Tuesday 6 July 2010

Spirit Animal – Leopard Eyes


Early this morning, I lay back, thinking about the things I needed to do today, when it seemed, I was walking on a path. I knocked on the door to my left, because it seemed that I was to do that, and I realized that it was about 5:00am, and that I was here to pick up a friend’s little girl (about three years old), and drop her off at the Catholic School down the road.  I walked in to the house, and went and got the girl out of the crib, grabbed her clothes, and poked my head into her parent’s room to say “Hey!”.  I got the girl out to the kitchen, and wiped off her face. I pulled her out of pyjamas, and shifted her into undies, a t-shirt and pants, and a sweater.  She had a drink of milk, and was ready to go.  The whole time, she chatted away.

As we eased out the door, I realized that we were in a very tropical place and that the sun was just coming up.  The ocean was down the slope, and lapped away at the sand with such a soothing sound, I wanted to stay in that spot.  I shrugged off the feeling, and grabbing Jya’s hand, we started down the path.  We had not gone too far when I saw something move.  It was a large leopard, sitting beside the path, just to our left, in the shadow of the tree.  I felt some fear, however, it yawned, and I picked up Jya and we walked past the leopard.  We went about twenty steps when, to our right, appeared another large leopard, who snarled at us, and then sat down.  I was thinking that we were very lucky.  And then, we heard mewing sounds, and on the path, to our right, were about five leopard cubs, perhaps several weeks old.  The cubs explained the two leopards on the path, and, I wondered why the leopards were so tolerant of us. 

We were almost at the school, when the three suns came up almost in full view, and I could see, in the shadows off the path, about twelve to fifteen leopards, all lying there, staring at us.  I felt a rush of fear, and then excitement.  I was at the school.  I pulled open the door, and rushed into the room.  There were two women in there, both looking amazed at my apparent emotion.  I started to say that you will never believe…. and I could feel my heart pounding.  I woke up!


I thought about the dream.  It felt amazing to have that many leopards in my dream.  Our Ancestors believed that the spots on the leopard’s coat represented eyes.  So, in some cultures, Leopard was called “the Watcher” – both because of the spots and because Leopard likes to lie in tree branches and watch the world go by.  The Chinese believe that Leopard represents bravery and courage in battle.  The Greeks believed that Leopard was governed by Dionysos (Greek God of wine, agriculture, communication between the living and the dead, and freer of souls), and that Leopard therefore was the Creator and Destroyer in one – godlike in its actions.

So what has that to do with me?  I truly do not know.  I believe that this dream time took me to a different planet, to experience something new, and that over the next several weeks, I will learn what Leopard is trying to tell me about “Seeing”.

See more on Leopard at  Spirit Animal – Leopard GuidesSpirit Animal – Leopard Speaks; Spirit Animal – Snow Leopard


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