Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts

Sunday, 20 February 2022

A Change In Sleeping Patterns In The Last Several Months


                                                           Picture from

A strange thing is happening in North America to our adult sleep cycle.  Many, many people are saying that they are having two sleeps a night or one short sleep one night with a long sleep the next night, repeatedly. In the last three weeks, I have talked to family and friends and acquaintances that are all puzzling about why their sleep pattern is changing.

Our Ancestors went to sleep pretty much when the sun went down.  After sleeping for about four hours, they would wake up, have some water and something to eat and do something creative like reading/studying, writing, drawing, thinking, carving, baking, dancing, sewing, knitting, mending things, tending to animals, praying/being spiritual, and even watching the sky.  Then, they headed off to bed and slept until dawn or just past dawn, averaging about eight hours a night.  

This form of sleeping helped the Ancestors process food as they ate later and helped them have time to digest both the meal and the events of the day and plan for the next day. This sleep pattern helped them to be more alert, active, and spiritual.  Sleeping like this may have kept them healthier.

Compare the Ancestor’s sleep to the sleep many in North America have.  People eat late, drink late, work late, and sleep little.  In the past, I have heard so many folks describe sleep as a waste of time.  Lots of successful people talk about how little sleep they need.

The question then is - “Why is our sleep pattern suddenly changing?”  I think that there are multiple reasons that the sleep patterns are changing for many of us.

  • The isolation that most of went through the last two years because of the pandemic has caused us to rest more and I think that most of us are now caught up on sleep. As we merge back into a more mainstream style of working, our body/mind does not want to lose the creativity that we acquired during the pandemic so our brain creates a space for us to be creative.
  • There is a rising awareness of the Earth and our connection to it - a view fostered by great advocates like National Geographic and wise and dedicated environmentalists like Jane Goodall.  Being awake for several hours during the night helps us feel the connection to the Earth because it is so quiet.
  • The time that we are awake at night and processing and asking “why” is allowing us to connect and understand ideas bigger than ourselves.  We are actually becoming more spiritual (not religious).
I am sure that there are many other reasons.  Share them if you have some insight.  Meanwhile….

Many Blessings.

Friday, 31 December 2021

New Year’s Eve 2021

For those of you that have asked questions about how to set your intentions for the new year, I would like to share a beautiful ritual that one of my friends sent to me several years ago. 

I do not use this at New Years, however, this ritual is certainly right for that purpose.   I do use it to set intentions for any time.  It is powerful to use this ritual with the New Moon.


This is the initial technique - Setting Your Intentions for 2021 or any other time:

You start by asking yourself 4 questions...

  1. What do I want this year in my personal life
  2. What do I want this year for my financial life
  3. What do I want this year for my business life
  4. What do I want this year for my spiritual life

Then you write your answers. I feel into my body to identify in my heart what I am being drawn to create from the year. The MOST IMPORTANT part is to write it as if it has already happened.

As an example / template, here is an excerpt in part of what Maureen Collins (an artist) wrote for the category of business:

I am so grateful that this year became such an amazing journey of openness and discovery in my business, as it moved into the corporate world and lecture stage larger than ever before. I was able to deliver my shared vision via “What If? The Movie” through divine energy to hundreds of thousands of souls that were not only open to the information but contributed to the content collectively... AND they further delivered it to many more through word of mouth. This wisdom known to us all was a huge success with so many experiencing heart felt shifts and changes through the material offered by many like-minded souls. It became a place of safety and conversation for all who viewed it, and grew to include new audiences of those opening to the materials being offered by me and other contributors. The opportunity for the community to converse with one another about their own positive belief and pattern changes was a blessing and a joy to my heart, showing me the possibilities for all communities of the world. I loved watching and hearing the shifts and changes clients and friends and family were experiencing as they also awakened to how amazing and powerful they truly are, and reveled in the moments they shared with others in the community ...which triggered more openings and shifts and more sharing and so on. What fun... and so effortless and flowing... I felt like a kid again with all the discoveries...

You get the idea... write it as if it has already happened AND makes sure you include how you "felt" when it happened. Do this for each of the categories (there may be some overlap but the categories are designed to allow for specifics in those four areas of your life). This is a POWERFUL exercise that almost acts as plan for the year but flows through and creates a vibrational resonance with what you are desiring. You can do this over the next couple of days... I promise you it will really make a lovely impact. Then print it out post a couple of copies in places you will regularly see them to remind you what you are creating.


Ritual:  Burn and Release from Maureen Collins…

On a sheet of paper, I write out all of the things from the current year that I've outgrown, no longer want in my life,  no longer work for me, and anything else I feel I want to shed and leave behind.  On a separate piece of paper, I write all of the things I can think of and feel that I want to grow and expand in the new year.  I then burn each paper in separate dishes or shells, making sure all pieces are turned to ashes.  Then, when cooled, I put them into separate envelopes or containers (film canister, Ziploc baggie, etc.) and mark "to shed" and "to grow" on the container.   Around 5 minutes before midnight, I start visualizing all the things on the "to shed" list, and see them slip away, see them blown away and washed away, out of my energy field, out of my life and  out of my reality.  I go out side and pour the "to shed" ashes into my hand and let the wind scatter the ashes away and release them and all they re present, as the old year fades away.

After midnight, after blessing the new year, with the second container  "to grow",  I visualize all of these goals, desires, etc. coming to fruition, to this level of reality.  I bring that envelope down to the garden, and with a stick dig a small hole, then plant these ashes in the earth, near a tree or in a special place, (for those in apartments, I encourage them to use their favorite houseplant).  The ashes are a reminder of the life cycle, the power of nature and the honoring of Mother Earth, that these seeds of hopes and dreams are nurtured into reality, in the coming year.   This is a ritual that I've shared with many people, and even had a group in Ireland do it one New Years!  You may want to try this and tweak it and do it a way that suits you.

Happy New Year and many blessings! 

Note… the information in this post was used in 2011 and again in 2018 on this blog.  This information is timeless!

Friday, 1 October 2021

Energy Healing with Spring Forest Qigong


 (Picture from Trout Ponds off of Highway 40 on the way to Highwood Pass)

Last night I watched an informative video on YouTube on the Spring Forest Qigong channel with a session by Chunyi Lin on “Qigong Technique to Relieve Allergy Symptoms”.  The link is below.

The beauty of energy healing using this method that one can heal without drugs or interventions from others.  This healing is self delivered.  

Energy healing works because our physical bodies are really containers for electrical systems that run throughout the body and into the space around the body.  The common name for the energy system that gives our body light is “Qi”.  We know it as our life force.  

I will talk about our life force in future blogs.  Right now, if you suffer from allergies, you may want to check out the video.  


Sunday, 26 August 2018

Spirit Speaks - Beat the Blahs


As the summer draws to an end, sometimes, we suffer from the blahs.

I have a solution for the blahs that also qualifies under “love” and is guaranteed to make you feel fine. Anyone that has studied with me knows that I believe in the power of meditation – not only “the sit in silence and let your mind be blank” meditation; I believe in active meditation.

Active meditation means that you need to be part of the meditation and not have the meditation “happen” to you. Over the years, I have taught variations of the “LOVING KINDNESS” meditation. I have recently learned this one and wish to share it with you.

Say it out loud when sitting in meditation. Say it out loud as a walking meditation, even when you walk your dog. My dog loves it! Say it at night before you go to bed.

May I be free from inner and outer harm and danger. May I be safe and protected. May I be free of mental suffering or distress. May I be happy.

May I be free of physical pain and suffering. May I be healthy and strong. May I be able to live in this world happily, peacefully, joyfully, with ease!

This is actually the first step in the “loving kindness” meditation. However, it is a beautiful, empowering, feel good message that lets you feel fine.

Don’t give up if you do not feel a shift in the first several days. Persevere!

Many blessings!

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Spirit Speaks - The Spiritual Path is Stepping Into the Unknown


The mystics in the world are writing about the opening up to spirituality that will be transforming people over the next twenty years.  Spirit tells us that this spiritual path is different for everyone. People seldom have the same experiences and processes.  Each of us is wired to experience life differently and so we each must have a unique spiritual experience.  Each day will open up new experiences for us to process and to grow with.  It will be challenging.  It will be frustrating at times.  It will help us grow into the being that will make a difference.

Many blessings.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Spirit Speaks - Wisdom Comes


When I am asked, "How can I get back into balance with my life?", my answer is, "Go to Nature".

Yes, it really is that simple. Yet, most people seem to want a long, difficult method of rebalancing.  I think it is because, over time, we have learned to believe that everything is complicated and that we need to go through a lot of steps to get to the end goal.  After all, that is what work is.

Being in balance is a natural state, so, it seems to me, that the best place to balance is in Nature.  It doesn't matter what the season is; it only matters that you go out into nature willingly and with an open mind.

My best drive home from work is one where I have time to look at the trees along the river and, if I am lucky, I see the Eagle guarding the river bank.  The sight of the river, trees, Eagle, and what ever else shows up brings me firmly into the present moment so that all that has been floating in my mind clears away.  I feel refreshed.

Many blessings.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Energy - Stretching


Picture from

Stretching For Energy

Have you ever watched a cat or a dog after they have awakened from a deep sleep, or even from a nap? The first thing they do is to stretch. And, it is not just a little stretch, it is a front paw, open jaw yawn, gut arranging, to the back paw stretch. The stretch energizes the muscles as fresh oxygen rushes through the blood and muscles. How may of us take time to stretch like this in the morning?

Do give yourself permission to stretch for energy and health each morning and when you need a break during the day. Start with your toes and stretch them wide apart. Stretch your calves, knees, and thighs. Stretch your abdomen and hips by sucking your gut in and out with a deep inhale and exhale. Stretch your ribs and stomach by arching backwards and extending your arms over your head and backwards. Then tilt your head back and yawn. The first couple of times that you stretch really hard, you may hear tendons creak, and you might even see stars! This is a good indicator that you really need this regular stretch. Think about adding stretching to your New Year’s resolutions.

Many blessings.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Spirit Animal - Tiger Talks About Life


Although Tiger may seem an unlikely guide on life, she comes forward with many thoughts to share about how to live and enjoy your life.

Here are her thoughts:

  1. Walk your territory (neighborhood) several times a week to keep up with changes around you.
  2. Stay in harmony with Nature. 
  3. Eat only those foods that are good for your body.  These foods increase your health, strength, and longevity.
  4. Drink lots of clean water. 
  5. Create a routine.  Stick with it as much as possible for it will keep you grounded.


Saturday, 5 August 2017

Spirit Animal–Fox's Message


As the world gets more crowded with humans, the animals are pushed into habitats that are amongst people.  The animals follow the rivers and streams and live in the river valleys and parks.  The animals may be aggressive if one steps into their territory with disrespect and with arrogance. 

Fox lives in the cities and towns and raids the garbage and steals the odd small dog and cat.  Fox tells us that we humans must adapt to them as Fox has had to adapt to humans.  When we speak to Fox, Fox tells us that he can recognize whether we are sincere, whether we are trustworthy, and whether we can cohabitate together.

Today, when you are out in Nature, look for Fox and make an agreement to live with him and with other animals.


Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Spirit Animal - Lion and Leo August 1 2017


Figure 1 from August 1 Zodiac

Time moves more quickly, it seems, through the summer.  Although the sign of Leo starts on July 23 (until August 22), many people associate August with the Zodiac sign, Leo.  Leo, or THE LION sign,  speaks to the character of individuals who are very much like the Lion who is king of his pride or community.

Lion has several messages for us as we kick off August.

  • Find what you are passionate about, and pursue that dream
  • Understand your environment, and make sure that you know the motives of everyone in your environment.  This is a way to stay safe.
  • Determine who you want to be in your community – friends, family, and acquaintances, and let those that do not fit in your energies drop off your circle.
  • Stay hydrated.


More on August 1

Angels Speak - August 1, 2014
Angels Speak - How Do You Set Intentions For August 1, 2011
Ancestors Speak – August 1 – Lammas
Earth Changes – August 1 2010 – Non Discrimination

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Archangels Speak - About Placing Trust


The Archangels tell us that we often put our trust in people that only wish to use and abuse us.  We need to find people that we can really trust – or people who can really say, "I see you" – the famous line from the movie, "Avatar".

Often, people draw us in because they have an agenda that they think we can help them fulfill.  A relationship based on an agenda is a false friendship, and one that will let you down. 


Other blogs (click on the link):

Buddha Speaks - How Do You Place Your Trust
Spirit Animal - Owl says, “Who do you trust?”
Spirit Animal – Mama Mallard Duck
Spirit Speaks - Trusting In Self

Friday, 19 May 2017

Earth Ancestors - An Earth Blessing


We have all felt sadness and grief, especially when a relative (ancestor) dies.  We feel loss when a friend moves away.  We feel changes with the changing of the seasons.

The Earth Ancestors tell us that through time, others have felt this way.  It is difficult to say hard things like good-byes for this time and to find words to give bad news.  The People have a blessing to help one get through the tough times.  The blessing may bring peace over time. 

If you need a blessing today, say this one several times to yourself.


Sunday, 23 April 2017

Spirit Guides - Being Positive


Every day has the ups and downs of normal life.  Some people, though, only see the downs.  They are so busy remembering the not so good times, that they miss the good times and the good things.

The Spirit Guides tell us that children are good teachers for seeing the positive in everything.  They teach us about communication and compassion, and finding the beautiful and the mystery in everything.

We all can find something positive in each day.  If you haven't been thinking about positivity, start today.  You can even write it in a journal and form it as "things to be grateful for".


Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Spirit Guides - The Story of Self





The mystery of self – the Spirit Guides tell us that we come to Earth to explore the mystery.  Many get side-tracked by the other things that happen, and they focus on outer things like celebrities, drama, "fixing things", and other things that distract them from looking inward.

The Guides say that now is the time to let go of the distractions.


Monday, 3 April 2017

Spirit Guides - At One With Yourself



We hear about all the ways that Nature is making herself known – through rain storms and floods, through intense cold and snow storms, through volcano eruptions, and through great wind storms and earthquakes.

The Spirit Guides tell us that Nature is mirroring all that is going on in our emotional and mental states.  Nature amplifies our emotions through rain and flood environments.  She talks about our frozen emotions with the cold and the snow. And the eruptions and earthquakes mirror our anger.

Watch the weather and natural occurrences around you.  What do they mirror for you?


Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Spirit Animal - Mountain Lion


Mountain Lion comes in to talk about life and to give advice.  She says that life is tougher in the mountains this year than the last several years.

  • She predicts that some mountain lions will perish because there is a lack of food
  • She also predicts that more mountain lions will lose their lives to human interference whether by accident, or by hunting
  • She tells us that staying physically active will keep one strong and able to face the issues that are coming from the changing weather
  • She says that having good shelter is very important
  • She ask that you listen to your intuition or instinct and follow it.

See more on mountain lion/cougar at


Thursday, 23 June 2016

Spirit Animal - Deer Family


The Deer family came out of the bush and on to the edge of the lawn.  Mother Deer was very cautious.   She looked both ways before letting Junior out.  Once out of the woods, Junior wanted to run and play.  Another Deer and her two fawns were coming out of the bush further west.  Junior spotted them, and like all kids, wanted a chance to play with his buddies.

The two Moms moved together as the fawns played.  Moms were sharp eyed and did not eat, but kept swiveling their heads to make sure danger was not around. After the little guys worked off some energy, both parents herded the fawns to patches of grass and urged them to start nibbling.  Then they took them to some different trees and showed them that the leaves were good to eat.  The last stop was the flower bed where they showed the fawns which flowers they could eat. 

It was a lot of fun to watch.  There were also some good lessons about life in the deer family's outing.  What lessons did you pick up on?


Sunday, 5 June 2016

Angels Speak–Significance of Numbers



I was browsing through a write up on the site and a comment about numbers caught my interest.  The writer was Zorro, and I am grateful that Zorro took the time to comment. 

In my world, nine is the number of completion, or of returning to source to begin something new again.  Zorro has some wonderful illustrations of the power of nine. Here is some of what she/he shared.

There are 54 years in a triple Saros cycle. In other words, it takes 54 years for the Sun, Moon and Earth to return to nearly identical celestial geometry such that an eclipse occurs on the same day and at the same time. (some references from

27, 54, 108, 216, 432, 864
These numbers all add up to 9.
Saturn polar diameter: 108,000 km
Saturn orbital period: 10,800 day
Venus orbital distance: 108 million km
Earth orbital velocity: 108,000 km/hour
Sun’s diameter is approximately 108 times the Earth diameter
Earth distance from the Sun: 108 solar diameters
Moon distance from the Earth: 108 lunar diameters

Moon diameter: 2160 miles
Earth meridian circumference: 21,600 nautical miles

25920 years of the galactic cyle/procession of the equinox: 432 x 60, 60 being at the basis of how we measure time
Speed of Light: 432 x 432 miles per second
Solar system speed inside the galaxy: 43200 miles per hour
Jupiter orbital period: 4,320 days
Mars diameter: 4,320 miles

Sun diameter: 864,000 miles
Jupiter diameter: 86,400 miles
Earth day: 86,400 second
The Bible starts off with the famous story that God created the world in 6 days.
6 days equals 86,400 seconds


Saturday, 21 May 2016

Spirit Speaks - Meaning of Life


For those who have asked about the meaning of life and what their gift is, I post this poster for you. 

Each of us comes to Earth to learn and grow.  Over time, we may see changes in our selves, or not.  We develop a belief system that honors Creator, or not.  We live our life.  Some become spiritual and others do not.  Some of us stand out, and others do not.  We follow the path we create as we live.  It is a mystery how it all moves in a direction that provides us with what we need. 


Sunday, 15 May 2016

Spirit Speaks–Questing for Knowledge



The idea of questing, or of searching, goes back to ancient times.  Our Ancestors understood that some people had a need to find out new information and to find new things.  Today, when we quest, we often have a map to guide us, or perhaps GPS.

Think about how difficult it must have been to be a man or a woman (think Joan of Arc) to leave what you knew, and to follow the spiritual guidance of your soul to be in service to the Greater Good.  Picture yourself being guided by the stars and planets to go someplace that was only a name to you.

Through out time, people have travelled or quested to sacred shrines to ask for healing for themselves or for another.  People have quested to see the other side of the mountain or the other side of the ocean.  The common theme is the deep hunger to learn something new or to do something different.  Now, the quest is to take settlers to the Moon or to Mars.

Today, do you have a quest that is calling you?
