Friday 31 December 2010

Tarot Discussion–What will 2011 Bring For All Of Us?

From the Shaman Deck by Lo Scarabeo.




The Wheel of Fortune
In the Moon position
Home matters.


The Wheel of Fortune appears it foretells a major change in circumstance, often brought on by forces outside ourselves. In the midst of all the ups and downs, remember that the Wheel has a still center. This same calm can be found at the core of your own being. To know that place, to embrace the present and accept each moment as it comes.

Six of Cups
In the Mercury position
Business matters and skills.


Leave the worries of the world behind. Live fully in the present. Even a few moments of such deep ease can seep into and change your life. If you are not experiencing the joy promised in the Six of Cups, you might look to your memories for such a time. In fact, this is traditionally the card of nostalgia, looking back on happier days. But more than just longing for a perfect and irretrievable time, reminiscing can help you draw insight from the past to enrich the present. Forgotten dreams may resurface with renewed potential.


Eight of Swords
In the Venus position
Love and relationships.


The Eight of Swords speaks to a time of paralyzing indecision. You may feel so caught between choices that you are unable to move forward or back. Although external forces may be blocking your way, the inability to act is primarily rooted in your mind. Fear is your captor; self-criticism and self-doubt are the ties that bind you. And there may be other emotional undercurrents at work that you haven’t been willing to confront. Despite feeling overwhelmed, it’s time to shrug off your victim status and invest yourself in the outcome of your situation. Watch out for the voice that says, “I just can’t do it, I give up.” Trust yourself and start putting one foot before the other on the path to freedom.

The Chariot
In the Sun position
Fame and achievements.


The Chariot challenges you to balance your outer and inner realities and maintain equilibrium, even at top speed. You will need focus and concentration, for you might have to make decisions on the spur of the moment. It may take all your resources of strength and will but, if you can keep a steady course, the Chariot will surely carry you to victory.

Seer of Cups
In the Mars position
Adversity and opposition.


The Seer of Cups encourages you to spend time alone journaling, dreaming, or exploring nature. She may describe an introspective person in your life, and almost certainly points to qualities worth nurturing within yourself right now.


Ace of Wands
In the Jupiter position
Gain and expansion.


The Ace of Wands, like all the aces, holds magnificent potential. This card presents the best qualities of the suit of fire: strength, power, inspiration, passion, and transformation. This upsurge of creativity marks an auspicious time to begin new projects and take on new challenges.   The January 2011 Magazine called “It Sounds Like…”  is now on our website

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