Showing posts with label Ocean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ocean. Show all posts

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Spirit Guides in Black and White - Penguin


This blog is in answer to several readers who have sent in questions about Penguin showing up in their dreams or during the day in a picture or on television.  And, this blog is a partial answer to why some guidance seems to be in black and white.


Penguins have been around for 30 to 40 million years as verified by the six foot fossils found. This makes Penguin one of the older spirit guides.

When Penguin first appears to you, do not be surprised if she bows. As well as looking formal in their black and white attire, Penguins have an intricate social pattern that includes bowing to one’s mate upon leaving and arriving in the nest, bowing to others as they move throughout the society. Bowing represents a tool for appeasement and to maintain social structure. Those who have Penguin as a guide are encouraged to become more polite and attentive to how the social structure around them is holding together. Perhaps you are being called to pay honor to your mate or to your friends. Perhaps you need to appease someone where you have been harsh with your words or actions. Penguin also moves in straight lines when they are gathered in groups and moves with orderliness and a sense of purpose. They are determined and focus. If you lack determination and focus, ask Penguin to assist you in strengthening these areas.

As Penguin has become smaller (see side bar about height of six feet) and more aquatic, its ability to see out of water has diminished. It sees best in the water. As water also represents emotion, then Penguin has the clarity to see through the emotion and get to the heart of the issue. Additionally, Penguin moves through the water with the style of an acrobat or ballerina. They may be awkward on land, but Penguin is graceful and fluid in the water, twisting and turning and shooting upward, achieving speeds of 25 miles per hour. Penguin then teaches about tuning to your inner rhythm, and how to move with speed through emotions, shortening the time you would otherwise spend there.

Pay attention to Penguin’s color. Black and white, ying and yang, magic and mystery! The whiteness of the Penguin represents the awakening spirit and the light of all that is – as does the whiteness where it resides. The black represents the unknown, the density, and the different dimensions. The balance in Penguin’s color shows you how to balance and merge the darkness and the light, and to move between worlds as the Penguin moves between the sea and the land – two different worlds. Feel honored that Penguin is your guide for your journey of magic and mystery is moving in a new direction.

Many blessings.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Nature Speaks - It's In The Water



Nature reminds us that we are mostly made up of water.  So, we come under her care.  She tells us to get more, clean water into our bodies.  She tells us to go to the seas and the oceans and to be in the salt water so that it can cleanse us.

Nature reminds us that we are polluting and killing aspects of our oceans and seas.  She asks what you can do, today, to help clean the water.  We know that salt water is healing and cleansing.  We know that we have had an abundance of water, but that it is a shrinking natural resource because of the damage that mankind is doing to it. 

Nature reminds us that clean water is necessary to our survival, and that when we drink half a gallon of water a day, our skin is soft and our hair is shiny, and we need less solid food.

Today, have a sea salt bath.  Drink a half a gallon of clear water over the day, and give thanks to Nature, to Mother Earth, for water.


Thursday, 23 February 2017


As world inhabitants, we are still a long way from recognizing that this World is a living organism, and that we are all part of it.  We are part of the oneness of the world.  We see ourselves as separate, and we try to beat everything else around us into submission.  It is futile.  It is, in fact, beating ourselves.
We are connected to each other, the animals, plants and trees, ocean, marine life, reptiles, and everything that exists on Earth.  If we feel, they feel.  We communicate and they communicate.  Just like we may not speak another language from a foreign country, other beings on the planet do not communicate with us.
If we use our awareness, we can sense the energies and communication between other inhabitants of the planet. 
It is time to start exercising our oneness muscle.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Nature Speaks–About Humanity


It is the way of Nature to quietly clean up after herself, and to clean up after others.  Many people are like that – they clean the crap up that others leave behind.  It may be garbage that is lying around,  or it may be the actions of others that cause destruction and mayhem and even death. 

Today, we need to decide if we the ones that litter or if we are the ones that clean.


Thursday, 29 October 2015

Angles Speak - What the World Is


The poster and quote by Byron Katie speaks to the saying that we each create our own reality.  So, if we believe that we have a dreadful life, then, we have a dreadful life! 

My favourite saying comes from the movie “A Knight’s Tale” where the father tells his son, “Change your stars and live a better life than I have.”  To me, this speaks of having a vision and following the vision.  The world changes as you change.


Sunday, 27 September 2015

Spirit Animal - Pelican


I took the dogs out into the park, and I was lucky enough to catch this flock of Pelicans contemplating their day.  Although it is late September, they are still hanging out here, enjoying the warm weather.  Any day now, they will fly through the mountains and head back to the west coast.

The Pelicans are used to seeing me several times a week.  They watch us and continue what ever they are doing.  Pelican, with its orange bill and feet, white and black feathers, and ability to fly and swim and dive, are really saying, “Pay attention to your emotions.  You need to look at the various memories that you have with your life and make peace with those memories.  Do not replay them all the time.  Your mind distorts the memories.”


Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Angels Speak - Never Too Old



I am always amazed at how I see people age gracefully and with vigour.  Some different stories have appeared on the internet.  However, one lady’s explanation of her ability to stay healthy and active into her nineties – and yes she had to give up driving in her late eighties – was that she kept setting herself little challenges or goals.  Some were fitness related.  Some were events or places that she wanted to see.

I think that many people do not have dreams or goals.  They become dis-interested in life. 


Friday, 31 July 2015

Nature Speaks - Drawing Strength


Life is often defined as the moments that we remember – the deep sorrows and the happy moments – and often the time in between is forgotten.  Then, one day, things we have forgotten creep up in our memory and haunt us.  The thoughts spin around in our minds.  We get into a mind rut.  We cannot get out. 

This is the time to go out to Nature.  Weep, or wail, or pray.  Let it out.


Thursday, 5 March 2015

Spirit Speaks - Hold On To What Is Good



As we walk through the chaos that March 2015 brings, remember to hold on to those things that bring you joy.  This is the time to remember that Creator (God, Allah, The One) is always available to speak with in prayer.  We all need to find within us something that speaks of love.  As we become more mindful, we know that the Mother Earth, filled with land and ocean is what holds us all together, and that is good.

We know that the animals carry magic with them that they can share with us to make us more aware and more mindful.  That is also good.  Those animals that we have with us as pets bring us love.


Friday, 13 February 2015

Nature Speaks - How Do You Laugh!


At lunch the other day, our team talked about how much we laughed together!  Laughing is a good thing!  It relaxes you. It releases happy gadgets in your body.  It helps you think clearer.  And, of course, we know laughter heals ailments. 

I came across this poster, and it made me laugh, because I believe it is true.  Nature spreads out flowers in dribbles, when she wants you to smile, and in blankets when she wants you to laugh.  Walking or hiking, on a mountain is a spiritual way to connect with everything. And on the hike, you will see Mother Nature has ‘planned’ where her flowers grow, no different than the way our mothers used to plan their flower beds.

There are stories, or legends, about how flowers could not grow in the Ocean, and the Ocean, too, wanted flowers.  So Mother Nature made different coral beds and luminescent algae and other small flowers to replicate the flowers on the land.  Sometimes, the combination of flowers, breeze, and birdsong is the most relaxing, healing music one can find.  In this clarity, it is easy to regain one’s faith in life.


Thursday, 25 December 2014

Angels Speak - Keep a Clean Mind



Today, rather that talk about Christmas, I want to share a philosophy that has been serving me well.  Keep a Clean Mind. 

For me, that means not getting caught up in someone else’s drama, rants, taboos, values, or judgements.  Those are the mud and dirt, and smelly things that make up dirty feet.

Rather, I let the sound of birds, or the sound and smell of the ocean, or even the sound of the rustling of leaves, bathe my mind when others are “carrying on”. 

I wish you peace and love and joy.


Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Spirit Animal - Orca Dives In


We never really know what we can do until we dive in and do it.  Orca comes to remind us that being fearful and holding back from doing things is a form of laziness.  Doing new things and pushing the envelope of where you are comfortable causes us problems from time to time.  Yes, it takes more effort.  Yes, the effort sometimes hurts, especially if the effort is physical.  We need to move, to grow, to experience.  This is part of why challenges come our way.

Orca tells us:

  • The waves and current are mostly on the surface of the ocean.  Beneath, it is much calmer.
  • It takes strength to dive deep and swim in the calm.  It takes more strength and effort to swim in waves and current.  One gets exhausted faster.
  • Coming to the surface for air gives one a chance to look around and to experience what is on the horizon, above in the heavens, and to rejoice in the ability to move between experiences.


Saturday, 22 November 2014

Mother Nature Speaks - The Strength Of The Trees


There are lots of shifts in commerce, inter country politics, and in weather that have happened this past week. Many individuals are wondering if the recession in Japan will hit North America.  At the end of the day, everything is a process that leads to something else.  To worry it, as a dog chews on a bone, does not fill the belly, or bring comfort. 

What is needed at this time is a strong faith, in what ever your belief system.  Above all, we all need to be flexible.  I saw this poster and thought how apt it is for describing how we humans need to be during the turmoil.  I wish you the strength of the trees.


Friday, 21 November 2014

Spirit Animal - Life On The Rocks


Neil Diamond sings a song called “Love on the Rocks”.  The first verse is:

Love on the rocks ain't no surprise
Pour me a drink,
And I'll tell you some lies
Got nothing to lose,
So you just sing the blues, all the time…

As this picture shows, in nature, love and life is always on the rocks, the land, or the ocean.  Sometimes it is even in the sky. 

In this case, life on the rocks is about getting out of the water.  In spiritual speak, water represents emotion.  So, getting up on the rocks is getting out of the emotions.  Rocks represent being grounded or being practical. 

The animals are taking a break.  They are looking around and taking time to smell the seaweed.  Life is good.  Life is. 


Thursday, 13 November 2014

Mother Nature Speaks - Shades of Blue



Often, when we see a scene in Nature, we stop and reflect on “things”.  It may be life, work, kids, spouses, or family.  For many belief systems, the color blue is associated with truth.  In a scene like the one above, the TRUTH of thoughts is triggered.  Shades of blue indicate the various levels of truth. 

Really, what is true is individual to everyone, and will depend on the level of spiritual development that the person has achieved.  Someone who is extremely advanced or a the Ascended Master level will tell you everything is true.  They say that when you think something is false it is because you do not see the truth in all things. 

I think that the shades of blue help us to focus on what is important.  What do you think about when you look at this picture?


Saturday, 1 November 2014

Angels Speak - No Need For Fear


Sometimes, fear feels like an ocean. It is so big and the waves seem to come and wash over you.  You feel like you are being swallowed or drowned.

The Angels say that is not required any longer.  You can call on them and they will walk with you, through the valley of the shadow of fear.


Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Angels Speak - Believing In Yourself



This poster is a great reminder that others will never believe in us if we do not believe in our self.  More importantly, often even when we do believe in our self, others work against us because we do not follow their belief and “they” cannot be wrong.  What a strange world!

Monday, 20 October 2014

Angels Speak - Positive Living



Picture is from

Funny how things happen in one’s life, isn’t it?  I was thinking about how things were going at work and how I need time to work on our kitchen renovation project.  My thoughts were jumbled.  The Angels always know how to get me back on track.  The picture popped up in my email.  It made me laugh!  I hope it makes you laugh, too.


Friday, 17 October 2014

Goodbye Dr. Emoto


To everyone,

Today, I share a message that came to me from the wonderful folks at Go Gratitude Experiment.  I give thanks to Stacey and the ground crew at Go Gratitude for sharing this.




Beloveds -
A unique and visionary soul passed away today, Dr. Masaru Emoto.

Through Dr. Emoto's work with the consciousness of water, he brought new understanding to the power of thought, vibration, and our collective influence on the quality of our lives and creation.
It was Dr. Emoto's work that catalyzed the inception of Go Gratitude so many years ago, inspiring us to see the hidden messages in water, note the fractal nature of creation and embark on a path of grateful living.  His offerings have influenced the paths and lives in multitudes of beings, and will continue to do so for many generations.

-images from Dr. Emotos experiments with words, prayers and water, capturing vibrational signatures recorded in water.

Here is the message we received today, on his passing:

"Dear friends of Masaru,

Early this morning, Masaru has passed away. His wife was with him.

Since he became ill in Shanghai, he has received so much love and gratitude from his dear friends of all over the world. He was very encouraged and happy to receive your kind messages with love.

His last word was "Arigato". ("Thank you" in Japanese) We believe his last word was to you, everybody. He was so grateful for you
and thanked you all so very much.

He used to say, "Life is LOVE which is a gift from God and parents, and DEATH is gratitude for going to a new dimension".
So now he is in another dimension and continues to look over us warmly with love and gratitude.

We are going to carry on his mission of spreading the power of "love and gratitude".

We thank you very  much for offering prayers for Dr. Emoto, and please send your love, light, and gratitude to him once again.
With much love and gratitude,

IHM Staff"

Please join us in offering prayers of Love and Gratitude to our mentor, teacher and champion of conscious living as he flows into his next great adventure. 

Arigato, Masaru Emoto. Thank you for being a beautiful shining
crystal of Light.

Signed with flowing tears of Love and Gratitude,

Stacey Robyn

and the ground crew of Go Gratitude

P.S.  Here is Dr. Emoto's FB page, for those inspired to share offerings here:

"Water has a memory and carries within it our thoughts and prayers.
As you yourself are water, no matter where you are, your prayers will be carried to the rest of the world." ~ Masaru Emoto

Go Gratitude
7650 s. McClintock Dr
Ste. 103-342
Tempe, Arizona 85284-1672

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Angels Speak - Prayer for Peace



Again, this idea of PEACE keeps rolling through my mind.  Is it because of all the fighting in the Middle East and Russia and the Ukraine?  I do not know.  What I do know is that I feel gratitude for living in Canada, in Alberta, in my house, with my husband and dogs, and with friends close by.

Peace has so many meanings.  For me, it is about contentment, quiet, and harmony, and the feeling of security.  I know for some folks, peace is about having a full stomach, clothes, and a place to sleep. 

Peace seems to be a theme that is running through the world right now. 
