Showing posts with label channel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label channel. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Spirit Animal – Beaver Truth

Beaver has been on my mind a lot these past few weeks, and it seems that almost every day I see a picture of Beaver on a magazine, calendar, or on my laptop.   This means that Beaver has something to say to me.

  1. Beaver is taking me on as a student, and will be my Spirit Animal tutor for the next while.
  2. Beaver’s concern is that I see things and don’t pay attention to them.  I am not making time for my own exploration of new ideas.
  3. Wading into anything is Beaver’s idea of a good time. And, now, Beaver wants me to wade into something new.  Some of it is teaching and some of it is letting go of old things.
  4. Beaver’s idea of a joke is “stick to it”.  Although sticks and trees are a major part of its life, the point is that sometimes we need discipline in our lives.

Perhaps Beaver has been speaking to you, too.  What does he say?



Friday, 18 March 2011

Tarot Discussion–What Major Changes Will Affect The World March 21 to 25, 2011?

It is the end of the week, and much has transpired this past week with the earthquakes continuing and the aftermath of the tsunami in Japan.  Like my Ancestors, I thought I would turn to the Oracle cards to find out a hint of what is in store for all of life on planet Earth.  Yes, it is a big question, and yet, it is one that is on our minds.

I thought that I would see what my guides would show me, and see if my faith would help me understand what the message was.    My choice of cards was the Osho Zen Tarot cards. The two cards that came up are so true for our times!

What do you think?


Zen Tarot Card


A man who lives through conscience becomes hard. A man who lives through consciousness remains soft. Why?--because a man who has some ideas about how to live, naturally becomes hard. He has continuously to carry his character around himself. That character is like an armor; his protection, his security; his whole life is invested in that character. And he always reacts to situations through the character, not directly. If you ask him a question, his answer is ready-made. That is the sign of a hard person--he is dull, stupid, mechanical. He may be a good computer, but he is not a man. You do something and he reacts in a well- established way. His reaction is predictable; he is a robot. The real man acts spontaneously. If you ask him a question, your question gets a response, not a reaction. He opens his heart to your question, exposes himself to your question, responds to it....


Zen Tarot Card


We have forgotten how to wait; it is almost an abandoned space. And it is our greatest treasure to be able to wait for the right moment. The whole existence waits for the right moment. Even trees know it--when it is time to bring the flowers and when it is time to let go of all the leaves and stand naked against the sky. They are still beautiful in that nakedness, waiting for the new foliage with a great trust that the old has gone, and the new will soon be coming, and the new leaves will start growing. We have forgotten to wait, we want everything in a hurry. It is a great loss to humanity.... In silence and waiting something inside you goes on growing--your authentic being. And one day it jumps and becomes a flame, and your whole personality is shattered; you are a new man. And this new man knows what ceremony is, this new man knows life's eternal juices.  See our new page Tools for Healing   The March 2011 Magazine is now up at as well as an updated  listing of events.  

See our websites:

Friday, 31 December 2010

Tarot Discussion–What will 2011 Bring For All Of Us?

From the Shaman Deck by Lo Scarabeo.




The Wheel of Fortune
In the Moon position
Home matters.


The Wheel of Fortune appears it foretells a major change in circumstance, often brought on by forces outside ourselves. In the midst of all the ups and downs, remember that the Wheel has a still center. This same calm can be found at the core of your own being. To know that place, to embrace the present and accept each moment as it comes.

Six of Cups
In the Mercury position
Business matters and skills.


Leave the worries of the world behind. Live fully in the present. Even a few moments of such deep ease can seep into and change your life. If you are not experiencing the joy promised in the Six of Cups, you might look to your memories for such a time. In fact, this is traditionally the card of nostalgia, looking back on happier days. But more than just longing for a perfect and irretrievable time, reminiscing can help you draw insight from the past to enrich the present. Forgotten dreams may resurface with renewed potential.


Eight of Swords
In the Venus position
Love and relationships.


The Eight of Swords speaks to a time of paralyzing indecision. You may feel so caught between choices that you are unable to move forward or back. Although external forces may be blocking your way, the inability to act is primarily rooted in your mind. Fear is your captor; self-criticism and self-doubt are the ties that bind you. And there may be other emotional undercurrents at work that you haven’t been willing to confront. Despite feeling overwhelmed, it’s time to shrug off your victim status and invest yourself in the outcome of your situation. Watch out for the voice that says, “I just can’t do it, I give up.” Trust yourself and start putting one foot before the other on the path to freedom.

The Chariot
In the Sun position
Fame and achievements.


The Chariot challenges you to balance your outer and inner realities and maintain equilibrium, even at top speed. You will need focus and concentration, for you might have to make decisions on the spur of the moment. It may take all your resources of strength and will but, if you can keep a steady course, the Chariot will surely carry you to victory.

Seer of Cups
In the Mars position
Adversity and opposition.


The Seer of Cups encourages you to spend time alone journaling, dreaming, or exploring nature. She may describe an introspective person in your life, and almost certainly points to qualities worth nurturing within yourself right now.


Ace of Wands
In the Jupiter position
Gain and expansion.


The Ace of Wands, like all the aces, holds magnificent potential. This card presents the best qualities of the suit of fire: strength, power, inspiration, passion, and transformation. This upsurge of creativity marks an auspicious time to begin new projects and take on new challenges.   The January 2011 Magazine called “It Sounds Like…”  is now on our website

Monday, 12 April 2010

Angels Speak – Archangel Michael’s Symbols

In 2004, a man by the name of Natara Jorg Loskant published a book in German called Healing Symbols & Mantras for Ascension – The Wisdom of Archangel Michael.  In 2006, Findhorn Press published the English version of this book.  Since 2007, the Angels have been guiding me to read this book.  I am currently reading about the fifth mantra, AMYAKA. 

The passage on AMYAKA begins with “This mantra brings balance.  It resolves unsettled, unresolved communication and it sustains.”  The mantra is for the Fifth Layer of the Earth which corresponds to the Throat Chakra in our chakra system.  The symbol that works with this mantra is about clearing blockages in the body which no longer communicate with each other because they are in deep pain.  Underlying all the clearing is the need to be free of pain.

when I read this, and the other words about flowing, I realized that most people cannot go with the flow because they are in too much pain.  When one is flowing, one moves easily.  When one is hurting, it is very difficult to move gracefully.  Movements are jerky and perhaps, clumsy.  People get frustrated because they lack the grace that they expect to have, and they become even more slow moving and pain filled.  As they slow down, they become stiffer. 

How do people cope?  Many take drugs, one of the illegals or over the counter drugs or prescription drugs.  Some drink. Others tune out with other addictive practices.  In one course that I took, the instructor said that people do body piercing because the person is in so much paid and the poking and piercing causes additional or different pain that relieves the first pain. Each of these practices reduces the communication within our bodies, with those around us, and with our soul. 

The solution to the problem?  Well, one can work with the symbols in Archangel Michael’s toolkit.  Sometimes, however, people simply need to say the truth of what they feel.  It is funny!  Parents teach us not to say what we think because we might hurt someone’s feelings, yet they say what ever they want to their children without any regard for the child’s feelings. 

Do the symbols work in this guidance from Archangel Michael? I have done several mantras now, and used the symbols in meditation, and I can say, “Yes, they work for me.”

Why not give it a try?

                                   ****************   See the April Magazine online at .  See for Roger’s new book The Story of Light Volume 11: Through Heaven’s Gate.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Tarot Discussion – Spring Equinox March 20 2010

Today is the spring equinox – a time of renewal and rejuvenation.  I was curious to see what messages would come up in the tarot cards that represent different traditions.  I asked the question, “What does the world need to know for spring equinox?”  The results were actually astonishing.

From the Native American Tarot Deck – created by Magda Weck Gonzalez and illustrated by J. A. Gonzalez; published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

image The first card is #3, Medicine Woman.  This card represents the natural healer, the nurturer, that allows for the natural changes.  Our Ancestors celebrated the life transitions of birth, adolescence, puberty, taking one’s place in the tribe (growth), marriage, teaching, and death.  She channelled the energy of change in such a way to make each experience as positive as possible.  The time was very exciting for those journeying their life path.  As well, Medicine Woman was able to heal and help those around her with natural products from Mother Earth. A write up on the card says,

“The highest spiritual and the lowest material qualities are combined in this card. A continuity of life, an inheritance of blood, binds all forms of nature together.  The meaning is that wishing for the possible brings creative results, but blindly wishing for the impossible is self destructive.”

The Warrior of Shields represents the material, and the egocentricity of man, particularly in North America. It shows thatimage man is caught up in the mythology of working for others, at the expense of the upkeep of family, and that man has become dependent on powers of bureaucracy.  Some of mankind’s largest failings – unrealistic ambition, superstition/religion, and unwillingness to make a decision – are represented by this card.  The Warrior of Shields then, represents all the people that realize the world is changing rapidly, yet refuse to take responsibility for their own change, and remain as passive or even aggressive in trying to keep things the way they are.

The synopsis of the two cards shows that the natural state of growth, change and spirituality, is being offset by the weight of those who feel powerless.  Eventually, a major shift must happen to bring the population to a new natural balance. Those that are stumbling blocks will fall by the way side.

Using the “Wisdom of the Maya” deck created by Dr. Ronald L. Bonewitz, with carved illustrations by Achim Frederick Kiel, and published by St. Martin’s Press.

BEN/GLYPH 13 Green Maize-Unready/ill-prepared: image This card is showing that green maize, in order to grow, needs to have the right climate and conditions of soil.  Therefore, green maize has potential to fulfill its destiny, or to die.  The card is a parable for man kind, at spring equinox, poised to rejuvenate or not.  In potential, one sees that man kind has an opportunity for personal growth and advancement.  Or, man can choose to do nothing, and wither away, like corn trying to grow without nourishment.  Just like the corn field needs tending, so too do our shifts and opportunities.  Ignore either the corn or one’s growth at great peril!

PAUAHTUN 4 The Skybearers: The Pauahtun are the four image quarters or the four pillars of Mayan cosmology.  In their positive aspect, they bear heavy loads, endure, represent solidness and strength.  The negative aspect is that they can be immovable, stubborn, and self destructive.  The message is clearly to be strong in what one needs to endure to move forward but not to get so attached to that situation that one refuses to let go of it.  When we do not know when to let go, we create unnecessary limitations to our own journey.  Perhaps it is time to let go of all of the heavy burdens that you have been carrying, and approach the changes that are happening with a new lightened outlook.


It is quite astonishing to me that the cards, from two different decks, from two different belief systems have such identical messages, or, you might even call them “warnings”.  There is a strong suggestion that people must get on board with working with Nature, that they need to achieve peace, and that “Oneness” is needed to move forward.   See our site for downloads of information and teachings.    Monday, March 22, 2010 - Tele-class - Discussion Group of  Teachings Of Michael- Scripting Your Destiny
Time:   6:00pm Pacific Time
             7:00pm Mountain Time
             9:00pm Eastern Time
Tele-class dial in --  1-218-862-1300
Conference # 207077
Call is recorded and will be available for download

Saturday, 27 February 2010

The Crystal Skulls – Working With Them

This is a picture of the Crystal Skulls on my altar.

          Crystal Skulls picture Copyright 2009 Judith Hirst
Today, I facilitated my first workshop on working with your crystal skulls. ( know that interest in skulls has surged since 2006, and particularly after “Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull” movie.  What I learned today is that there is a community of people and skulls that needs to work with Planet Earth, and with each other, to help keep the energy flowing so that the energy is not redirected for the purpose of controlling it. 
I also learned that the communication from a Crystal Skull is a much higher vibration than from a raw or polished crystal.  In the transformation to skull shape, something new becomes engaged.
My Norse Ancestors did not have a lot of soil for burials of family members or leaders of the tribes/villages.  Often, they were put in cairns or caves.  Generally, each house had a small shrine to the ancestor, and often the skull of the most revered ancestor was part of the shrine.  The skull provided guidance and protection for the family.  In some of the old stories, the skull on the shrine gathered up the wisdom of all those that were deceased, and kept that oral history alive. 
Perhaps that is why, now, when some of the old traditions are becoming new again, we are ready to “listen” to the wisdom stored in the skulls.   see for teachings of Archangel Michael

Another offering of Crystal Skull Workshop I is available by teleclass…
Online Tele-class
This tele-class will be divided into three 1.5 -hour workshops over three Thursday evenings. Upon registration and payment, you will be sent the link for the class. Note that the class will be recorded, and you will be able to download the recording for one week, under your registration. The difference between this set of classes and the one day class is that the experiential portion will be limited by the telephone, and you will not have the opportunity to work with all the different skulls that I will have available.
Dates For Online tele-class:
Thursday, Mar 11, 2010:  7:00pm-8:30pm $22.00
Thursday, Mar 18, 2010:  7:00pm-8:30pm $22.00
Thursday, Mar 25, 2010:  7:00pm-8:30pm $22.00
Register for the Online Tele-class using PayPal at the website (

Friday, 19 February 2010

Spirit Animal – Leopard Guides

Leopard is back this morning, sitting in my meditation room. I feel comfortable with her, and I wonder if she is replacing another of my Spirit Animals.  “No,” she quips, “I am just joining your zoo!”


                                        Picture from Wikipedia

While I thought this was an odd thing for her to say, I guess it did make sense.  I seem to always have a lot of spirit animals around me.  In fact, when I drew a card from the Animal Tarot deck the other day, the card that came up was “The World” which literally means all the animals in the world. I love them all!

Leopard then stepped forward and said that she would be working with me. She reminded me that often, in my “Word Of The Day” meditation, I receive the word “Clarity”. She told me that one of the gifts of Leopard is the ability to see clearly – they have keen eyesight, and can clearly for a mile. She said that being up in a tree also allows them to see great distances clearly, and to map out what approach they might take to kill an animal that looks like the next dinner.

Leopard told me to think about how easily we had connected.  She says that I have good intuitive abilities and that I need to use them even more then I think I already do.  She says this time of change is going to bring great challenges that will require instinct and intuitiveness to get through.  Leopard showed me walking in a woods/forest and foraging for food. 

One of the things about Leopard is that even though they like their solitude, they do also like the tactile.  Touch is important for Leopard and she said that it is important for me, and that when ever I could, I should touch people.  Touch is a way of connecting and of protecting.

I thanked Leopard for her teachings, and she padded off.    See our new website

Learn to Work with your Crystal Skull Workshop:
Saturday, February 27th, 10:00-5:30pm
Learn to Work with your Crystal Skull Workshop: with Judith Hirst-Joyeux in Calgary at Angels And Ancestors

. Pre-registration is required. Call Judy at 403-225-2016.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Earth Shifts – New Light



Picture of the earth from  (check out this website’s information on the shifting angle of the Sun.




I have sometimes mentioned that the Earth is shifting.  Many talented intuitive are writing about the Earth, and the changing energy.  One of my favourite writers is Karen Bishop.  Here is an excerpt of what she posted yesterday.

Not only have we been removed from much of late, or rather “sequestered,” but there is an emptiness present as well. Feeling blank, hollow, singular, or even experiencing a loss of identity, are common sensations of this new emptiness.

We are preparing to receive an immense wave of light. This light will wash over the planet and create many changes…all in relation to creating a planet that is more in alignment with the light, or a higher level way of living and being. Feeling empty, then, is part of the preparation…a precursor to being filled up with the beginnings of a new reality. ~ Karen Bishop from

Please check out the rest of this writing as it contains much information and simple explanations for what we are feeling. 

This writing is not about flogging fear… this is about gathering knowledge and understanding so that one can shift with the changes. The analogy is that when you ride a horse, you must learn to shift with it as it changes gaits.  If you fight the horse, and sit stiffly, then each change of gait causes discomfort, and you begin to lose your place on the horse.  Ultimately, if you don’t move with the horse, you fall off! 

Enjoy the shift!    Check out our new website,  See our free February magazine on line at  Send us your comments about the magazine!  image


Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Spirit Animal – Leopard Speaks

I am always in awe of the way an animal can find to communicate with me to tell me that they have something to say.  A special communication happened yesterday.  I was sitting in my chair in my session/meditation room.  When I got up to get a book, the leopard shawl that hangs on the back of my chair, stuck to my back and fell off about half way across the room.  I picked it up, and placed it back, folded across the the back of the chair.  I sat down, meditated, and when I got up, the shawl stuck to my back again. And, again, it fell off after I had taken several steps.  Now, the shawl is cotton, and my top was cotton. There was no reason for the fabrics to stick together.  So I asked, “Leopard, do you have something to say?”

The answer was, “Yes!”.

Here is Leopard from  And, my shawl comes from South Africa, from a Sangoma, or Zulu Shaman. I received it in November 2008.  The part of this event that was intriguing me was – why did Leopard wait so long to speak?


Here’s what I know about Leopard:

  • they are often compared to the South American Jaguar because of their spots and their similarity of hunting.
  • like Jaguar, Leopard has extremely powerful shoulders and jaws and can carry a kill up into a tree so that it may eat undisturbed.
  • the strong jaws allow it to kill with one bite through the neck.
  • its colouring allows it to move invisibly through the African landscape, where it silently observes animals and humans, watching for weaknesses.



picture of Leopard from




I know too, that Leopard is very intelligent.  As all of these thoughts rolled through my mind, Leopard and I stared at each other.  Inside my head, he said, “Now that you are comfortable with me, we can talk some more.  I will visit you soon.”   See our new website     Join us for  Channelling Spirit Guides:  Saturday, February 20, 2010, 1pm to 4:30pm
Archangel Michael presides over the workshop, and between him, his legions, and your own spirit guides, you learn to channel in a very protected and safe environment. Call Roger at 403-225-2016

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Tarot Discussion – Solomon’s Guidance

I received an early Christmas gift this year from a friend.  She gave me a new deck of tarot cards for my collection.  They are called, “The Grail Tarot”.   This deck was written by John Matthews and illustrated by Giovanni Caselli.  Aside from the fascinating illustrations, the deck traces the journey of a knight on a quest, similar to the quest of Sir Perceval as written by the French poet, Chretien de Troyes. 

To see what the deck was about, I asked a question.  What is that I need to be conscious of over the next week or so.  The answer was the following set of three cards, for Past, Present and Future.








(Pictures are the actual cards designed by Giovanni Caselli)

4  Solomon                       Brother of Lances        Two of Lances

The reading (starting with Solomon) generally talks about the fact that I have had good  guidance, so far, on my journey.  It indicates that it is the intention of the Seeker (me) to overcome all obstacles.  Next, the Brother of Lances shows that in the present, he is guided by Angels.  The card also indicates that help will always come to the Seeker, and that miracles, signs, and good things will happen.  The Two of Lances is the future and what to beware of.  This card talks about the “hard road” that a Seeker walks, and that self doubt is sometimes an issue, and that often the Seeker becomes disheartened, and loses focus.  The future will always be uncertain, however, manageable if one stays the course. 

Perhaps this reading resonates for some of you at this time.  If so, many blessings.  Watch for the upcoming events in 2010 at Angels And Ancestors….   Teachings of Archangel Michael,  Channelling Sessions on line, downloads of new moon and other meditations.   Would you like to see us teach a certain topic online or by web? Let us know at

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Angels Speak – The Constraint of Time



Picture of Time from




Many times in my writing, I have said that when something happens three times, I know that I am supposed to pay attention, and that probably a lesson of some sort is coming.  Well, my newest “three of” happens to be around time.

The first message was a quote:

Before you asked me, I understood just what time was. Now I'm not so sure...—Socrates

The second message was the song “If I could put time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce… and the words in the first two verses also have meaning 

If I could save Time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day
'Til Eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you
If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then,
Again, I would spend them with you
But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with

And, the third message that came in an email, advertising a conference.  The portion of the ad that caught my attention was,

Physicists are on the brink of breaking down the space time barrier at the CERN - The Large Hadron Collider, but for some time prior to this, other scientists were actually breaking the time space barrier with the mind, using the mind to view objects and events at a distance in another time. One of the principle innovators in this area is Russell Targ

I know that Great Spirit wants me to do something with this information on time, and that it has importance for my life, and probably for the lives of others.

To get the meaning of this information, I simply have to sit in mediation for a period of time, until the answer comes in through clear focus. 

Send good thoughts my way to help me do this.

Friday, 4 December 2009

Ancestors Speak – Lord of the Cold

Santa Claus meets Chyskhaan, Lord of the Cold, in the village of Tomtor in the remote Sakhar region of Russia  Picture: WENN


I was quite intrigued by this picture of a modern day representation of Chyskhaan, also known as Lord of the Frost or Lord of the Cold.  I could not find any detailed information on him.  So, I decided to ask my guides for some help.  Here is what they said….

The Lord of Cold has always existed!  His responsibility is to keep the cold confined to specific latitudes, to specific heights, and to specific land masses.  He keeps the Arctic and the Antarctic pristine with cold and snow.  At Yule, the longest night and shortest day, people in the north gathered at shrines built in his name, and offered gifts to him to take away the cold and to allow the sun to return.  The gifts were left at the shrine.  Chyskhaan would gather up the gifts and redistribute them to those that were in need, keeping for himself what he needed to honour the magic he would work over the next several months.  His magic would chase away the night and bring forth the sun.  At the same time, he controlled how quickly the ice and snow would melt in order to avoid flooding out the villages and people that depended on him.  He also buried sacred places beneath the snow so that they would be undetected by those that would seek to use the knowledge for personal goals and for power.  As the people in the world are becoming more enlightened, he is relaxing his hold on the cold to allow discovery of new information at the appropriate time. 

I find this rather a fascinating legend because it seems quite a contrast to the UN’s statements that global warming is causing the problems of melting ice caps.  

NEW MOON MEDITATION  clip_image002

Starry Night - No Moon

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009, from 7:30-9:00pm

Location: 331 Deercroft Place SE
Fee: $10.00  Please pre-register with Judy at 403-225-2016 or

The Winter Solstice is a week away and this meditation will focus on clearing and releasing energies that may block the angelic harmonies and feminine energies that are being sprinkled on the Earth at this time. Great Spirit (God) will be our guide for this evening.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Angels Speak - Angel Message of the Week 11-15-09

There are many people that channel angel messages.  This week however, when I received the following angel message from a friend, I realized that this was a message that needed to be shared.  I am grateful to Lisa for always finding the messages from the Angels that meet the needs of these times.  If this message resonates for you, please let her and let me know.  Many blessings!




Picture of Archangel Ariel from the website










“Choose to believe the worst is behind you so that you do not bring more difficulties into your life.  This past year has been hard for many and now it is almost at an end.  Clear the past from your thoughts and move forward with the belief that the best is yet to come and it will.  Thoughts have great power and the wonderful thing is that you have complete control of yours.” – The Angels

Please share as guided.

Many Blessings
Lisa C. Beachy   
Angel  & Spiritual Intuitive -Reiki & Adv. Theta Healer Connecting you with your Spiritual Team;

**********************************************     NEW MOON MEDITATION

  Starry Night - No Moon  from

Monday, November 16, 2009 from 7:30-9:00pm   By Donation

It is now winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Join us as we invite Great Spirit and Anu, Irish Celtic Goddess of Manifestation Magick, Moon, Air, Fertility, and Prosperity to join us in meditation, to help us renew our energies in this time of rest in the natural world.  After the meditation, we will have light snacks (provided), ground to the Earth, and meet new friends and greet old friends.  Dress comfortably.  If you like to sit on the floor, bring your favourite meditation pillow.  Call Judy at 403-225-2016 to reserve your place (and for snack preparation).  To see the dates of future New Moon events, check NEW MOON.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Angels Speak – You Are Now In A New Frontier

For the last two months, the energies have been shifting around the planet.  Those that are capable of absorbing the new energies have been receiving high vibrations of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Creator.  These energies are necessary to help us shift from the attraction of the lower vibrations of power, greed, and lack of integrity.  These are the energies that have pervaded the consensual reality

The new frontier is where many of you  are now questioning the stories about disasters on one hand, and wondering about the cover up of disasters, the arrival of aliens, and all the diseases and food crisis stories that are flooding the information pool.  In your gut – your intuition, you know that many of these stories are not true.  In your gut – you feel that there is a greater truth.  Did the recession really happen the way it was presented?  Does it matter? The answer is that it does not matter. 

There are three things that all of you in this new frontier must remember.  The first is to stay in the NOW moment.  Here you will not feel the pressure and power of the past.  Nor will you feel the fear and anger and blame of the future.  The NOW is your safe place.  Second, you need to let go of any guilt and judgement or resentment/anger around those in your circle who are still caught in the fear.  Your purpose is to hold the light, and to radiate love, compassion, and generosity to all beings.  The third piece of knowledge that you need to have is that all of you that are living in the NOW, in love and light, are able to cross dimensions to a place where the lower vibrations cannot touch you.  Here, you need to be and gather energy that will allow you to work back in the density to continue to hold the light.  As you do this, you will see those who did not believe in life purpose or an unseen world, suddenly seek knowledge in these areas and they will look to find ways to heal their old wounds.

You are a part of this, and it is time!

----These words are from Archangel Zadakiel, Archangel of Mercy and Benevolence.  He works with us to find forgiveness for ourselves and others, and he spreads kindness.  He looks forward to the upcoming days of gentleness that are now ahead in the new frontier.

  Angel  in the Sky from an email – as there are not any good pictures of Archangel Zadakiel, this beautiful picture seems to fit the gentleness that surrounds him.





Channelled by Judy on September 30, 2009…   Join Angels And Ancestors at the Planetary Healing Mandala on Thursday, October 1 at the SAIT Heart Atrium, Calgary, AB from 7:00pm to 8:30pm


Monday, 25 May 2009

Spirit Animal – Owl Family


Baby great horned owl picture taken by Judith Hirst-Joyeux on May 22 2009 in Fish Creek Park


Sometimes we are gifted with a chance to be with Mother Nature and her babies and her charges.  This was my luck several days ago when I saw this baby owl on a log in the park in the center of the woods where the dogs and I walk. 

Her mother watched over us as we chatted. 


Great Horned Owl Mom picture taken by Judith Hirst-Joyeux on May 22 2009 in Fish Creek Park




Mom actually let me get quite close to the baby.  She even let me watch her feed baby a black bird.  I chose not to take pictures of that feeding. 

Pretty soon, Dad came along.  He was more subtle in watching us, and he gave Mom a chance to go hunting.  He is quite hard to see in his camouflage.


Great Horned Owl Dad picture taken by Judith Hirst-Joyeux on May 22 2009 in Fish Creek Park



I know that I am truly blessed to have three owls present themselves to me in one day.   Watch for our June newsletter, or sign up to receive it at  Spirit Animal feature is GOPHER.

Friday, 15 May 2009

Spirit Animal – Hummingbird

I love when readers share their stories, dreams, or experiences with a Spirit Animal or Messenger Animal.  I am extremely moved when the story strikes a deep chord in me that insists that I must respond.  So, I would like to share one such story with you.  Perhaps you too will get a message from this writing.

Namaste,  Judy            image

Email story……

Judy, for the last two weeks, I have been fortunate with the daily sight of a hummingbird. She hovers around my bedroom window almost all day long. Interestingly enough, there are no plants near my window. Yesterday, I sat under a tree in my front yard, and as I looked up, there she was again; this time in her nest. Do hummingbirds have any special meaning. I also always happen to notice white butterflies....Do U think this has some special meaning?

Judy’s response…..

Thank you for sharing your story of hummingbird.  Yes, hummingbirds do have special meaning.  I did a blog on hummingbird in Oct 2008, and you may find some more guidance there.

I have several thoughts to share with you, if I may. 

1.  When hummingbird hovers as you are describing, she is generally encouraging the person to have courage; to get beyond the illness or trouble, and to remember that in each life while there are difficulties, there is also great sweetness (joy).  It seems that she may be one of your guardian or spirit animals.

2.  When hummingbird appears to you in the tree, she is reminding you that all answers are above you – that is – in Great Spirit or Creator.  Hummingbird is a home loving being, and she reminds you to turn your home to a place of sanctuary, however you need to do that.

3.  The white butterfly sends several messages as well.  Butterflies are an indication of transformation.  All will be well if one goes with the flow of life.  When we take the path of least resistance, life is easy.  When we battle and try to control things, life is hard and generally, we end up with an illness of some sort.  A white butterfly is a reminder to take this time of transformation and reconnect with nature, Mother Earth, and find a way to have conversations with Great Spirit, and with your Angels.  Life is a whole new adventure for you right now.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Karma Files – Pains in Hands


“Left hand of a human” from Wikipedia

Several nights ago, I woke at 3:30am with pain and cramping in my hands.  The pain went back and forth between hands, and had me wondering what on Earth I had done to my hands.

As I asked my guides what I needed to do to get rid of the pain, I heard, “Clear Karma”.  So, I followed instructions and began the process.  When one does karma clearing using the Akashic Records, the process may take the person through several lifetimes of memory.  The key is to observe the “movie” that is being played and not get caught up in the story since the karma may be karma that one has agreed to clear, and not the person’s own soul karma.  It is important to remember that karma is unbalanced energy or life rhythm that needs to come back into balance. 

As the movies took me into the past, I was able to see three different lifetimes.  The first lifetime movie was of a Scribe – one who copied information into other books by writing by hand and drawing pictures.  Scribes were used because of their painstaking penmanship, and their attention to detail.  In this life, the hands were constantly used and cramped. The Scribe, in later years, would bathe his hands in very warm water to release the strain.  The Scribe lived to a good age continuing to scribe and to teach others how to scribe.  In the later years, he no longer could write for more than two hours per day.

In the second lifetime, the movie showed a Warrior in about 600 BCE in the area now known as Afghanistan.  The Warrior’s principle weapon was a very large bow and arrow, as well as different types of bows.  The strain of holding the bow for long periods, and of pulling the string and arrow, was very hard on the hand and wrist.  After serving as a Warrior-soldier for various armies and in different campaigns, the Warrior accepted a position to prepare archers for different types of battles.  He lived to about age 50, and in the later part of his life, suffered severe cramps in his hands.

The third life time movie was about a man, a Wizard, who had knowledge that others wanted.  He was tortured, slowly, by having his fingers broken, one by one, and sometimes, one finger being broken in two or three places. His hands were then broken, and his arms, and parts of his body until he bled out. 

When I asked if there were any more movies, I heard that I was done.  I then honoured each of the individuals who used their hands, and who needed that energy cleared.  I asked for a healing of the pain in their hands and my hands.  About twenty minutes later, the pain in my hands reduced. After about an hour, the pain was gone.  I was able to go back to sleep and sleep soundly.

What I have learned is that when pain becomes very physical, the energy source of the pain is ready to be released.  There are many ways of releasing, however, karma therapy is fast and easy.  This session took about half an hour.

Check out the karma clearing session if you have a persistent pain that does not let go.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Spirit Animal - Hippopotamus

 image  Hippopotamus pair standing on sandy riverbank, Kruger National Park, South Africa. © Scotch Macaskill


Hippopotamus lives in the water, most of the time, and as any of us are, is very protective of its home.  To adapt to the watery home and yet to be able to come out and eat greens on the side of the river, Hippo needed to change.  The evolution of Hippo puts all of its senses on the top of its very large head.

If Hippo is now showing up for you, perhaps it is because she is telling you that it is time to change.  If you have been looking down, nose to the grind stone, Hippo tells you that now is the time to look up. Look at the HEAVENS and know that it is time to pursue your multidimensional abilities and walk a path of spirituality.  It is time to pay attention to Mother Earth and hear and see the beauty around you.

Hippo's large body is perfect for her life style.  The Ancestors say that she represents fertility, and that she represents all of the Elder Fertility Goddesses... Pachamama is the great goddess of the Aztec and Inca. She represents Mother Earth and all fertility. Brigit is the Irish/Celtic goddess of fertility, and it was she who the women and the herders prayed to for bountiful births.  Hippo too has the ability to feed her children easily and to feed the crocodiles when her (Hippo's) time is up.  Representing great abundance, Hippo may be bringing you a message that you need to find ways to nourish yourself.  And, perhaps it is time that you nourished someone else.  When we help others is when we receive the most help ourselves. 

Hippo likes to be with others of her kind.  She will float in the water, secure in knowing that those around her keep watch and keep her protected.  As well, when she dives to the bottom of the river for food, she shows faith in her herd, that she may eat peacefully.


Hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) opens its jaws wide in a yawning display, Elephant Plains Game Lodge, Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa.  © Scotch Macaskill

Hippo's guidance may also be around getting back in touch with friends and family.  Know that they are the ones you may trust. Going it alone is hard and as you skimp on nourishing food to save time, you begin to erode your body and health.

Hippo says that it is now time to look to your very foundations.  Are they holding you up?  Do you need to strengthen your legs and arms with swimming? Do you need to eat with family and friends to slow down and to eat empowering food?  Do you need to take a walk in your emotions to see why you have become alone?

I wish you many blessings as you walk with Hippopotamus as a guide in your life!    Has Hippo shown up for you recently?  What was her message?

Saturday, 31 January 2009

Ancestors Speak - Refinement

When walking a path of Shamanism, it is prudent to work with the Ancestors, and check in daily for their guidance.  There are times when their guidance is not clear, so, to help you, they will direct you to a tool that they can use to communicate with you. 

In my case, today I was wondering about what I should be working on with the teachings that I am doing, and particularly, what I should be doing with the StarTalker Program.  I was guided to "The Ancestors' Path" and told to shake the dice.



Two dice images from "The Ancestors' Path" - the Wind and the Eagle


The path that these two figures represent is called "REFINEMENT".  Any refining process removes impurities.  The impurities may be in one's self, or in what one is doing, ie. teaching, in my case.

In the physical world, refining may mean constantly improving the process.  The Elder's guide that one must be careful and know when to stop refining because at some point, the refining breaks, and the process also breaks. 

If one is teaching, the Ancestors' guidance is to choose students carefully and to teach from experience and to urge students to learn from experience.  It may also be about using new methods to teach some of the lessons.  For example, I have been guided recently to start using the teleconferencing and video experience to lecture.

I hear the guidance and I am grateful!  If you have questions about the StarTalker program, email me.  Expect your answer in one to two days.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Tarot Discussion - OSHO Card XII - New Vision


"New Vision" - Card XII from the OSHO Zen Tarot Deck

Today is the day that I start my radio show.  So, I wondered what the guidance was for me, on this day, with something new starting.

The card that I pulled was from the OSHO Zen Tarot Deck - the 12 card or XII card called "NEW VISION". 

That seemed quite appropriate for the show and for where I am headed in 2009.  I noticed the geometry in the card, and the angelic or phoenix like wings on the  being that is transforming .  I feel the energy of transformation in me. 

The card also conveyed a sense of the evolution of mankind, as well as the evolution of the SEEKER, or person on a spiritual journey.  At the beginning, our cellular structure evolved from the Earth.  In fact, we are made up of the components of Mother Earth, and when we die, we return to the earth.  From the spiritual perspective, when we are not on our path, we are in the density... it pulls us down and life seems difficult as though we need to crawl through it. 

Osho's comments on the card are quite invigorating!

"The figure on this card is being born anew, emerging from his earthbound roots and growing wings to fly into the unbounded. The geometric shapes around the body of the figure show the many dimensions of life simultaneously available to him. The square represents the physical, the manifest, the known. The circle represents the unmanifest, the spirit, pure space. And the triangle symbolizes the threefold nature of the universe: manifest, unmanifest, and the human being who contains both." - From Osho's commentary on the New Vision card.

I wish you a "new vision" for 2009!  

Also see:   About Anger and Releasing ItExistence - by OshoLife is Not an Accident!; Conscience and Consciousness; Tarot Discussion - The End and The Beginning