- When you interfere without permission, you muddy the lesson.
- That means that the person must learn the lesson over and over.
- When the lesson is not learned, then healing does not happen.
- Muddying the waters interferes with healing.
Many blessings.
Wisdom and guidance from the Angels, Ancestors, Shaman, Druids, Healers, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters. Topics covering: Energy, Peace, Karma, Spirit Animal, Guides, Nature, and Wellness
Many blessings.
Picture of the flowers in our sidewalk flower bed.
We hear lots of thoughts about Nature supporting us and how we need to get out in Nature to help our healing — healing of the body, mind, and spirit. What I found though, through the last several weeks, is that getting outside is a chore, and walking any distance was a challenge.
Knowing that I needed support from Nature, I started looking at all the pictures of our yard and our trees and our garden. I started with the most recent and then back over the years. Our first garden at this house was in 2004. As I looked at the pictures of our gardens and hikes and ramblings, I would feel a healing sensation wash over me. The pictures were helping me.
Perhaps we can get a lift of energy from pictures of flowers and streams and mountains and trees. What do you think?
April Fool's day – a day for playing jokes. This blog is not about joking. It is about waking up and realizing that we need Nature in our lives. It is about remembering that we come from Nature – from the Earth. Our blood flows red with iron richness and lots of mineral and gases that are part of the Earth's structure.
We need to be out in Nature to restore our calm and to remind ourselves that we must care for the plants, animals, birds, etc. because they are our cousins. They carry the same ingredients in their bodies.
It is sad that we want to destroy the parks and rivers and lakes to "develop" them. And, yes, in some places, wild lands are being reclaimed so that new life can flourish in those spots.
Today, decide to be out in Nature for one hour a week. Then slowly increase the time.
Many blessings.
Some folks have asked for help in releasing things. This brilliant short prayer is about releasing from your life and asking to be released from other people's lives.
It is a prayer of creativity and expansion that allows you to heal parts of your life that seemed beyond healing. At the end of the prayer, you can add the phrase – With harm to no one – and know that this request is in the highest and best interest of all.
A powerful form of healing is chanting. Many of us do this unconsciously when we hum. Mothers hum to their babies and young children. We hum to ourselves in times of stress or of happiness.
A common spiritual chant is OM (AUM). This sound – the OM sound – was sung in the original pitch of 136 Hz, so that the power of Om, as it resonates with the Earth's own frequency (https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-2776/5-Facts-You-May-Not-Know-About-OM.html)
There are many chants that one can repeat for calming, healing, nurturing, or for praying. Try several – you can listen to them on YouTube – and then stick with one, repeating it three times a day for 21 days. You will see a difference.
Sometimes, we get into a self destructive rut where we have a fear that we cannot control, and in trying to quiet the fear, we end up doing other damage to ourselves. Sharon Salzberg, Buddhist teacher has a great blog about exactly this phenomenon at https://onbeing.org/blog/sharon-salzberg-a-standing-meditation-for-self-care/.
The following meditation exercise comes from Sharon's blog and will help one with regaining self love.
Standing meditation to take a stand for self-love
I recommend doing standing meditation barefoot, as you will have a greater sensitivity to your sense of balance and the micro-sensations happening in your muscles and skin. But if it is more comfortable, wear socks or comfortable shoes.
Remember, the information in this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider for a medical condition.
Saint Germain tells us over and over that we must release our emotions and not keep them bottled up inside. When we keep emotions inside, we provide an entry point for did-ease. And, did-ease leads to major illnesses. Get stuff out!
Our bodies know how to heal themselves so it is time to get the stuff out so that healing may commence. Scientists have proven that our cells regenerate. If you have an injury or ailment that will not heal, it is because healing is blocked by the emotion that is stuck in that organ, or that gastric system, or in the cardiovascular system.
Stuck emotions become gooey and dark in our bodies. The emotions make us tired and cranky, and depressed. We do not need to hang on to them
All the things that we need to live can come from Nature. Nature has always been there for humans. Now, however, man wants to replace Nature with things that are artificial. Man thinks that humans can be fooled into thinking that artificial is better.
Nature tells us that the best things in the world for humans are the natural things – fresh fruit, fresh veggies, herbs, and large, healthy trees, fresh water, and the invigoration of the four seasons. Today, give up the artificial. Cook and eat fresh goods.
After all the money that I spent on vaccinating my dogs, including the vaccine for kennel cough, my two dogs both got a strain of kennel cough not covered by the vaccine. Doesn't it sound like humans getting the flu even if they had the flu vaccination?
The pet hospital did not want to give them any antibiotics unless they got really sick. I am on board with that. So, I brought them home and searched for natural remedies. The most helpful posting for me was at http://www.dogster.com/lifestyle/dog-health-kennel-cough-five-home-remedies. I used the formula for yogurt, honey, and cinnamon that someone posted in the comments, and, I made them chicken soup. Within three days, the boys have almost stopped coughing, and the sickest has stopped wheezing. They have their energy back and want to play. While they are not completely clear, I think that they will be fine.
It seems that the message is clear – natural remedies, if we have the patience to seek them out and to use them – are the best solution for dogs and humans alike.
For those that are wondering, I used:
I gave them this three times the first day, and the past two days, twice per day with their food. Both dogs are 75 and 82 pounds respectively.
Let me know if you try this and how it works for you.