Showing posts with label Elemental. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elemental. Show all posts

Monday, 22 October 2018

Where I can Sit In Solitude


It seems that the answer to finding a longer, better life is to let go of what we know and to venture into what we do not know – what we do not control.  Going out into Nature, into the woods or to sit on a mountain or to climb a tree, releases us from the conditions of time and lets us move into timelessness. 

When we move out of time, health is perfect, we love unconditionally, and we are forgiven and we do forgive without noticing how much has changed.

Being at peace with everything makes us of the Earth and reminds us that we need to be caretakers of everything. 

Many blessings.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Spirit Speaks - What is Spirituality


There are many definitions of spirituality.  Often, I think, different words are part of the meaning of spirituality.  Words like:

  • Universe
  • Light
  • Service
  • Harmony
  • Compassion
  • Letting go
  • Connectedness to all things

Spirituality is not religion.  It is the relationship with all things, and the support that one gives to all things.

Many blessings.

Sunday, 19 November 2017



When we are grounded, we have the feeling of being home.  Home is being at peace within yourself and within your world.  Grounding happens when you connect with the richness of the Earth. 

Grounding allows us to:

  • feel confident
  • remember that we are all elemental – made up of basic minerals and water and gases
  • be grateful that we can ground and connect
  • resonate with harmony that life is good


Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Healing - Group Healing Situations


Some people believe that for healing to occur, the healing must be done within a group setting.  The belief is that the power of each individual combines to create a massive healing energy that transforms everyone in the group.

The group does not have to be large.  A common setting for group healing is a group meditation.  The words of the meditation have an influence on the process as do the thoughts/intentions/energy of the participants.

There are many testimonials from people that have had remarkable healings through a group session.

Remember, the information in this blog  is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider for a medical condition.


Thursday, 19 October 2017

Healing - Healing with Horses


One of the healing methodologies that seems to bring peace and quiet for many seeking healing is horse therapy.

Horse therapy has worked for individuals with the following health issues:

  • Anxiety (GAD, worry, phobias, fear of failure, performance anxiety, social anxiety, PTSD)
  • Self Esteem/Self Worth (shame-based disorders)
  • Depression (negative thinking, hopelessness, rumination about the past)

You can find listings for equine facilitated wellness in your area. The horses are used to help re-establish your power, and to help you find your voice.

Remember, the information in this blog  is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider for a medical condition.


Sunday, 17 September 2017

Buddha Speaks - The Garden


The thought of karmic gardening is a very clever way to point out that we have choices in our lives.  When we are moving forward in life, we need to attend to the positive thoughts, identify the negative thoughts, and release the negative thoughts. 

Negative thoughts or weeds, are usually thoughts of judgement, jealousy, anger, displeasure, envy, condemnation, or any other thought that is not supporting you and others.

Today, do not give the weeds any fertilizer to grow into thoughts that pull you down and keep you from being happy.


Monday, 13 March 2017

Nature Speaks - Do Not Give Up


The best lesson that Nature gives us that we cannot give up.  Nature never does.  Nature, as a guiding principle, instills the will to continue, in all her children – plants, animals, insects, fish, and all manner of creepers and crawlers. 

Water, wind, ice, and fire all work on the physical aspects of the Earth to change them.  The change most often is not instantaneous, but happens over time.  Time may be decades or eons. 

Humans do not understand the concept of time in the same way.  Human life span is measured in decades. Therefore, all change, in human time, needs to be very quick. Having patience and lack of patience are character builders that we all struggle with.  Seeing something through to the end is so very satisfying.

What are you going to work on that you have given up on in the past?


Saturday, 15 October 2016

Spirit Animal - Kingfisher's View


The Kingfisher is a master at his work – fishing.  He shares what it is like to be a master.

  • To be a master means to do the same thing over and over and over without tiring of it
  • Repetition makes the impossible possible because your body responds without thought
  • Technique is meant to be refined constantly.  No situation is ever exactly the same.  Similar, perhaps, but not the same.
  • Remember to stay humble


Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Spirit Animal - Fox On Life



The Fox was moving through the meadow and stopped when it saw me.  Instead of running, it sat down, and it seemed we would have a conversation.  However, I did not do any talking.  Fox had this to say.

-Why is there such a distance between humans and animals?  Do humans not realize that animals are always connected in Nature as are humans?

-Why do humans tear up the meadows and the forests to build wooden homes that are much bigger than is needed?  A den is a place to be safe.

-Why is food becoming more scarce for animals and for people.  Is it because there is no understanding of what it takes to make food?  It takes time to grow what ever it is.


Sunday, 5 June 2016

Spirit Animal - Red Winged Blackbird


There were 16 Red Winged Blackbirds sitting together on the branches of willows that ringed the water pond in the park.  They trilled back and forth.  They talked about being here (in the park) for another year.  About the migration from the south, and the food supply, and where there were good spots for the nests. 

The discussion highlighted a few things:

  1. Home and neighborhood is important.  It is really good to have friends that you can depend upon.
  2. A supply of good, clean water is important.  The closer to where you live, the better.
  3. Protection, such as the protection to animals/birds offered by the park, gives one peace of mind.
  4. A consistent supply of the right kind of food ensures that you will be able to support your offspring.

This all sounds like good advice. 


Monday, 7 September 2015

Angels Speak - What Do You Need?


Have you ever thought, “I need something..”.

Then, as you think about it, you don’t know what you need?  This happens to all of us.  What we can do now, is we can decide what we need and set manifestation into motion.

Generally though, we don’t hold on to the idea and truth of what we need long enough for it to become an action in the Universe.

Sometimes, we are like butterflies going from flower to flower, as we skip from the idea of I need this or I need that or…

We can have what we need.


Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Angels Speak - We do guide you



The vision that I get in my head when I think of Ancestors are people like the pioneers that settled North America – the explorers, the fur traders, and the first settlers that headed out into the unknown in wagon trains. My guides pointed out that many other people are part of our history and therefore are part of our Ancestors.  Albert Einstein is an Ancestor.  He was brilliant and not afraid to speak his mind.  He knew how to fail and how to keep going.  He knew about creativity and being in service, watching Nature to get guidance, and he believed in the spiritual.

The Angels say that he is a great example of knowing what to do with guidance.


Saturday, 7 March 2015

Mother Nature Speaks - Make The Earth Green Again



As the Earth opens up to spring in the Northern Hemisphere, Mother Nature brings forward messages about rehabilitating the Earth.  If rehabilitating the Earth speaks to you, then think green.  Think about changing your lawn into a permanent garden by growing herbs.  Welcome in the Fairies and other Elementals.  Work with the changing Earth. 

Mother Earth and Mother Nature are two forces that keep us humans alive.  More and more, we need to work with the idea of ONENESS where we all are sharing.  What a great opportunity to be in service to to an energy bigger than we are.


Sunday, 8 February 2015

Spirit Animal - Skunk Arrives



We were out walking in the park, my dog and I.

We were waiting for the Sun to peek over the trees.

Then we smelled the scent that makes you hurriedly look around because you may end up getting sprayed.

And there he was, looking cheesed right off.

The snow was not gone, and it was still cold and dry.

Yet he trudged on looking for a place he would not freeze.

And he ignored us as the Magpies and my dog ran and played.

Although nothing is ever black and white, it seemed so this morning.

First Magpies and then Mr. Skunk.

Perhaps it is that clear.

Skunk and Magpie show that the elemental colours are between black and white, and all the rainbow colours in between.

Perhaps, with the snow and the dark wood and the companions, Nature was saying that nothing is as it seems.

I buy that.


Saturday, 31 January 2015

Spirit Speaks - Perfect?




I was reading a wonderful story about how the willow and the oak trees were comparing their different aspects to one another to figure out who was the better tree.  They were so unique that they decided that they were both perfect.

The way that I see life is that everyone is competing to show that they are the best and the most perfect, even if they harm themselves. 

I like the poster.  I am good at being me.  I am good at following my own path.  Every time I think about someone’s opinion of me, i stop the thought and think of something happy. 


Monday, 1 December 2014

Spirit Speaks - Step Beyond


I saw this picture and loved it!  How cool is it to be able to step through a portal into the beyond?  We all know that this picture is a metaphor for life.  It is about moving beyond:

  • jealousy
  • greed
  • anger
  • racism
  • fear
  • control
  • manipulation
  • guilt
  • blame
  • regrets
  • grievances
  • self doubt
  • intolerance
  • pettiness
  • mean spiritedness

And the list goes on.  Add to it.  The list has emotions, attitudes, and actions on it.  

As the picture shows, when we move beyond any of these life hurdles, we move up and beyond that limitation. 

What a wonderful world!


Sunday, 26 October 2014

Spirit Animal - Herd In Motion


Spirit Horse Speaks:

“We are at a time of the Great Herd.  We see it.  As a Herd, we know to protect the mares and the foals.  They are the future.  Yes, we will lose some to the natural course of events.  We stallions do not turn on our off spring and kill them or abuse them.  We work to give them life.  We do not make war on our own kind.  We set boundaries and share meadows and great fields.  We drink at the lake with the cougar and the bear.  We are the model.  Heed this well.”


Monday, 29 September 2014

Buddha Speaks - Be Healthy!



How does one move through the world in a healthy way when even the air that we breathe is full of heavy metals.  How do we find a place that is clean and free of toxins, or food that is free of toxins?

We can bless our food with good, kind words, much in the same way that Masaru Emotto blesses water.  See his site at beautiful words create beautiful water crystals.


Sunday, 14 September 2014

Spirit Animal - Rabbit’s Gentle Ways


Rabbit hopped on to the grass so that I would see him.  He than crouched, and nibbled grass.  He looked at me.  He stretched out in the Sun.  He nibbled grass.  He wiggled his ears, his tail, and his nose.  He sighed.  He looked at me.

I got the message.  I was working very hard.  I did not take time to enjoy the Sun, or stretch, or go for coffee with my friends.  I was in a rut!  Rabbit’s message usually has a theme about being kind to one’s self.  Today, it was very clear, and a strong message to me, that I was leaving my nature of goodness to self behind as I tried to blend into the ways of someone else.

I need to change!


Friday, 12 September 2014

Angels Speak - Holding On


Dearest One,

There is nothing that can cripple you faster than looking backwards and trying to recapture something that has ended.  Additionally, nothing strangles one’s growth more than the refrain “If only”.  What you hang on to makes you stuck.
