Showing posts with label Alone with The Heavens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alone with The Heavens. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Finding the Soul


There is always lots of speculation about the soul in spiritual circles.  What it is – what it does – how it works.  Most of the questions do not really matter.  What matters is that we each have a soul, that it is considered valuable, and that it holds the memories of our past lives.

A healing facilitator says that when we are out of balance that our soul sits outside our body, and, that to rebalance, we need to bring our soul inside our body.  She says that we can do this by being in the woods or by a river and touching the Earth, Water, or Tree, to bring ourselves back into alignment with our soul. 

If you cannot get outside, touching your house plants will produce the same effect over a longer period of time.

Many blessings.

Saturday, 11 February 2017




Gazing, looking, seeing, and remembering.  One meaning of gazing  is "look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought".

Gazing is a form of meditation.  It allows us to focus on something and yet nothing, and move our consciousness.  We are in a duet with that which we gaze at.  We become partners in creating energy that lifts the spirit. 


Wednesday, 1 February 2017

February as a Step Into Spring


The weather has been cold and there is lots of snow.  It seems difficult to believe that in two weeks the weather man is predicting melting temperatures.  We snuggle in our homes and semi-hibernate as the cold roles through.  We admire the snow because it is clean and bright, and we if we are avid winter people, we get out and ski, snow shoe, or walk.

The challenge for all of us is to find grace in what we do each day.  As February moves into SPRING, we have a chance to practice the art of self healing – the letting go of things that bother us or of people that bother us.  Our Ancestors used the winter to review their life and to think about changes that they wanted to make come spring.  We can achieve what we think of. 


Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Angels Speak - The Beauty in Every Day


It is not very often that a day is really awful. 

Here is a start to your list.

  1. Smile.
  2. Connect with nature.
  3. Surround yourself with positive people in person or online.
  4. Do something you’ve always enjoyed.
  5. Do something you’ve never done before but have always wanted to try.
  6. Learn something new.
  7. Smell something that makes you happy: a mandarin, your lover’s perfume, chocolate, you decide.
  8. Reward yourself for your good habits.
  9. Eat something that makes you happy, but not too much if it’s fattening.
  10. Spend time with a good friend.
  11. Touch something that makes you happy: a cat, velvet, the bark of a tree? Take time to notice.
  12. Don’t worry now, worry later.
  13. Say, or sing, something that makes you happy.
  14. Challenge yourself, I dare you.
  15. Look at something that makes you happy.
  16. Stop procrastinating, do something.
  17. Take a small step towards your goal.
  18. Congratulate yourself.
  19. Tell someone you love them.
  20. Do a good deed.

Now – you can finish it.  If you need help, check out the rest of the list at


Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Angels Speak–Endurance


Have you ever had a job that you needed to do, and left it because you were too tired?  I think most people have had that experience.  The Angels tell us that we can ask for help to rejuvenate or to re-energize to finish something.

The Angels directed me to these affirmations that appeared on

  • All the energy I require is mine for the asking.
  • All the positive energies of the universe are flowing through me.
  • All the positive energies of the universe are flowing through me.
  • As I breathe slowly and deeply, I become more relaxed and energized.
  • Being energized is easy when I am living my purpose.
  • Boundless energy infuses my body and soul.
  • Divine energy is flowing through me with every breath I take.
  • Each day I wake up with more energy than the day before.

These may help you when you are bone tired. 


Sunday, 5 June 2016

Angels Speak - Take Time For Self


If you are finding that you have a dark time of the soul almost everyday, then it is time for you to start to look within.  A short meditation can help you find the core of strength that we all carry, and which many never discover.

We are at a time when our work-life balance is one sided in favor of work.  Silence and looking within will help us regain some individual power.  We become then like the Willow.  Willow blows with the wind.  It is graceful and strong and flexible and does not fall over. 

Our light needs to shine for our own health and well being.  And, it needs to shine to counteract all the forces that want to blow it out.


Thursday, 21 January 2016

Nature Speaks - If You Are Unhappy..



Life is pretty hectic as we move into the new year.  It seems there is more information, more emails, more news feeds, and more people wanting things from me.  I love to get away from all the pressures.  In the evening, I will go for a walk with my dogs.  We go to one of the three parks around us.  On Saturday, I like to go for a long walk with my dogs.

Two of my neighbours walk every other day, for about two hours at a time, in the park, along the river.  They say the walk clears their minds and makes them feel more peaceful.  They come back feeling more mellow.

Perhaps this is the year to make a promis to yourself to walk out in Nature more often. 
