Showing posts with label Munay-Ki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Munay-Ki. Show all posts

Monday, 15 June 2009

Spirit Animals – Great Spirit Bear

The following information comes from Simon Jackson’s web page .  Simon Jackson has united youth and adults to oppose sport hunting. Please look at the site.  Please read his excellent article applauded by Time Magazine.

  I have included the legend of the Spirit Bear because it is such a good read!   

image Photo credit to Simon Jackson



The Legend of the Moksgm’ol - the Spirit Bear
Long ago, when the earth was covered in ice, Raven - the creator - decided to change the earth to a beautiful green land. But as a reminder of when the world was pure and clean, covered with snow and ice, Raven went among the black bear people and turned every tenth bear white.
Raven promised that these unique bears would have unique powers: they would lead special people to special places and have the ability to dive deep in the ocean in search of fish.
Raven then set aside a rainforest home for the bears where he decreed that they would live forever in peace and harmony.

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Shaman Wisdom – Teleportation


Article from BBC Knowledge May/June Page 78 Currently online at

The Shaman that moved with our Ancestors fifteen thousand years ago used teleportation as a means of transportation to meet with other Shaman. Most often, they used a focus object such as a medicine wheel or labyrinth to move from point A to B. There are anecdotal records of this travel, passed down from Shaman to Shaman, as well as some cuneiform writings about invisible travel.

As we have lost our ability to use our minds to work in an energetic way, the way our Ancestors were able to, we now use our minds to be inventive. Using technology to teleport is being researched all over the world by scientists. There are many advantages:

  1. Most gas or diesel driven vehicles will be eliminated which also eliminates emissions which aggravate the environment and any person with respiratory ailments.
  2. Public places for gathering to take public transport will be eliminated. In some countries, because of weather, airports and train stations are a huge expense.
  3. Weather will not matter any more when one is traveling.

Where would you go if you could teleport? Browse our website at

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Spirit Animal - Dog


“Sage” a guardian dog – picture by S. Roger Joyeux

History tells us that all civilizations seemed to have some sort of domesticated dog.  In early times, our Ancestors used dogs as work animals for pulling small carts and wagons.  And, of course, dogs were used to herd and hunt.  Their keen sense of hearing and very good sight were the extended version of the Master’s sight and hearing. 

Dogs have a message about service, one that they show us everyday.  First, they love unconditionally, even when they are treated cruelly. Second, they will try with all their heart, to complete whatever task we give them, even if they don’t understand it and it taxes their physical capabilities.  Third, dogs do not judge or gossip.  They simply try the best they can.  Fourth, they do all this without thanks or praise.  The message to anyone on a spiritual path, then, is to be in service and to be there without thinking of gain, to do one’s best, and to do the service joyfully with unconditional love. 


“Magic” – the dog that greets and makes you feel welcome. 

Picture by Judith Hirst-Joyeux



Dogs are also about safety, and humans may learn from them because they can sense earthquakes even two days prior to the quake actually happening.  As well as sniffing out drugs, guns and explosives, dogs can sniff when a person is going to have an epileptic seizure, and when cancer cells become active.  These abilities may be associated with psychic abilities.  The message to you then becomes, are you using your clairvoyant abilities and clairaudient abilities to keep you and friends and family safe?  Are you a gifted healer who has been ignoring your healing gifts.  Can you “see” dis-ease in someone before the disease hits? 

Remember that we choose pets – dogs – as we choose our family and our mates.  We choose them because they are like us and the dog can mirror the issues that we need to solve and to learn from.   See also Ancestors Speak - A Parable of Two WolvesFishing - Even the Wolves Know It is Fun & Relaxing!Spirit Animal – Cheetah     See our newsletter at

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Spirit Animal – Swan and Eagle









Photo credit for Eagle Attacking Swan to Tom Carver, Lakelse Lake, BC

For the last two weeks, at least once a day, if not more, I either see an Eagle or get pictures of eagles from friends.  Today, this picture arrived in a set of pictures in an email from a friend.  The sequence of pictures shows an Eagle attacking the Swan.  At the end, the Swan gets free, drops into the lake, and swims to live another day.  The Eagle goes home hungry.

There are many archetypal stories that this conflict represents.  The one that comes up for me is one of the conflict of male vs female.  The white swan is very much associated with the feminine, and the eagle is the warrior male.

I would love to hear what story this picture brings up for you.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Spirit Animal – Cheetah


Young cheetahs – picture from



Several times in the last two weeks, Cheetah has appeared in visions, or in pictures that someone has sent me.  Cheetah must have a message for me.

Wikipedia says, “The cheetah  is an atypical member of the cat family that is unique in its speed, while lacking climbing abilities. Therefore it is placed in its own genus, Acinonyx. It is the fastest land animal, reaching speeds between 112 and 120 km/h (70 and 75 mph) in short bursts covering distances up to 460 m (1,500 ft), and has the ability to accelerate from 0 to 110 km/h (68 mph) in three seconds, faster than most supercars.”  I found this fascinating!  I love speed when it is appropriate, and loved my one luge run at Olympic Park – it was really fast. 

So what does this have to do with Cheetah?  Cheetah, with its speed, is telling us to make up our minds quickly, and to make changes quickly.  As Yoda would say, “No think. Do!” Cheetah represents that almost new species – a combination of a cat and a dog. It looks like a cat, yet cannot climb and is very light boned.  Cheetah’s message is that we all are evolving into something new.  We aren’t quite what we were, and we are not where we are going, but we are going really fast!  

Cheetah is a meat eater, however, when the tough times hit the Savannah, Cheetah eats insects and fruit and vegetables.  The message is clear, eat what ever is available and do so gracefully.  The colour of Cheetah’s coat provides excellent camouflage for moving through the Savannah.  The Bush People believe that Cheetah becomes invisible and goes between time to pop up to  capture her prey.  The lesson for us then, is to be less noticeable, and to get used to the idea of walking out of time.  Currently, we are quite rule bound by time and corporate policies. 

IF you are hesitant to take action, now is the time, Cheetah says.  Pick up the things you want and let go of the rest… travel light and fast.  Spirituality requires little in the way of hard goods.

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Ancestors Speak – Universal Law One


Mountain Lake – Picture from Microsoft Clip Art


Indigenous people around the world and our Ancestors recognized the truth of the first Universal Law - Maximum efficiency with minimal effort.  Humans, now, are not that tuned in.  It seems that we struggle against all odds all the time. And, if it looks like we will not win the goal we want to achieve, then we scheme and plot and manipulate to get our results.  It is called “control”. 

Animals do not waste effort. They tend to go with the flow of life.   Cows will take a meandering path which is always the easiest road. Pioneers followed goat tracks through the mountains because it was the easiest road. 

Water will always take the easiest path. And, as it washes over stones and down gullies and rushes along the bank of a river bed, it smoothes and polishes.  The dirt and rocks offer no resistance.  As they “move” in the flow, they become less, and yet more than they are. The rock becomes rounded and shiny and pure – for that which it does not need, dissolves and flows with the water.  Dirt becomes free to move, to travel to far away places and, when it settles, offers new energy to the environment around it.  It becomes more.

And what will you do now"?  Will you flow or will you not?

Friday, 13 February 2009

Spirit Animal – Snow Leopard


"Their big eyes are so well adapted for low-light vision that snow leopards can hunt in near total darkness—but they can still go hungry when humans compete for their prey. Though trophy hunts for wild sheep and goats bring income to local communities, they can deplete food stocks for snow leopards."   Out of the Shadows, photo project by Steve Winter  The Winner of The Best Wild Nature Photo 2008

Snow Leopard has the colour brown, for the Earth, black for the Night and mystery and magic, and white for the Day, and connection to Great Spirit.  The reverence for Snow Leopard is displayed in the many legends around it.

In  Nepal, in Dolpo, there are stories of great lamas frequently making trips to Tibet in the form of snow leopards, in search of rare medicinal herbs. Other folklore describes the snow leopard as a “fence” for the crops, meaning that in the absence of snow leopards livestock would be free ranging and thus would invade crop fields.

Dr. John Mock, in 2004, went to Pakistan, and investigated some of their myths.  This is one around the Snow Leopard.

Pari are female supernatural denizens of the high mountains. People in Pakistan, Afghanistan, north India and throughout Central Asia are familiar with pari. The Wakhi ethnic population in northern Pakistan, China, Tajikistan and Afghanistan have their own word for pari: mergichan. The mergichan inhabit the mergich realm, which is the realm of the mountains and high pastures. It is a pure, even sacred realm, where the supernatural mountain spirits tend their wild flocks of blue sheep and ibex. The Wakhi word for snow leopard is pes. A pes is a mergich animal found only in mergich areas. It rarely interacts with people, is hard to see, powerful, beautiful, and potentially dangerous. As such, it exemplifies many of the qualities of the mergichan, and so is an appropriate animal shape for them to assume.

If Snow Leopard comes to you, then know it brings several messages, and all of them or some of them may be for you!

  1. Living high in the mountains, this animal is at one with Great Spirit and Mother Earth.  Leopard communes with the Wisdom Keepers (in Munay-Ki the mountains are Wisdom Keepers).  She reminds you to open up your intuitive abilities.
  2. Snow Leopard moves invisibly and so is able to stalk her prey, as elusive as her prey is.  The message is clear – keep a very low profile as you pursue your goals to avoid drawing attention and competition to what you do.
  3. Leopard is a hunter that attacks the neck from the back. As many belief systems say the soul enters and leaves through the back, it is believed that Leopard may consume souls. If Leopard comes to you, know that she is telling you that it is difficult for you to meet people face on, and to ensure your back is covered.  She also cautions about moving up on someone else’s back.  Balance in all things is required.  If you do need to defeat someone, beware of taking on their “stuff”.
  4. Leopard medicine is one that requires strong bodies – and quick action.  This may lead to humans with quick, angry tempers.  Leopard cautions that the angry energy must be released. If not released, it will settle into the body causing pain in the bones and limbs…arthritis may result.

May those of you with Leopard medicine find peace.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Ancestors Speak - The Nature of The Plant People

In the twenty-first century, we are technology bound and roped to increasingly long hours at our jobs with days made even longer by commutes that may take an hour or more each way.  Why did that happen?  Many analysts, anthropologists and historians blame the industrial revolution that began in the late 1700's as machines became more and more part of the textile industry.  During this time, the need for labour and the change in land holding pushed the rural folks from the country side to the cities in the Western World.

 j0432754 "Wild Flowers in A Field" - from Microsoft Clip Art


In Canada, the population of the country is just over 33 million, and of that, 6 million live in rural areas, that is outside metro cities. (From Stats Canada

What does this mean?  It means that less and less people live in the country side and feel and understand the true nature of the Plant IMGP0090 People. 

The Plant People and The Tree People are closely related although they have great differences in longevity.  Picture copyright  by S. Roger Joyeux and used with permission.

Our Ancestors believed that since all living things on the planet existed, that they had a life force or spirit, and because we are all related, each of the different species were then "people".  The Ancestors very much depended on the Plant People.  As a life force, Plant People are 99% of the population on Earth.  Plants are the only natural organism that captures carbon dioxide out of the air and by processing it through its cellular structure, can then create oxygen, which humans and other life depend upon. Our Ancestors believed that they were completely dependent on Plant People for existence. Therefore, they treated Plant with respect, never over harvesting or randomly killing anything.

We are not treating the Plant People with IMGP0091 respect, causing a build up of carbon dioxide in areas of the world. 

Plants beautify and clean the air around us! Flowers in our yards are dual purpose.  Some flower petals may even be used for salads.  Picture by Judith Hirst-Joyeux, August 2006.

Additionally, large bio-agricultural companies are genetically altering plant structure, depleting their ability to efficiently produce oxygen.  Plants are starch, fat and protein, all items essential to the nourishment of plants and animals.  If the composition of these three ingredients is altered by "tinkering", what then is the "Nature" of Plants?  Does it actually naturally exist.

This spring, try to find Heritage seeds or Heritage plants to put in your flower boxes and gardens.  Keep seeds from the plants for next year to keep the "Nature" of the plant from being altered!    I'd love to hear your comments on this. 

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Spirit Animal - Squirrel and Change


Squirrel picture from Wikipedia...


We have several squirrels that frequent our backyard, looking to sample the newest fare in the bird feeders, and waiting to see if they can tease our dogs. 

Squirrel is shameless in her bid to have fun!  As she is so quick and wiry and because she can jump great distances, Squirrel is known to find ways to taunt animals and people.  This simply shows that she is in great physical shape.  Squirrel counsels that now is the time for you to get into top physical form.  Squirrel does not survive without staying physically fit.  Are you going to survive the changing energies and Earth gravitational shifts in the shape you are in? 

Is Squirrel appearing to you in your yard, in your dreams, or through email?  The message may be around preparing, preparing for a time when the packaged goods will be scarce because corporate production will decline... and that is a good thing!  Squirrel eats seeds and nuts and fruit and different vegetation supplementing this with available eggs and some meat if she can rob a nest.  All of these foods are the basic staples of human diet.  However, we have moved so far from that diet.  We are unhealthy!  Squirrel is telling us to change. 

Squirrel also does not hang on to much, and only caches away food.  She speaks out against the materialism that has consumed so much of the forest that she loves, especially oak trees and other nut/cone bearing trees.  She speaks out in a loud chatter against the stuff that weigh us down -- all the "stuff" that we have.  As people loose their homes by repossession, they become more like Squirrel - able to move from place to place freely.  Minimalism is in.

May you begin shedding all the "Stuff" that no longer serves you, and send it to someone that needs it!

Blessings,  Judith

Friday, 16 January 2009

Ancestors Speak - The Evolution to Homo Luminous


This picture is entitled "Future Human" and comes from an article called "Are we Close to Creating Super-Humans? A Galaxy Insight.... from the blog -

In Munay-Ki, the process of becoming, through the nine Rites, is to become a Homo Luminous being.  The Inca believe that the process of becoming Homo Luminous will assist humans transcend their current form and vibration. The Hopi and the Navaho call the new being "the Rainbow Warrior".  All belief systems agree that mankind is in evolution.

Our Ancestors all believed that at some point, the world would be a better place - kinder, friendlier, more peaceful, and loving enough to treat all equally.  The ascent to Homo Luminous requires people to become more spiritual which does not mean more religious, but more in tune with the rhythms of Mother Nature and Mother Earth.  Essentially, it means slowing down, having time for family and friends, and taking a walk in the park or making a dinner from scratch.

When people undertake the process of Munay-ki, they have to agree to a different way of life than what they have been living.  The vows are to harm none, to be truthful, to be "integrity", to show moderation in all things, and to be lovingly generous. 

Some fear those that walk the path to Homo Luminous.  For, if one person can become, so too can all people, and that means that many people will need to change.  "Harm none" then becomes a threat to many people's way of life.  "Harm none" means that passing judgement, interfering in other's lives, speaking disrespectfully of others, gossiping, watching others getting hurt or hurting others as entertainment, all those things, must stop.  For many, these activities seem to be their whole lives.

Homo Luminous is about freeing one's self from the density of the current life styles on Earth.  It is about returning to a natural balance with the Earth, eating what one grows, care taking  the land because all we need to live comes from the land, and, we return our bodies to the land. 

It is about change... what our Ancestors predicted 25000 years ago.

May you open your mind to looking at change with gratitude... and loving compassion.

See also Ancestors - IntegritySpirit Animal - CrowAncestors Speak - Using Energy Through Conscious Living.... ,   Earth Keepers - Minding The EarthSpirit Animal - Hummingbird

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Life 2009 - Pairing Up and Paring Down


"Winter wonderland" - copyright S. Roger Joyeux, and used with permission.


As I walked out in the park this morning with the dogs, the first thing that caught our attention were two deer walking slowly down the path at the far edge of the park, about one-half mile from where we were entering.  They were content, grazing as they went.  There was a peacefulness to their journey. 

Then as we walked down in to the river flood plane, two eagles flew up and down the river. One finally came to the tree top directly across the river from us.  The other eagle circled, watching us and watching the geese, and looking for the fish that would come close to the surface.  Again, there was a serenity to the scene that makes the moment a blessing.

Quite often, our walks are "walking meditations" for me.  As I walked, I reflected that even the two chickadees that we saw were a pair.  The ducks that flew up seemed to be in twos.  The sense was of a "Noah's Ark" effect.

One of the thoughts that passed through my mind was that in order to hold our balance through the upheavals that will be happening, we each will need someone - a partner who will anchor us as we will anchor them.  To help maintain the balance, we will need to let go of many things - material things.  That process has already been started in the US where people are having to walk away from houses full of furniture for financial reasons.  At the same time, by letting go and paring down, these people are opening up space to accept new energy that will take them beyond the consumer infection that the corporate world has been pushing for the last fifteen years. 

As we pare down and let go, many of the energy blockages that have kept us from being happy - we were so busy consuming that we did not realize what happiness was - will dissolve.  Life will be simpler. 

Have a great day!

Friday, 2 January 2009

Angels Speak - 2009 - Watch for These Life Changes!


Picture from Microsoft Clip Art


At the end of 2008, much around the world had changed and was changing.  Change, then, is the theme of 2009.  The numbers in the year give us some clues about the changes that will happen.  Two represents all that is dual as well as death, science, and generations (ancestors).  Nine stands for ocean, horizon, boundary and limitations.  It is also the Triple Triad (3x3) and in this context means: Completion; fulfillment; attainment; beginning and the end; the whole number; a celestial and angelic number - the Earthly Paradise.  The combined number, Eleven, or two ones, is the first of the Master Numbers… which indicates that we are moving into a more spiritual era.  Eleven carries strongly balanced male/female energies, and indicates increasing psychic abilities. This is a time of redefining mankind.

Harmony is the first theme.  Those that have been shedding partners, family, friends and careers will move into a new phase in 2009 where they will find the perfect partner who provides balance. A new harmony is created.  This new harmony happens with new friends and new family ties.  We pay more attention to the messages that the animals and plants are giving us – about climate, about environment, and about how these animals are evolving and becoming more intelligent.  The other species wait for Man to finally fall in to the harmonious accord of “we are all related”.

Community is the second theme.  While it seems terrible that people are losing houses and jobs because of the failing financial system, the bright light is that people are re-discovering community.  Most of us are not wizards who need to live in big towers far away from everyone.  We are part of a tribe or clan.  The big houses that have been built plus the demanding work schedule of nine plus hours per day have, in many cases, isolated each person from their immediate family as well as extended family and friends.  We need the energy of community to be successful.  “I” does not cut it anymore.  “We” replaces competition and scarcity and fear.  Displaced families are finding new homes with friends and family.  New ways of managing income and sharing expenses are redistributing money energy.

Simplicity is the third theme.  Return to being self sufficient as an individual and as a community.  Eat food grown closer to home, and grow your own.  Depend less on processed foods and designer labels. Moving away from packaged foods may improve our health since more contamination of food stuff is being discovered. With production being reduced because of downsizing of everything, daylight savings time is not required.  We return to natural cycles.  We have several families living in very large houses.  It all works!

May 2009 give you love, light, and synchronicities!  Happy New Year!

Note:  This was the Letter From The Editor in the January edition of the Angels And Ancestors Newsletter.  Other articles in this edition are:

Upcoming Workshops-/January/February/
Me And My Painting
Spirit Animals – Ox
Basic Meditation Guide for January
The Legend of The Hybrid Ram

See the entire newsletter online at

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Ancestors - Integrity


One of the Coca-Cola Company's headquarters buildings in Atlanta from Wikipedia...



The Internet is full of information, and one place to get a very interesting "story behind the story" look at events is a place called "Brasscheck TV"  at   Brasscheck recently posted a video about how farmers in India are using Coke - the soft drink - to spray their fields for insects.  In fact, the bottled Coke seems to have insecticides in its chemical makeup.  Watch the short video at

What I find so thought provoking is that a corporation would sell this drink, loaded with chemicals, to the public, and seem to do so in good conscience.  In Munay-ki, two of the vows are:

   -  truthfulness (truthful means honest and not containing or telling any lies - from the Cambridge dictionary at

   -  integrity (the quality of being honest and having strong moral (I like the word "ethical" better than the word moral) principles that you refuse to change - from the Cambridge dictionary at

Given the stories that are told about corporate lack of integrity and individual lack of integrity, it seems that the vows are necessary to point apprentices back to the true path.  It seems that there are so many people and corporations lacking integrity, that one lacks good role models to see how integrity is carried out.

Integrity simply means, "Walk your talk!"

See other blogs that cover integrity.... Truth vs Facts;   Mysteries in Munay-KiSpirit Animals - PeacockThe Message From Pigeon

In munay,

Friday, 19 December 2008

Ancestors Speak - A Line In The Sand or Co-creation?









This picture is from an email that I received about six months ago.  I do not know who the photographer is, however, that person did a great job!

What are the things in your life that are non-negotiable?  Who are those beliefs/values conflicting with?  Why do you feel so strongly about this issue? 

These are some of the questions that came up for me the other day when I was stopping to reflect over a situation that caused me great emotion.  For many of us, when we need to take a stand, we do it with every fibre of our being.  We are so wrapped up in our view that we fail to see that there are other options. 

When I was in a Leadership Training program back in 2000, one of the activities was to break down in to two teams. The Facilitator then drew a line in the sand on the volleyball court, and handed us a rope.  The idea was that one team had to drag the other team over the line to prove superiority.  Each day, in our activities, most of us still draw lines, standing on one side of the line and saying that our idea is the best or our belief is the best, or whatever. 

The idea of co-creation is that there is not one side that is bigger or stronger or best.  Co-creation is about doing what is best for all in the circumstances.  Generally, when clever people think through a problem, the resulting solution is the synthesis of all the ideas and shows that something greater can occur when people work in harmony.

Did I mention that a soul-ution tends to bring people together, and create a community that is excited about tackling new challenges?  When we are engaged in creating the best and most loving solution, we are happy; our soul is happy; and the Universe is happy. 

Next time you need to draw a line in the sand, make it a heart!

Friday, 12 December 2008

Karma Files - "The Law of the Garbage Truck"


Garbage Truck runs over car! ---Photo from




One of my favorite sayings is "How others treat you is their karma; how you react is yours!"  by Dr. Wayne Dyer.  I have been noticing that during my Christmas shopping, some people are just plain mean to those around them - other customers, clerks, and even their own families.  I wonder what it is in them that causes so much anger.  And, like a bad apple, the anger they spew out, seems to spread if others let it.

Here is a great story that my friend Roxanne sent me about how one can deal with toxic behaviour that is directed at us. 


The Law of the Garbage Truck

One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy and I mean he was really friendly. So I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!' This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'

He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.  The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day. Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets so 'Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don't.'

Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it.
~Author Unknown~

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Spirit Animal - Crow


Picture of
"Crow In Flight" from Wikipedia





We are at the time of year when all of the crows should have flown south - from Alberta - for the winter.  So, I was surprised to see one lonely crow in the park woods on my walk the other morning.  I know it was a crow because of the distinctive "caw" noise.  Thinking about the scene, I then began to wonder if I had actually seen the crow or whether it was a Spirit Crow that was there as the woods were eerily quiet.

Crow makes a wide range of noises, and it is possible to learn their language in our rather primitive human way.  Sometimes the sounds are about danger, others about gossip and where the food is, or where there are other animals that may present some fun! The shiny blackness of Crow's feathers remind us that absolute blackness is the chaos that we - the cosmos - was born out of. And, Crow represents the magic that is present during the day. (Appropriate for me in the woods.)

What messages does Crow bring?  Messages that really need to be reflected upon.  Here are some of them.

a)   Crow likes to be very high up to observe and watch for danger.  If you see Crow, and she is cawing at you, perhaps you need to be warned of danger ahead.

b)  Crow likes to gather with other crows.  Some liken this to a Council.  Perhaps it is time to turn to your Council of Twelve for guidance.

c)  Various legends of the Gods and Goddesses tell of their use of Crows as spies because Crow has an inherent knowledge of truth.  If Crow appears, it may be that she is saying that you need to look beyond the apparent for the actual Truth.  In Munay-Ki we say that you need to look for the story behind the story. 

d) Crow therefore is also about integrity.  Is there something that is challenging your truth and integrity?  Do you need to be diligent or discerning in your association with others?

As I look at my Crow experience, I realize that my  message came from Great Spirit, and that Crow was there to remind me that there is much beyond what we know, and that I need to turn more to guidance from Great Spirit, Ancestors, and my Council of Twelve.   I will be spending more time in mediation! or

Also see:

The Crow in The Tree
Spirit Animals – Deer

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Ancestors Speak - Using Energy Through Conscious Living....

hands holding the sun

Hands holding the sun, from an email.

I have been reading the book, "Beyond 2012" by James Endredy, and I am struck by some of the common sense phrases and statements that he uses.  One such phrasing comes under the heading of  "Conscious Living" or being mindful of how you interact with the Earth and the beings on the Earth. If you have the book or purchase the book, these lines come from page 152.......

1.  I acknowledge that I am a human being, part of the human community, and I respect the human rights and equality of all people on Earth.

2.  I acknowledge that I am a child of the Earth, part of the natural community, and I am responsible for nurturing and protecting the health and welfare of my Mother Earth.

3.  I acknowledge that I am a spiritual being, part of the eternal spirit of creation, one and indivisible.

4.  I acknowledge that I am a healer, with the strength and the ability to help heal the many illnesses and crises that exist on Earth.

5.  I acknowledge that I am an activist, dedicated to making a positive influence in the world.

These words are an echo of the knowledge that one gathers will working through the feeding and germinating of the Rites of Munay-Ki.  Acknowledging the Oneness with all, the spiritual being, and the healer are all parts of recognizing that each of us is a Creator.  And that somehow, perhaps through politics or religion, we have forgotten how to be connected with others and to honour their right to BE... as the first line says "I am a ... being". 

May you find the way to live mindfully, and in harmony with Nature.

If you have a comment, send it to me at

See also:

Earth Keepers

Activating the Pineal Gland -

Munay-Ki Rite   2

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Earth Keepers - Minding The Earth


Picture from the video MELODIAS DE ANGELES on You Tube

I saw this picture, and it made me think of the Earth Keeper Rites in Munay-Ki. 


Earth Keepers are about:

-unconditional love

-holding the Earth in your heart

-seeing the galaxy as an integral part of the Earth

-holding each action that happens on the Earth in love and being with it without fear or anger.


-bigger than either masculine or feminine - it is about the combination, or neutrality of the opposite energies

-a place of PEACE

My wish for December is that all humans find a place to be without fear and anger, and that all find enough water and food to sustain them.  For if if the people are satisfied, they will then turn to looking after the Earth, for they see that to keep themselves fed and watered, the Earth Mother must be cared for.

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Stars & Planets - Earth-like Planet








Gaps in Epsilon Eridani's dusty comet and asteroid belts suggest that an Earth-like planet could be hiding past the inner asteroid belt.  ---Credit for Illustration --by Tim Pyle, SSC/JPL/Caltech

Many of us have long wondered if there was another "Earth" in the Universe.   This year, 2008, more and more evidence seems to be showing up and pointing to the possibility of another Earth being real!  The two articles below are showing planets that might be similar.

What does that mean to us?  First, that perhaps there are other beings like us on those planets.  We exist, why not have others existing?  Second, down the road, it may be a place that we can immigrate to and live peacefully.  Simply crossing the ocean to a new land did not lead to peace for our Ancestors! Third, it begins to make us conscious of  cosmology, and of the human being's place in the Universe; and that the Universe is finite as we know it.

A definition of cosmology is, "The science of the world or universe; or a treatise relating to the structure and parts of the system of creation, the elements of bodies, the modifications of material things, the laws of motion, and the order and course of nature." - from

In Munay-ki, the Star Keeper Rites are about the human tie to the stars, and that we are responsible for the upkeep of the Universe just as we are responsible for the upkeep of our planet.  The astronauts in space and the various countries or companies that have satellites out in space are already starting the pollution of space by dumping their junk or unwanted machines in to empty space, much the way those on board ships dumped refuse into the ocean.  One needs to learn to take care of the junk! 

Perhaps that is why the other Earth-like planets are so far away - they do not want humans to hop over to them and bring their problems of discord and pollution.  Brian Swimme, cosmologist, talks about an intelligent Universe.  He may be on to something.

Earth-like planet in Epsilon Eridani? It is logical, Captain Updated 10/27/2008 12:31 PM  "NASA astronomers today report that the triple-ringed star has an asteroid belt and a Jupiter-like giant planet in roughly the same orbits as in our own solar system. Only 850 million years old, a fifth the age of Earth's sun, Epsilon Eridani resembles a younger twin to our solar system. About 62 trillion miles away, it is the closest known solar system"......excerpt from the article.image








Sky map with Alpha Centauri labeled. (Credit: NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory)

Alpha Centauri Should Harbor Detectable, Earth-like Planets  ScienceDaily (Mar. 7, 2008) — A rocky planet similar to Earth may be orbiting one of our nearest stellar neighbors and could be detected using existing techniques, according to a new study led by astronomers at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Tarot Discussion - Osho Zen Card III - Creativity



The card called "Creativity" from the OSHO Zen Tarot deck

Over the last two days, I have been working on making cloth bags for Christmas presents.  As an Earth Keeper, it almost is making me ill to think of all the wasted paper that begins to accumulate this time of year because of the presents we wrap.  The gift bags are eco friendly and reusable, and that makes me feel like I am caring for the Earth.

Also, over the last several weeks, I have been making medicine bags, leather bags for wands, different bags for sacred tools, and I have made some talking sticks that are blessed and powered to create a feeling of peacefulness and a feeling of harmony with all.  And, most days, I write one or two blogs. 

All of these tasks are about recognizing the Creator in me.  Today, when I pulled my Zen Tarot card, the card pulled was "Creativity".  First, I am constantly intrigued by how Great Spirit communicates with us, and honours our endeavours.  For me, this card was a blessing on the things that I do.  Second, I loved the wording in the explanation of the card - YOU BECOME MORE DIVINE AS YOU BECOME MORE CREATIVE - and that seemed a very great blessing, as well.  The phrase comes from the following passage....

"Whatsoever you do, if you do it joyfully, if you do it lovingly, if your act of doing is not purely economical, then it is creative. If you have something growing out of it within you, if it gives you growth, it is spiritual, it is creative, it is divine. You become more divine as you become more creative.

All the religions of the world have said God is the creator. I don't know whether he is the creator or not, but one thing I know: the more creative you become, the more godly you become. When your creativity comes to a climax, when your whole life becomes creative, you live in God. So he must be the creator because people who have been creative have been closest to him. Love what you do. Be meditative while you are doing it - whatsoever it is! "- From the OSHO Zen Tarot

Whatever you are doing today, do it with love and find your creativity for then you will also find your Divinity!