I asked this question on behalf of me and all the people around the world who are beginning new things – businesses, relationships, health action plans, books, and plans.
I used the World Spirit Tarot by Jessica Sczuka Godino & Lauren O'Leary, and published by Llewellyn.

The Hanged Man
In the Root position
This card represents the root of the matter; what has gone before, and is directly related to the current situation. Check to see how the energies of this card blend with the other six cards; remember that it moves with each mystery in a different way.
Meaning: When the Hanged Man appears, some element of your life is on hold. But have faith. Allow yourself to be in suspense for awhile; let go of having every answer. You will gain a deeper understanding of your life and, with this new perspective, old dilemmas and chronic problems can be resolved.

Sage of Wands
In the Love position
This card shows the energies of the first mystery of universal love in the life of the querent. It explains how the querent's actions manifest in the surrounding world, whether following a harmonious Wyrd or a flawed one. It also describes how the querent perceives his or her relationships with others.
Meaning: The Sage of Wands may appear in your life as a dynamic and commanding person. He may also symbolize a fiery and ambitious part of yourself or advise you to call upon your own leadership abilities.

Sage of Pentacles
In the Magic position Here are indicated the energies of the second mystery of magic in the life of the querent. This card shows how we use our gifts, talents, skills, intuition, and psychism; and, in particular, how these gifts should or should not be used at this time.
Meaning: The Sage of Pentacles rules with a steady hand and a kind heart. With years of experience behind him, he stewards both people and resources wisely. Powerful and successful in the worldly realm, he has no need to prove himself to anyone. His outer achievements grow out of an inner peace, a satisfaction that stems from a deep appreciation of life. The Sage brings patience and practicality to everything he does. He may appear in your life as a strong and serene person. He may also be calling on you to find your own stable center
Eight of Cups
In the Oath position This card brings forth the energies of the third mystery of one's oath in the life of the querent; showing what the querent, up to this point, has dedicated his or her life to, what his or her principles are, and how he or she operates according to those values. It may show you what is most important to the querent at this time.
Meaning: The soul’s yearning for a deeper meaning cannot be ignored. The Eight of Cups calls you to begin a spiritual quest, to withdraw your energy from the world to be more present with your inner life. Whether you hike up the Himalayas or retreat to your room, give yourself plenty of time alone. Creative solitude is the single most important thing that will help replenish your joy in living. You may also bring back greater self-awareness, spiritual insights, and possibly a whole new set of values.

Three of Swords
In the Wisdom position This card indicates the fifth mystery of wisdom, power, and lineage in the life of the querent. Here you will be able to discover whether or not the querent has used wise counsel, directs his or her power wisely, and how he or she is responding to his or her life's plan. The card can also tell you from what source the querent should draw to assist in the issue at hand.
Meaning: This is the card of sorrow, suffering, and heartbreak. You may be going through a particularly painful experience, such as the end of a friendship or love affair. Things may feel catastrophic, and it’s true that nothing will be the same again. While undeniably painful, this card holds the key to healing and growth. Tears and woe open us up to the possibility of new beginnings. Such grief literally creates more space in the heart. Now is the time to look through tear-cleansed eyes at your life. Like a river whose course is changed by a flood, you will be a different person after this experience. In our willingness to touch the depths of our misery, we transform.

The Star
In the Outcome position The final card shows overall advice and counsel on the question asked.
Meaning: The Star brings healing and wholeness. Her appearance promises renewal, instilling us with hope and optimism. She foretells calm and peace, particularly after difficulty, and the chance to begin again. If the Star graces your reading, breathe deeply and feel her healing waters flow through your life.
May this reading for the coming week have meaning for you!