Showing posts with label Oneness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oneness. Show all posts

Thursday, 27 September 2018

I Choose To Pause


More and more, I am working in my office and realizing that what I do is really not very important.  What is important is who I am – with or without my work.  What is important are those moments that I pause, and that I am grateful for the wonderful opportunity around me to change my life – to be who I am. 

I am grateful.

Monday, 16 July 2018

Comparing Self to Others


A big lesson that many of us have to learn is that we cannot keep comparing ourselves to other people.  If we were all exactly the same, then we could compare.  Since each of us is unique, comparison does not work.

In fact, the Angels say, that when we start comparing ourselves to others, we are really reacting to a mirror of a part of ourselves that we have not yet dealt with, and that we need to put to rest.  That is a huge idea!

In comparing to others, we are pulling out the parts of us that need to be worked on.  Whether it is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual work, when a comparison pops up, now is the time to do the work.

Ask yourself:

Why is this comparison of "xxxx" so important to me?
  • Why do I need to learn this at this time in my life?
  • What is the bigger lesson here?
  • Who else is affected by my lesson?

Many blessings.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018



Several days ago, I was feeling sad because my Dad was gone, and I was feeling glad because he was now released from the body that was starting to weigh him down. As he said, "It just doesn't work right anymore!"

I went out and sat under the arbour and mountain ash tree. I relaxed my body back into the swing chair, and closed my eyes. Within minutes, I could feel something watching me and there was bird song all around. I thought the birds were eating the berries in the tree. I looked up. There were about half a dozen sparrows hopping around the tree and looking at me, like they were concerned. Yes, I do put birdseed out, however, it's not like they are dependent upon me for food.

I wondered what was up. Then they started flying past me, quite close to my face. The dogs came and sat with me, and watched the birds. Pretty soon they were swooping over the dogs. It was quite a show! They were trying to tell me something.

Sparrows are noted for eating a wide variety of insects, and will fly up around the house. This year, they have kept our garden quite free of the normal pests that eat our lettuce and spinach and tomatoes. Chairman Mao Tse-Tung learned, with disastrous consequences, what happens when one dishonours the sparrow. He calculated that a sparrow could eat almost ten pounds of rice per year, and that if he killed a million sparrows, he'd have enough rice to feed an additional 60,000 people. The Chinese people were commanded to kill as many sparrows as possible. In Shantung province, the locals killed an estimated 2.7 million sparrows. The amount of rice did not increase with the death of the sparrows. It diminished. The insects that the sparrows normally killed, ate and damaged rice well in excess of what the sparrows ate. Chairman Mao decided he'd had a bad idea and ordered the people to be friends with the sparrows so the population would return to normal.

Sparrows are noted for representing abundance - both substantial and spiritually. The Japanese have a story about a sparrow’s gifting an old woodsman with gold and silver. There is also a story about a sparrow singing to Jesus as he hung on the cross. Songs have been written about the relationship between God and the sparrow. In ancient times, sparrows were thought to carry the souls of the dead up to the Gods. Our ancestors believed it was bad luck to kill a sparrow because this stopped them (the sparrow) from fulfilling its task.

Taking all of this information into context, it seemed to me that the sparrows were telling me to cheer up. They were saying that I was well taken care of, and that Dad was also well looked after. Sparrow’s song was a reminder to stay grounded (as are the colours) and stay in the present moment. The present is full of joy and peace and wonder. Their aerial acrobatics were reinforcing that I should use the gifts of my third eye and connect with the Divine to see the perfection in everything. It is good advice!

Many blessings.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Spring Equinox March 20 2018


This spring equinox is part of the beginning of the 19-Year cycle that started with the January 31 Full Moon and Eclipse.  It is a time of karmic changes that look at Love, Relationships with Others and with The Earth, and a time to look at our spiritual gifts.

I think that this prayer is an awesome prayer to offer up on this Equinox.

Earth, Teach Me!

Earth teach me quiet ~ as the grasses are still with new light.
Earth teach me suffering ~ as old stones suffer with memory.
Earth teach me humility ~ as blossoms are humble with beginning.
Earth teach me caring ~ as mothers nurture their young.
Earth teach me courage ~ as the tree that stands alone.
Earth teach me limitation ~ as the ant that crawls on the ground.
Earth teach me freedom ~ as the eagle that soars in the sky.
Earth teach me acceptance ~ as the leaves that die each fall.
Earth teach me renewal ~ as the seed that rises in the spring.
Earth teach me to forget myself ~ as melted snow forgets its life.
Earth teach me to remember kindness ~ as dry fields weep with rain.
--Ute Prayer

Many blessings.

Saturday, 24 February 2018

Spirit Speaks -- Allow The Universe


We move through space as we go about our daily activities on Planet Earth.  We already have an immediate connection with the Universe.  Yet, we do not realize the connection because we are so busy being isolated in our own ego.

When we work in harmony with the Universe, a team like no other is created.  We can move through life and the routine with grace and ease.  We are kinder, laugh more, and recognize the fragility of life and the blessing we get when our soul has a chance to carry out its passion.

We are now in that place where we can allow the magic of creating something new for ourselves.

Many blessings.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Energy - Beyond Abundance


Are you caught up in the battle to earn a living doing a job you don’t particularly like? Are you feeling slightly desperate trying to ensure that you have enough money for your family? Are you wondering whether your job is “good enough” to provide the income you need? Well, you are not alone in this feeling. Millions of people across North America get out of bed each morning and travel to work at something that they dislike. Because they are not happy, the effect cascades through their lives and the lives of their family. Just like the water in the Cascading Falls wears down the rock over time, the spirit is eroded by the feeling of futility and depression.

Why do so many people fall into the trap of living in a fashion that may earn them money but leaves them feeling unfulfilled? Most people are unaware that there is anything in life beyond satisfying the safety and security issues. They have not heard that there is tremendous abundance in the universe and that this abundance is available to all. For examples of abundance, look into nature. A tree produces more than just one leaf or one piece of fruit. Most vegetables produce more than one pod or bean or ear. The idea behind producing this abundance is that there is some to reproduce with and keep growing and there is some to give away. This is nature’s way of showing what is beyond abundance – that is, GENEROSITY.

When one fulfills what is needed to be happy and comfortable, when a person feels like they have excess - that is the time to show one’s abundance by giving to others. Have you noticed that even the people deemed the richest in the world give away a good portion of their wealth? Bill Gates, Oprah, Bono to name a few. Even Warren Buffet, the second richest man in the world, according to Forbes Magazine, gave his wealth to Bill Gate’s Foundation because he believed in the good work that the Gates’ were doing. When people are generous, it restores their spirit if they do it from the heart. When they do it because they want the accolades and want to be noticed, the act becomes part of the quest for security, and continues the erosion of the integrity.

People who seem to make lots of money, but don’t share it or share some of it grudgingly, do not seem to find the same peace as those who give generously. It does seem that one of the major differences between the “have” nations and the “have-not” nations is the degree that the wealthy of the country, on a per capita basis, donate to charitable causes or to where the help is needed. The have-not countries do not contribute back, but keep pulling the wealth from the land and the people, and from organizations that move in to try and help improve the overall situation. It seems that where activities out of integrity have been happening for a long time, the earth is rising up and taking back its generosity. Some recent examples are the Tsunami in 2004 and various earthquakes, floods and volcanoes in many third world countries. Time is a constrained resource and yet in the prosperous nations, people are willing to donate their time - that is to volunteer, for various activities from fund raising to working for free (planting trees in reforestation efforts, Habitat For Humanity, coaching, church fundraisers, delivering baskets to those families that need them, to name a few activities). Nations that do not have the wealth also do not have the same level of volunteerism. One could argue that they have a much harder time simply living. However, there does seem to be a correlation between how well people look after others through volunteerism and those that simply look after themselves.

The main point is that by recognizing that abundance already exists, and spreading that abundance through generosity, all people become part of the activity of making abundance. This abundance then circles back to all in the form of more abundance. The circle represents spiritual realms in sacred geometry. Therefore, when one goes beyond abundance, into generosity, one does the work of spirit. And, that is as it should be. And, it is.

(Article reprinted, by permission of the author, from Angels and Ancestors Magazine Volume 1 Issue 4 January 28 2007)

Many Blessings.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Energy - Job This Year

Everyone seems to wonder what their purpose or job is – the purpose of their life.  I think that it changes from time to time, depending on what is going on in the world.  I hear mystics talking about all the things that need to be done this year to change the tide of negative energy.
I think that the number one job this year for all of us is to keep our cool and to bring peace and calm to where ever we are.  Calmness inspires others.  It gives one an identity.  It brings healing to anger and aggression.  With calmness, we can show kindness and positivity.  It is a chance to change our environment.
If we each change our environment, then eventually, the environments will link together to form a net of calmness and peace.
Many blessings.

Monday, 25 December 2017

Merry Christmas 2017


My wish for you is that you have the most wonderful Christmas with your friends and family.  I wish that your days are filled with kindness and with thoughtfulness.  I hope that you find time to practice self care and to be caring to all.

Many blessings.

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Christmas Thoughts– Calm Spirit


As we come closer to the day of Christmas, I find myself asking for calm spirit.  I feel the energies from outside me, pushing at me, causing me to feel unsettled.

I ask for calm spirit.  I wish to glide through the days with everything that I do being easily accomplished.  I wish for all that I meet to smile at me and wish me well.

I ask for calm spirit.  I ask for inspiration from the sky and the stars.  I ask for my identity to be Calm Spirit Woman so that I am at one with the flow of what happens next.

I ask for calm spirit.  I am oneness with everyone out there, with every person around me.  I see them in me.  I move to calmness. I am refreshed.

Many blessings.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Healing - Self Care


The theme of healing comes about because most of us are just not very good at self care.  Oh, we may hit the gym and run and do strenuous workouts as part of what we believe is self care, because others have told us that it is.  However, self care is about taking care of your bodies – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. 

I love the meditation in the poster above.

Try it.


Friday, 11 August 2017

Spirit Animal - Tiger Talks About Life


Although Tiger may seem an unlikely guide on life, she comes forward with many thoughts to share about how to live and enjoy your life.

Here are her thoughts:

  1. Walk your territory (neighborhood) several times a week to keep up with changes around you.
  2. Stay in harmony with Nature. 
  3. Eat only those foods that are good for your body.  These foods increase your health, strength, and longevity.
  4. Drink lots of clean water. 
  5. Create a routine.  Stick with it as much as possible for it will keep you grounded.


Monday, 7 August 2017

Spirit Animal - Dog on Love


More and more is being written about dogs and about their purpose.  Some people fear dogs because of snarling, biting, or other aggressive acts.  Dogs are not aggressive unless defending "something" or unless they have owners that have taught them to be aggressive. 

Dog will tell you that her purpose on Earth is to teach unconditional love.  She says that she is to reach out to as many people as she can, even when she is with a loving family.  Dog provides something that people cannot – love without rules or conditions. 

Today, find a dog and close your eyes and look at it to see if you can see the light around its body.


Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Saint Germain - Do Things Now!

Saint Germain tells us that time is now running out for you to do all the things that you have on your bucket list.  This is not because you are about to die, but because Great Spirit will call you to work in service to humanity.  Some of you are already doing this work.  Some have refused. 
Right now, take time for yourself and do something that you have wanted to do for a long time.  You will gain positivity.  You will be letting go.  You will be learning. You will come to a place of harmony.  Time will be less of a distraction to you.
Sit down and list the things that you want to do.  Work at creating a space to let them happen.

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Ancestors Speak - Walk Alone


There is always safety in numbers, and that is why our Ancestors travelled in tribes and lived in villages.  Yet, there are times when we must be alone to listen to our soul.

With aloneness comes the space to feel Oneness, Harmony, and to do self Healing.  It is the OHH sequence of life – Oneness, Harmony, and Healing.  When we achieve this resonance in our selves, then we move forward into life with confidence.  We are ready to take on new challenges and to assist others.

Today, take some time to walk alone and work to fee the harmony, the OHH of the moment.


Thursday, 27 April 2017

Spirit Guides - Are You Feeling Confined?


There are days that life feels like it is a trap.  It pens you into routine/work/life that feels over whelming, and confining.

The Spirit Guides tell us that we need to redefine how we LIVE.  They tell us that we are restricting ourselves with all of our rules.  The more we want to feel free, the more restricted that we feel.  It is a great irony of the 21st Century. 

The Guides tell us that we should be letting go of the rules and restrictions.  They ask us to look for positivity in what we do, and to feel the Oneness with everything.  It is time to break free.


Thursday, 13 April 2017

Spirit Guides - Choosing Your Stand



I took the picture above on the bank of the Bow River because it shows a Canada Goose sitting in a tree.  the Goose is perfectly placed to watch out for a new mate.

The Spirit Guides tell us that we must choose our stand carefully because it will either make us strong or make us vulnerable.  It should allow us to watch out for those things that might trip us up, or, it will place us in the way of something bigger than we are.

The idea of a soul being in service can help us decide what kind of a stand we want to have.  The Oneness of what we choose makes us safer, or not.  If we are too self centered, we are not safe.  If we are too open, then we are infringing on others.


Monday, 3 April 2017

Spirit Guides - At One With Yourself



We hear about all the ways that Nature is making herself known – through rain storms and floods, through intense cold and snow storms, through volcano eruptions, and through great wind storms and earthquakes.

The Spirit Guides tell us that Nature is mirroring all that is going on in our emotional and mental states.  Nature amplifies our emotions through rain and flood environments.  She talks about our frozen emotions with the cold and the snow. And the eruptions and earthquakes mirror our anger.

Watch the weather and natural occurrences around you.  What do they mirror for you?


Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Nature Speaks–Flooding


Nature shows us the power of snow and water as spring comes and the snow melts, and the rivers, flood.  This is an annual reminder that cleansing must happen.  From this reminder, we have the "spring house cleaning" activities.

Spring is a chance to make all things new or fresh again.  As the rivers flood their banks, we need to flood our homes with cleansing to let out the energies that have accumulated over the winter.  We need to sweep away the angers and resentments.  We need to wash down the walls of isolation.

This is a time to decide what you will clean up in your life.


Thursday, 23 February 2017


As world inhabitants, we are still a long way from recognizing that this World is a living organism, and that we are all part of it.  We are part of the oneness of the world.  We see ourselves as separate, and we try to beat everything else around us into submission.  It is futile.  It is, in fact, beating ourselves.
We are connected to each other, the animals, plants and trees, ocean, marine life, reptiles, and everything that exists on Earth.  If we feel, they feel.  We communicate and they communicate.  Just like we may not speak another language from a foreign country, other beings on the planet do not communicate with us.
If we use our awareness, we can sense the energies and communication between other inhabitants of the planet. 
It is time to start exercising our oneness muscle.

Saturday, 31 December 2016

New Year's Eve 2016


New Year's Eve 2016 – this is the time that we release this past year, with love and compassion, and create space for a Happy New Year that will be filled with fun and laughter.

This is the time that we feel the Oneness of the world… we are a global community and we will be more and more in tune with one another.

Celebrate that you are able to celebrate without repression. 
