Showing posts with label Vibration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vibration. Show all posts

Sunday, 5 December 2021

Setting Boundaries - People In Your Life

The following post is copied from the post on August 21, 2015 called, Angels Speak - People in Your Life.  The advice is timely for the end of 2021 and into 2022.  


Life will bring you people that you need to learn lessons with and sometimes, from them.  These are the people that have a short time span in your life.  Many of us, however, keep these people around for quite a long time.  We let guilt, or blame, or laziness, keep us from moving on.  And, we need to move on.  

Our Ancestors, The People, were not in the Nature of letting people stay in the tribe if they did not belong in the life.  We need to change out those that don’t fit, bring negativity, or try to hold us back.  We need to move.

Sometimes, it is family that is the problem.  They are more difficult to let go of.  You can, however, set boundaries and use the boundaries to distance from them.  Sometimes, you have to move.  

Who is in your life that should be gone?


Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Spiritual Terms That You Should Understand

When I work with students (apprentices) or clients, I find that they often do not understand some of the common spiritual terms.  I am sharing what some of these terms are and how they are used.

Universal Law -  Laws that are created with the birth of the Universe... this one or others, that guide the beings in the Universe to have the ability to reach their highest evolvement for their soul.  These laws help reach higher consciousness.  The First Law is - Do No Harm.

Higher Self - This is the highest vibrational aspect of your soul that is the liaison or intermediary between you and The Universe (God, Creator, whatever your belief system is for your prayers).  One finds their higher self through meditation and looking within one's self.  Higher Self provides unfiltered truth which most people are not prepared to listen to.

Vibration - Everything is made of energy.  We know that energy is made up of moving atoms, and that the movement of the different atoms happens at different frequencies or speeds which create a vibration.  When we "feel" energy, we "feel" the vibration because it is different than the vibration within the atoms of our body.
