Sunday, 25 July 2010

Angels Speak – Resentment is Frozen Anger



Even as the cycle of life goes on, we often relive the anger that we have felt at earlier points in our life as the cycle of love and anger.  The Angels tell us that we now have the power to release this cycle. 

First, we need to understand what the simmering resentment is that we feel for a parent, for a friend, or for a co-worker.  Remember that resentment is about feeling deep anger and ill will, and feeling it at the level that it first occurred.  Resentment takes us back to the first event with that person.  Why is this anger stuck?  Often, it is stuck because we choose (yes, choice is involved here) not to release our anger.

Second, we need to understand that when we make a choice to suppress something that is important to us, that we give away our power.  When we give away our power, we get even angrier, and it is the second anger over riding the first anger that causes “anger” to get stuck.  And, being human, instead of recognizing that the problem is within us, we pinpoint the problem as being the other person. 

Third, although we may think that the other person knows that we are very angry, and that we resent the ground that they walk on, be assured that most people are so self centered that they have no idea that you are upset.  So, you are the one that needs to take the action to change the situation and to get rid of the resentment.

Ask your Angels to help you see the bigger picture.  Ask them to help you remember why you were angry in the first place, and then ask them to help you change the outcome of that original situation.  Sometimes you can do this by prayer, sometimes by mediation, and sometimes simply by peaceful remembering and re-visioning of that past experience. 

Remember to that when you ask for help, always give thanks even if the situation does not seem to resolve the way that you have planned it to end.  Sometimes, a bigger miracle is at work in the background.

Go in peace and release your anger.    Watch for the August 2010 Magazine at

See my new software blog at 



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