Gaps in Epsilon Eridani's dusty comet and asteroid belts suggest that an Earth-like planet could be hiding past the inner asteroid belt. ---Credit for Illustration --by Tim Pyle, SSC/JPL/Caltech
Many of us have long wondered if there was another "Earth" in the Universe. This year, 2008, more and more evidence seems to be showing up and pointing to the possibility of another Earth being real! The two articles below are showing planets that might be similar.
What does that mean to us? First, that perhaps there are other beings like us on those planets. We exist, why not have others existing? Second, down the road, it may be a place that we can immigrate to and live peacefully. Simply crossing the ocean to a new land did not lead to peace for our Ancestors! Third, it begins to make us conscious of cosmology, and of the human being's place in the Universe; and that the Universe is finite as we know it.
A definition of cosmology is, "The science of the world or universe; or a treatise relating to the structure and parts of the system of creation, the elements of bodies, the modifications of material things, the laws of motion, and the order and course of nature." - from
In Munay-ki, the Star Keeper Rites are about the human tie to the stars, and that we are responsible for the upkeep of the Universe just as we are responsible for the upkeep of our planet. The astronauts in space and the various countries or companies that have satellites out in space are already starting the pollution of space by dumping their junk or unwanted machines in to empty space, much the way those on board ships dumped refuse into the ocean. One needs to learn to take care of the junk!
Perhaps that is why the other Earth-like planets are so far away - they do not want humans to hop over to them and bring their problems of discord and pollution. Brian Swimme, cosmologist, talks about an intelligent Universe. He may be on to something.
Earth-like planet in Epsilon Eridani? It is logical, Captain Updated 10/27/2008 12:31 PM "NASA astronomers today report that the triple-ringed star has an asteroid belt and a Jupiter-like giant planet in roughly the same orbits as in our own solar system. Only 850 million years old, a fifth the age of Earth's sun, Epsilon Eridani resembles a younger twin to our solar system. About 62 trillion miles away, it is the closest known solar system"......excerpt from the article.
Sky map with Alpha Centauri labeled. (Credit: NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory)
Alpha Centauri Should Harbor Detectable, Earth-like Planets ScienceDaily (Mar. 7, 2008) — A rocky planet similar to Earth may be orbiting one of our nearest stellar neighbors and could be detected using existing techniques, according to a new study led by astronomers at the University of California, Santa Cruz.