch over your computer for so many hours.  Stand up. Breathe! Fill your lungs with oxygen and light.  Remember that you are a Divine being as is everyone that you work with.  You are more than what you see in the moment.

Relax!  Remember to find the time to stretch, to move around, and to fill your heart with gratitude that you can do these things.  Find time to do a short meditation or prayer.  It will rejuvenate you and let your heart sing.  Loving thoughts to you.


Friday, 1 August 2014

Angels Speak - August 1, 2014



Figure 1 – this comes from Wikipedia

August, with its clouds of scented blooms,
August, with its great stacks of giant clouds,
August, with corn plants standing like rows of soldiers,
August, with watermelons, full and heavy, dozing in the sun,
August, remember swimming in the lake?
August, remember baby Alice daintily eating berries from the vine?
August, remember Richie playing with the goat?
August, remember Donald practicing on his new saxophone?
August, and its lightening laced sky,
August, and newlyweds Pat and Chet decorating their first home,
August, and Billy the Brave, Billy the Fearless, on his two wheel bike,
August, and shimmering memories hanging like drops of dew,
August, the bountiful, August the full,
August, Mama hot, but smiling, over a platter of succulent roast chicken,
August, Daddy mixing her a frosty mint julep,
August, blessed harvest of memories,
Mary Naylor


Monday, 12 May 2014

Spirit Animal - Great Horned Owl’s Secret



The stories that are handed down tell of the Great Horned Owl that comes to visit those called to the Shaman’s Path.  You see, the Shaman are often also called ‘shape-shifters’ for they learn to adapt to other shapes as part of their growth and training.

The secret that Owl carries is that it is one of the forms of the Goddess, Artemis. Artemis comes to check the individual to determine whether the time is right to begin training.  If it is, Owl/Artemis will begin the training in dreamtime.  Those called to the path may find that Owl shows up in their life with great frequency.  The symbol or picture of Owl is an activator. 

If you are hearing Owl, know that you are starting the road of  a fascinating journey!


See more on Owl:

Spirit Animal – Owl Crosses Path

Spirit Animal - OWL Wants To Work With Humans

Spirit Animal – Owl

Spirit Animal – Hawk Owl Gives Advice

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Angels Speak–The Power of Prayer



While scientists have been trying for years to prove the power of prayer in terms of healing people, no group has studied the power of prayer on the individual.

A quote that I quite like says that Prayer is you talking to God/Universe while meditation is God/Universe talking to you.

Prayer gives the individual the opportunity to speak all of the things that is on one’s mind to a Presence that is non-judgmental, and that is absolutely silent.  This Presence does not recommend different solutions, jump in and try to fix things, or even give you a list of “shoulds”.  This Presence simply fills the space around you and listens.

Try it.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Angels Speak – Many Worlds


As we begin the New Year, remember that there are many worlds out there.  Anything is possible, and everything we know may no longer be true.

It takes courage to move through life with grace.  It is easier to move through every day looking to fight with everyone… it takes less energy.

May you move gently through this year.



Friday, 18 October 2013

Spirit Speaks – The Full Moon in October 2013

On the 18th of October, the Full Moon bathed the Earth in light.  And, on the same day is the Lunar Eclipse. 

Our Ancestors, the Earth Ancestors, knew that the Full Moon and the Eclipse were bringers of great power to the Earth.  The October Moon tells us what kind of winter we will have in the northern hemisphere.  It also tells us, through our dreams or through the many celebrations around the full moon, what issues will get stirred up in the human mind and emotional body.

For the next month or so, we all will be dealing with issues about truth, and what is truth.  We will need to look at our relationships with our family, friends, work, church/religion, and with our selves. We will be weeding out all the things that do not serve us any longer.  These are the things that hold us back from doing what we really want to do.  It is time.



Friday, 11 October 2013

Angels Speak–Find A Haven


One of my favorite movies is “The Blind Side”.  I think there is a great lesson in that movie for each of us.  In the scene where Sandra Bullock asks Michael how he escaped from being sucked in to the life that his mother had.  Michael replies that when ever anything bad happened, his mother told him to close his eyes.  He kept them closed until the bad stuff was over.

The lesson that Michael is teaching is that everyone can feel safe if they find a haven in their mind. 

Watch the movie and see if you agree.



Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Spirit Speaks – Catching The Dream

Great Spirit!

Hear me, your child of many birthing times call to you.

I feel the shifting of the buffalo in dream time. I feel the Earth shudder as the Sun and the Moon call her name.

Great Spirit, am I called to walk with you and learn some wisdom that will help my people?

My tribe is in need of peace and healing.

I see tribes around us fighting, greeding, polluting and killing.

I wish peace for all.

May the smoke of my sage carry my request to you, Great Spirit.

May you bless us all.



Monday, 5 August 2013

Angels Speak – Touch The Moon

The Angels say that we are too focused on the material.  To translate, what they mean is that we do not dream the lofty dreams that our Ancestors had.  Instead, we are caught up in texting, tweeting, face-booking, emailing, and gaming.  All things we do with our heads down to our phones, ipads, tablets, or computers.  We stare into technology instead of reaching out to the Universe at large. 

Today, try to touch the Moon.  Imagine all the ways that it might be possible.  What would it mean to you?  To others? 



Sunday, 21 July 2013

Spirit Animal – Antelope In The Sun


Antelope comes to everyone with a message as it strolls about the hills, in the Sun and Wind. She says that it does the Soul good to go out and walk the hills of Nature.  The hills contain plant life that is full of healing and that helps each of us to remember what it is like to be without technology links to the rest of the world.  The peacefulness envelopes the walker and the Wind brushes over the head and back, giving a gentle massage from Nature.

It is time for you to walk in Nature.



Monday, 22 April 2013

Spirit Speaks – Precious Human Life

dalai lama

“Every morning, recite this.” ~ Dalai Lama

The time before the full moon is usually difficult for most people.  The MOON pulls at you.  It brings out your dark side.  Yes, every month, Grandmother Moon reminds you that you are shades of dark and light.  This is the perfection of each of us. 



Sunday, 24 February 2013

Spirit Speaks - Responsibility for Ourselves


Last night, our Full Moon meditations focused on Self-Care.  This includes care for the Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual parts of our BEING.  As part of the discussion, we talked about how language can affect or, in some cases, effect what we do to help ourselves.  We have all been raised in a society that uses guilt to manipulate our actions.  Now is a great time to release this weight.



Saturday, 3 November 2012

Spirit Animal – Three Jack Rabbits In The Early Morning

We have been getting more snow than usual this early in the season.  So, when the dogs and I went out for our early morning walk, I was quite bundled up.  We were almost into the park when a white jack rabbit jumped up in front of us, having scooted out from under an evergreen tree.  As Merlin lunged after him, even though he was leash bound, the noise startled out two more white jack rabbits.  One of them stopped to look at me, and then she turned and ran.

When an animal makes eye contact, it is a sure sign that you must pay attention.  As we continued into the park, I processed the encounter.  I asked my guides for help.

The messages and images came through quickly.

  • It is time for the merging of the identities of the body, soul, and spirit so that they may “talk” freely together to help create the best situation for you right now.  (That explained the three white animals very easily – anything highly spiritual seems to be white.)
  • The time for hiding what you do, what you know, and who you are is over.  Come out from under cover.  Let who you are shine.
  • New opportunities are coming to you – three to be precise.  You will now find that things that were hidden before now come to light.  Move forward with ease.


Some of you may be getting these types of messages as well.  Go with this flow, and find out what new things are available to you. 



Saturday, 13 October 2012

Spirit Animal - Bear-lie Life

Always, the Universe surprises with the way she orchestrates events to happen.  Have you ever felt barely alive, or barely in synch with what was going on around you, or even barely awake?

What happens if you change barely to bear-lie?  “ I feel bear-lie awake.  I feel bear-lie in synch with my friends anymore.  I feel bear-lie alive!”

Perhaps you can see how one’s choice of words might show you which spirit animal that you are aligning with.  When Bear is getting ready to hibernate and ready to wake up, she is difficult, slow, and sometimes down right cranky.  Do you see any resemblance to your self?

Dear ones, this is a thought to explore.


