Showing posts with label spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirit. Show all posts

Monday, 14 February 2022

Happy Valentine’s Day 2022!


                                       Poster from a collection of images from

Valentine’s Day!  The day that we are encouraged, especially commercially, to express our feelings of love to our family, friends, and special someone.

My wish for you this Valentine’s Day is to find time to live life and find love where ever you can.  I wish that you find time to be kind, to be filled with loving kindness, and express love/compassion for someone who needs a show of kindness.  May your spirit be loving every day!

Many Blessings.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Energy–Thinking about the Circle


Today, as you move about the tasks that you need to perform, think about the ways that you move/work/plan in a circle.  How does it feel?

Many blessings.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Saint Germain - Approve of Yourself


Saint Germain tells us that we are very hard on ourselves.  Mostly, he says, because others are hard on us.  They criticize, want to change us, and condemn us for things that they dislike. 

Saint Germain tells us that it is time to take back our lives and to give approval to ourselves.  When we are in spirit, we can easily see how perfect we are.  This peace is filled with gratitude.  Our wellbeing comes back to us, and we move forward with confidence and with faith.


Sunday, 9 July 2017

Saint Germain - You Are Essential


Saint Germain tells us that it is time to let go of the need or craving to please other people.  He says that everyone is essential to the world and to the Universe.  When we need other people's approval or when we listen to another person tell us what we should do… we loose our ability to hear Creation talk to us.

When we trust in our inner guidance, we begin to heal our soul from all the indignities that we have suffered up to that point.  We feel peace and we find that other opinions no longer matter.  We are in a place of well being and Spirit moves us along.


Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Spirit Guides - Sacred Living Being



The Universe is so large that we cannot comprehend the size of it. And, we know, from the observations of astronomers and scientists, that the Universe is alive and ever changing.

The Spirit Guides tell us that the Universe has many children. Planet Earth, our home, is one of the many children.  The emphasis on OUR HOME cannot be over stated.  We are living on a SACRED LIVING BEING.  We need to take care of her, and to be mindful of her.  She provides us with our abundance and our tranquility.  In this century, we have not been able to achieve any harmony with her because man, represented by commercial interests, tries to dominate her and to gut her resources.

It is time to take a stand on using those resources that businesses are using up to make a profit.


Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Nature Speaks - What is Life?


When we are able to see all the little things that are amazing in Nature, then we have achieved the ability to move beyond the small things in life.  We have moved beyond the pettiness. 

Nature tells us and shows us so many beautiful things and so many miracles all the time.  Mostly, though, we do not see them.  We are locked in a rut of living that we consider to be our life.  Our life is so much more, if we let it be.

Chief Crowfoot, in the quote above, teaches us to look at all the little things that otherwise go unnoticed.  Today, step back from your regular steps in your life, and look for something different.  Look for the daily, little miracles that move through this world.


Friday, 3 February 2017



Right now, the most beautiful place on Earth is where there is peacefulness.  This is the place that our soul yearns to go to – to find that place where there is not any ego or power or selfishness.  We each have a need to find a place of peace where we can feel safe and where we can watch the stars or the clouds in the sky.

We need to know that in the peace, we do not need to watch our back (or our front or our sides) because we are protected.  We look for that place of peace all the time.

Most often it is a place of serenity inside you.  Sometimes, it is a physical place that you can go to.

Where is your place of peace?


Saturday, 7 January 2017

Spirit Animal - Elk on Confidence


Sometimes, information and guidance comes from strange places.  Elk stepped in to provide some tips on being confident.  Here is what he had to say.

  • Always stand tall.  Never let your spirit be pushed down by someone else's opinion.  Their opinion is their problem, not yours.
  • Walk with purpose.  When the wolves surround the Elk, we move with dignity and do not show fear. We stay together but each of us is alert.
  • Choose where you want to go.  Elk are very individual and will go in the direction that calls to them.


Thursday, 29 December 2016

Angels Speak - Stand Your Ground


As you move into 2017, think about boundaries, and standing your ground.  This is the year to be your own person.  This is the year to say no to anything that does not make your heart and soul sing.  This is the year to find your place and draw lines in the sand.

Yes, it is tough to say no to someone that you like or respect, or to someone who you think has more power than you do.  Know that a person only has power if you give them power in your life.  Even at work, you can shape your destiny.

Finding the right balance between being accommodating and being a hard ass is a learning process.  Don't worry, you can do it.  The goal is to make sure that everyone wins, and that you do not get pushed around.


Saturday, 19 November 2016

Angels Speak - A Definition of Friend



The Angels speak about friendship and how all of us need to have some good friends.  In a discussion about friendship, a question came up.  “How do you know someone is a friend?”

The various answers are:

  • A friend is someone that you go out to do things with and to have fun with
  • A friend is someone like you who has the same spirit and values
  • A friend is one who brings peace to you when you are with them
  • A friend is someone who will do things for you, or be in service with you as you do things
  • A friend is someone that you share with out of love and trust.


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Angels Speak - Remember to Laugh


The Angels tell us that there are waves of depression and anxiety rolling around the world to different groups of people.  Usually, the waves are part of a natural disaster or part of a man made conflict.  It may be the tiniest disagreement to the largest ongoing war.  Regardless of the size of the conflict, it feeds the despair.

The Angels tell us that when we feel that wave of depression or despair that we need to think of something good in our lives—something that makes us smile or laugh.  Perhaps it is a family thing, an old joke, an old memory of laughing time with a group of friends, or, anything that you can visualize or remember that made you laugh.  In that memory, inside yourself, is your ability to heal yourself from the despair.


Saturday, 21 November 2015

Buddha Speaks - Peace is in the Present



Tonight, our meditation is focusing on “Peace Within”.  I was lucky enough to find this poster that shows a quote from Lao Tzu speaking on peace.  I think that when we feel peace in ourselves and our surroundings, we receive a triple fold blessing.  I believe that peace keeps us young.  I mean it stops our bodies from aging.  With peace, we have time to focus our faith and to feel the calling of our spirit. 

For me, peace is:

  • sitting by the fireplace with my husband, roaring fire, book in hand
  • walking in the park with my dogs and hearing the trees, the water, the birds, and the breeze
  • sitting in our arbour under our mountain ash tree, in the summer, being surrounded by green life and all the birds and squirrels that are in the trees
  • sitting in mediation
  • working in my garden
  • cooking and baking

What is peace to you?


Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Spirit Animal–Great Horned Owl and Wisdom



The Great Horned Owl parents debuted their three new babies in Fish Creek Provincial Park this past week.  The parking lot at the Ranch Restaurant is now full all the time as photographers and nature lovers come to see the family. 

The Great Horned Owl mother and father fly up to our area frequently and sit in the pine trees in our yard or in our neighbours’ yards.  I love to listen to their hooting.  They talk about what hunting is like, and what the breeze/wind is doing.  Sometimes, they seem to be doing a “life talk” about walking in the night to see life through different eyes.  Or, sometimes the talk is about choosing how to live life – either as a leader or as invisible.  Several times, the lesson seems to be about right eating and right action, two of the Buddhist’s precepts.  Always, Owl’s words are thought provoking.

For more blogs on Great Horned Owl see:



Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Angels Speak - If You Judge People



How do you find it in your heart to have compassion for someone who has just spouted vile words at you, for no apparent reason?  How do you find compassion for the person who sits behind Anonymous and writes bullying words and makes threats?  Do we need to find compassion for them?

This was my question for my meditation.  I was finding it hard to understand why someone would want to yell at someone else for no reason.  Or, if you want to be really mean to someone, why not use your name?

I sat and waited for the knowing.  Nothing happened.  I waited some more.  Nothing happened. I waited and sank into a deeper state.  And I had the knowing that frustration and anger at life is a driving emotion that causes Anonymous to post the blogs or for someone you might not even know to shout out at you.

The interesting part of the meditation was that when this situation happens to you or touches you, the Universe (Spirit) is holding up a mirror that shows an aspect of you. 

I looked inside for peace.  I looked inside for healing.  I offered gratitude that I was not writing anonymous angry words or going around shouting at people. The Shaman in the legends talk about the angry, crazy person having some hidden wisdom in the meaningless rambling. 

I could not find any words of wisdom.  I did find compassion.  How horrible it must be to feel that much pain and to take it out on random people.  I offer blessings to them.


Thursday, 29 January 2015

Spirit Speaks - Your Connection With Others



I have been reviewing my life as I watch my 22 year old nephew live his life.  I find what he does so fascinating.  We are different and the same.  We are related by blood.

I watch the fun that he has with his friends.  Some of those friends he met when he was thirteen, and playing hockey.  Some of his friends were on opposing teams.  His group of friends keep peace with each other, guide each other, enjoy the spirit of life with each other, and genuinely express gratitude for the great things they get to do.  The six of them just did a junket to Vegas.  They did tours and went to shows and explored. They grew their bond.  He has friends that have stayed for a while and dropped off.  But these are his core.

I am lucky that I have several friends that have been with me since I was 19.  And I am several decades older now.  We still laugh and carry on, when we can get together as we are several provinces apart.  These friends are my foundation.  They have been my guides and they have helped me find peace with different situations.  They were the training ground for the rules of friendship and have given me the grace to go out and make more friends – some that stay and some that do not. 

It makes me realize that we are not just I or me; we are our friends too.  And that, I think, is a great treasure!


Monday, 14 July 2014

Angels Speak - For What It Is Worth



I saw this poster and it set me on a train of though around worth and all the times I have heard my parents or other parents say to their child, “You are worthless.”

I wonder what event in that parent’s life created the ability for them to demean a child.  A child cannot think or act or work in the same manner as an adult.  To apply the same rules of engagement in work or life to a child as you do to an adult seems like an illogical thing to do.  Yet, many parents do this.  Teachers also do this.  I don’t know why.  It is a puzzle.


Monday, 7 July 2014

Angels Speak – Living Life Well



As we move through each day, do you ever wonder how you are doing as a human being,  on the scale of one to ten?  Are you useful, honorable, compassionate, and kind?  If you rated yourself today, how would you rate yourself?  How would others rate you? 

I was driving down the highway, heading to a friend’s farm, and wondered how many people go through the day when they have to bomb a neighboring country, or, are cruel to animals or to other humans. 

I have learned not to worry about what others are doing, however.  I know that I can make a difference by being kind, useful, compassionate, and truthful.


Sunday, 9 March 2014

Spirit Animal - Young Colt Shares Thoughts



I come into this world with absolute delight!  All is new! I have the memories of those who came before me to guide me, as I discover the place around me.  I am innocent of doing any harm to anyone.  I know I am part of the herd, and that the herd takes care of me.  When I am older, I too will be in the herd that cares for all the foals.  This is the way Nature intended for Horse to move upon the Earth.  Even though someday I will run fast, and run free, I know that the survival of the herd depends on how each of us does their part.  We move from pasture to pasture to conserve the grasses and shrubs that we like, to give them a chance to regenerate.  Horses, like other animals, care for the Earth because it is our home.  The Earth, in turn, cares for us, and provides for us for food, sleeping, playing, foaling, fighting, and flourishing.  I look up and see my dam peacefully eating and keeping an eye on me at the same time.  I know that I am cared for.  I feel that warmth of affection wrap around me from other members of the herd.  While I know they will discipline me if I step out of line, they will do me no harm.  And while I am young, they will make my life as easy and safe as they can.   I am content!

Friday, 17 January 2014

Buddha Speaks - On Bliss



The Ultimate Bliss


Blissful is solitude

for one who’s content,

    who has heard the Dhamma,

    who sees.

Blissful is non-affliction

with regard for the world,

    restraint for living beings.

Blissful is dispassion

with regard for the world,

    the overcoming of sensuality.

But the subduing of the conceit 'I am'—

   That is truly

    the ultimate bliss.


- Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, "Do Nothing"

Friday, 8 November 2013

Angels Speak - About Dreams


Creator always gives you messages about the thoughts that pass through your brain, or about the very BIG conversations that you are having with friends.

This message is about going out and being creative; being able to pursue what makes your heart and soul sing; about being happy in what you do.  It is about living the dream.  It is a peaceful message of hope and faith in yourself – your god self.  Do not depend on others to get the dream for you.  Go after it. And, it does not matter how old you are… there is not a time limit on dreams!

