Showing posts with label From Judy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label From Judy. Show all posts

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Sharing - Activating Hope Summit

 Hi everyone,

I received this email from Greg Braden and thought it was worth sharing.

“Hope is what enables us to keep going in the face of adversity.” —Jane Goodall

In the face of crisis and upheaval, division and isolation, it can be easy to overlook the power of optimism. Now more than ever, hope is desperately needed.

After almost 60 years of groundbreaking environmental conservation work, Jane Goodall is turning her attention to today’s urgent need of species conservation—namely, local people and the environment. After all, we only have one planet. So we need to act together, today.


Led by a broad roster of revolutionary minds—including Jane herself—the Activating Hope Summit sets out to infuse hope in these trying times, giving participants the vision and tools to fight for our global future together. The Activating Hope Summit brings you...

  • Beacons of Hope Teachings & Conversations. Embrace one-hour messages of hope from a collection of diverse voices, including wellness leaders, beloved musicians, prominent activists, and more.
  • Daily Workshops led by some of today’s top mindfulness leaders and luminaries, these daily 45-minute workshops explore how hope can be infused into all facets of everyday life—from grief to movement.
  • Dozens of short videos from socially conscious, high-profile individuals aimed at providing bite-sized moments of hope and inspiration.

>>Click Here to Register for the Activating Hope Summit!


Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Back Blogging!

Life is wonderful!  I have someone that took over blogging for me for and I now have some time to get back to my own blog posts.

I am back!

So many happy, sad, wonderful, disheartening, and strange things have happened over the past six months.  I will have lots of stuff to write about going forward. 

I still will not turn on the comments because of all of the weird stuff that is hitting the blog email.  Sorry folk!  Perhaps I can turn the comments back on in a month or so.

Stay tuned.

Many blessings.

Sunday, 31 December 2017

How To Set Intentions for 2018 or For Any New Goal


This blog was written originally in 2011.  I have only used part of it as the rest was too dated for this coming year.  I hope you enjoy it!


For those of you that have asked questions about how to set your intentions for 2018, I would like to share a beautiful ritual that one of my friends sent to me several years ago.

I do not use this at New Years, however, this ritual is certainly right for that purpose.   I do use it to set intentions for any time.  It is powerful to use this ritual with the New Moon.


This is the initial technique - Setting Your Intentions for 2018 or any other time:

You start by asking yourself 4 questions...

  1. What do I want this year in my personal life
  2. What do I want this year for my financial life
  3. What do I want this year for my business life
  4. What do I want this year for my spiritual life

Then you write your answers. I feel into my body to identify in my heart what I am being drawn to create from the year. The MOST IMPORTANT part is to write it as if it has already happened.

As an example / template, here is an excerpt in part of what Maureen Collins (an artist) wrote for the category of business:

I am so grateful that this year became such an amazing journey of openness and discovery in my business, as it moved into the corporate world and lecture stage larger than ever before. I was able to deliver my shared vision via “What If? The Movie” through divine energy to hundreds of thousands of souls that were not only open to the information but contributed to the content collectively... AND they further delivered it to many more through word of mouth. This wisdom known to us all was a huge success with so many experiencing heart felt shifts and changes through the material offered by many like-minded souls. It became a place of safety and conversation for all who viewed it, and grew to include new audiences of those opening to the materials being offered by me and other contributors. The opportunity for the community to converse with one another about their own positive belief and pattern changes was a blessing and a joy to my heart, showing me the possibilities for all communities of the world. I loved watching and hearing the shifts and changes clients and friends and family were experiencing as they also awakened to how amazing and powerful they truly are, and reveled in the moments they shared with others in the community ...which triggered more openings and shifts and more sharing and so on. What fun... and so effortless and flowing... I felt like a kid again with all the discoveries...

You get the idea... write it as if it has already happened AND makes sure you include how you "felt" when it happened. Do this for each of the categories (there may be some overlap but the categories are designed to allow for specifics in those four areas of your life). This is a POWERFUL exercise that almost acts as plan for the year but flows through and creates a vibrational resonance with what you are desiring. You can do this over the next couple of days... I promise you it will really make a lovely impact. Then print it out post a couple of copies in places you will regularly see them to remind you what you are creating.


Ritual:  Burn and Release from Maureen Collins…

On a sheet of paper, I write out all of the things from the current year that I've outgrown, no longer want in my life,  no longer work for me, and anything else I feel I want to shed and leave behind.  On a separate piece of paper, I write all of the things I can think of and feel that I want to grow and expand in the new year.  I then burn each paper in separate dishes or shells, making sure all pieces are turned to ashes.  Then, when cooled, I put them into separate envelopes or containers (film canister, Ziploc baggie, etc.) and mark "to shed" and "to grow" on the container.   Around 5 minutes before midnight, I start visualizing all the things on the "to shed" list, and see them slip away, see them blown away and washed away, out of my energy field, out of my life and  out of my reality.  I go out side and pour the "to shed" ashes into my hand and let the wind scatter the ashes away and release them and all they re present, as the old year fades away.

After midnight, after blessing the new year, with the second container  "to grow",  I visualize all of these goals, desires, etc. coming to fruition, to this level of reality.  I bring that envelope down to the garden, and with a stick dig a small hole, then plant these ashes in the earth, near a tree or in a special place, (for those in apartments, I encourage them to use their favorite houseplant).  The ashes are a reminder of the life cycle, the power of nature and the honoring of Mother Earth, that these seeds of hopes and dreams are nurtured into reality, in the coming year.   This is a ritual that I've shared with many people, and even had a group in Ireland do it one New Years!  You may want to try this and tweak it and do it a way that suits you.

Many blessings for 2018

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

July 4 2017–Happy July 4th


This is a day to celebrate the blessings that are available each day.

This is a day to remember the Ancestors that explored, discovered, invented, and lobbied for all that we have today.


Saturday, 1 July 2017

July 1 2017–Happy Canada Day!

image Hello, Canada, and Happy Canada Day!

And, Happy 150th! image

Canada has lots of celebrating to do.  Although confederation is only 150 years old, Canada has centuries of history courtesy of very brave and determined Ancestors who set out to explore the new world.

Today is a great day to give thanks to all the Ancestors who had the courage to move forward, to go beyond what they knew, to create what we have today.


Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Happy Summer Solstice 2017


Our Ancestors celebrated Summer Solstice because it is the longest day.  It is a celebration of the SUN, of planting and the beginning of harvesting strawberries, haying, and bringing in the first offerings of the gardens.

Summer Solstice is the perfect time to work on self healing and to be kind to others.  The blessings of light are perfect for this time.

Try this prayer:



Thursday, 1 September 2016

September 1 2016 - Do Something That You Have Never Done


The theme for September is CHANGE… whatever it is you need to change.  Perhaps it is what you read or watch on TV.  Perhaps it is the colour of paint on your wall.  Just maybe it is your friends that you need to change. or your job, or your house, or your city, etc.

Change is pretty scary for most of us because we are pushed outside our comfort zone.  However, if you stay in the flow, then change just becomes another day and another action. 

Feeling chaotic while you are making a change is sometimes a signal that you are going against the flow.  If you are feeling that it is a fight, look at your situation and write down what all the obstacles are.  Maybe you are creating obstacles where none should be.  Maybe you or others are creating drama where none should be.  Look at it with love and see if that makes a difference.


Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Blog Posts Will Continue Using Windows Live Writer



I am happy to be able to continue blogging with Google and Blogger!  I can do this because Scott Hanselman and others at Microsoft created a new, open source program called OPEN LIVE WRITER.

Here is some information from Scott's blog….at

"Today is the day. An independent group of volunteers within Microsoft has successfully open sourced and forked Windows Live Writer. The fork is called Open Live Writer (also known as OLW) and it is part of the .NET Foundationand managed by this group of volunteers. Read the fantastic announcement at the .NET Foundation Blog! Download Open Live Writer now!"

Watch for catch up blogs from me.


Tuesday, 1 September 2015

September 2015


As we move into FALL, many of us with gardens in our back yards, or where ever, are looking at food preparation.  Our Ancestors canned fruit, vegetables, and even chicken, beef, and ham. 

We have come to rely on large factories to do our canning for us.  We get additives in “store bought” food that we would not add on our own. 

Good food feeds our body and our soul.  Clean food keeps us young. Canning is good to support our Free Will.

Here are some favourite recipes for the fall.


Easy Refrigerator Pickles

  • 6 cups thinly sliced pickling cucumbers (about 2 pounds)
  • 2 cups thinly sliced onion
  • 1 1/2 cups white vinegar
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon celery seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper (optional)
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced


Place 3 cups cucumber in a medium glass bowl; top with 1 cup onion. Repeat procedure with the remaining 3 cups cucumber and remaining 1 cup onion.

Combine vinegar and remaining ingredients in a small saucepan; stir well. Bring to a boil; cook 1 minute. Pour over cucumber mixture; let cool. Cover and chill at least 4 days.

Note: Pickles may be stored in the refrigerator for up to one month. 

I sterilize the jars and seal them, and put them in my cold storage.  Good now until Christmas!


Zucchini Muffins


  • 3 cups all purpose flour (I use gluten free flour and add Xanthum Gum)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • ½ tsp nutmeg (optional)
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 cup vegetable/canola oil
  • ½ cup milk
  • 2 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 cups shredded zucchini, thawed if frozen
  • Optional: 1 cup chocolate chips and/or ½ cup chopped walnuts and/or pineapple or banana
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a 12-cup muffin tin with paper liners or spray with baking spray.
  2. In large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt.
  3. In separate large bowl, whisk eggs, oil, milk, lemon juice, vanilla and zucchini.
  4. Pour wet ingredients into dry and stir just until completely combined (it's best to do this by hand to avoid over-mixing, which results in tough muffins).
  5. Fold in chocolate chips and/or walnuts if using.
  6. Divide batter over 12 muffin cups - they will be full! Bake for 22-26 minutes, until tops are golden and toothpick comes out clean from centers. Let sit in pan 3-5 minutes before removing to rack to cool completely.
  7. Best served fresh, or freeze extras, well wrapped or in an airtight container, and thaw or reheat as needed.



Other Recipes:

Friday, 24 July 2015

You Asked For Additional Resources - Books, Music, Meditation, Etc




Thank you to everyone that has emailed or left a message on a blog.  Many of you have suggested that at the end of my blog, I make a suggestion or add a resource for books, or music, or meditations, or other information if someone wants to dig deeper.   I think this is a fine suggestion.  I will not add it to all the blogs, but I will to some.  I will make the reference to Amazon as this seems to be an international type of reference.  For those of you that are not interested, please skip over the additional resources.


Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Thank You for over 500,000 views



I am pleased to share with you that my blog now has over 500,000 views.  I am grateful to all of you viewers. Your views and your comments remind me that we all need to support one another. 


Saturday, 4 July 2015

Happy 4th of July 2015



Lots has been going on in the United States this year, and more changes are likely to come with a fall election.  May all of you enjoy this July 4th weekend and may you find peace with family and friends in joyful celebration.


Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Happy Canada Day July 1 2015


Time passes quickly, and this year has flown by!  It is time for Canada Day. We celebrate with events and festivities, and end the day with fire works.  We celebrate the strength of our community and our country. 

Happy Canada Day!

Monday, 23 March 2015

Recipe–Improve Your Energy with No-Bake Energy Bites






yield: ABOUT 20 BITES


  • 1 cup quick oats (use gluten-free oats if you want to for these to be gluten-free)
  • 1/2 cup natural peanut butter (or any nut butter of your choice)
  • 1/4 cup agave nectar (you can also use honey or maple syrup)
  • 1 tbs. melted coconut oil
  • 1 tbs. chia seeds
  • 2 tbs. flax seed meal
  • 3 tbs. mini chocolate chips
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • Other optional add-ins: raisins, nuts, dried fruits, coconut
  1. In a large bowl, mix together all of the ingredients until well-combined. Cover and refrigerate the mixture for about 30 minutes.
  2. Using your hands, roll the mixture into balls. Mine were about 1-1 1/2-inch in diameter.
  3. Place the bites into an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for about 1 week.



Wednesday, 31 December 2014

That’s A Wrap For 2014



2014 has been a very special year for me, and there have been huge changes in the world.  I look back and I see that a lot of healing has to happen to bring the world energies back into balance.   To do that healing, we each need to work on ourselves.  We are the ones that make a difference.

Every day, I look around, and I am amazed that the Creator still puts together such beautiful sunsets, skies full of twinkling stars, birds that sing the most beautiful songs, and all the other joys I find everyday. 

I wish each of you a year filled with light, love, joy, and peace.


Saturday, 18 October 2014

Notes from Judy - Destiny and Fate and Career


Fate is what we resign to, while Destiny is what we work towards…

modified quote from Rick Jarow, PH.D.’s audio book called, “The Ultimate Anti-Career Guide”.    You can order this from the website for Sounds True.  (

As we move through life, we all question why we are doing the work or career that we seem to be locked into.  Many people do make career changes. We see people make up to three career changes in their lifetime.  However, it is a difficult process.

The ANTI-CAREER GUIDE talks about the spiritual process involved in making career choices as well as the practical requirements for careers.  I found the meditations very thought provoking.

If you are in a place of chaos around your career, you may find his set of CDs very helpful. 


Tuesday, 9 September 2014

From Judy - Delays



Dear everyone who reads my blog,

First, I was delayed in writing the blog because of work commitments… and I wrote about that.

Second, I was delayed as of two weeks ago when my personal laptop croaked… my hard drive failed and my power cord melted.  Oh well.

I took the opportunity to do some research around what I wanted for a laptop.  I got my new beauty last night.  I am ready!

What I learned was that everything is a blessing.  It sometimes takes us days  or weeks to see that.  I had a chance to think through all of the blogging that I have been doing.  I realize that blogging is one of the ways that I am in service.  I am grateful that I am able to share with all of you.

I also realized that abundance is flowing around out there, and that all we need to do is to ask for it.  I got everything I wanted except for the DVD player… it increases the weight and something else that is good gets knocked out of the setup.

So, I am back to writing and blogging.

Many blessings.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Sorry, I have been busy!



I have had a very busy week, and I really have not had time to blog.  I am sorry about that because I enjoy my blogging sessions, and I love getting the emails and comments from everyone.

Thank you to all of you that shared stories with me this past week.  By the way, if you are okay with me sharing your story, please let me know in the email.  Some of you have very special stories that should be told.

So what have I been doing?  We have three people away on vacation, and I have been doing extra work to help cover off our clients.  If the work can be done in the evening after I do some of my regular work, then that is when I do it. 

I think I am back on schedule!  Thanks for your patience.


Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Supporting the Community



A friend sent me this poster.  It really made me stop and think about how we spend our time and money.  In days gone by, we all prospered when we purchased goods from one another.  Then, greed set in, and everyone thought that their product or specialty was worth more than their neighbors.  People began to look for alternatives that were not so costly. 

I like the idea of purchasing locally, and I try to do so.  The purchase and the price however, do have to make sense to me. 

How do you feel about buying locally?


Friday, 4 July 2014

Happy July 4 2014



Happy Independence Day to every American. 



by Henry Van Dyke

I love thine inland seas,
Thy groves of giant trees,
Thy rolling plains;
Thy rivers' mighty sweep,
Thy mystic canyons deep,
Thy mountains wild and steep,
All thy domains;
Thy silver Eastern strands,
Thy Golden Gate that stands
Wide to the West;
Thy flowery Southland fair,
Thy sweet and crystal air, --
O land beyond compare,
Thee I love best!

Additional verses for the
National Hymn,
March, 1906.
