Wednesday 16 December 2009

Tarot Discussion – Solomon’s Guidance

I received an early Christmas gift this year from a friend.  She gave me a new deck of tarot cards for my collection.  They are called, “The Grail Tarot”.   This deck was written by John Matthews and illustrated by Giovanni Caselli.  Aside from the fascinating illustrations, the deck traces the journey of a knight on a quest, similar to the quest of Sir Perceval as written by the French poet, Chretien de Troyes. 

To see what the deck was about, I asked a question.  What is that I need to be conscious of over the next week or so.  The answer was the following set of three cards, for Past, Present and Future.








(Pictures are the actual cards designed by Giovanni Caselli)

4  Solomon                       Brother of Lances        Two of Lances

The reading (starting with Solomon) generally talks about the fact that I have had good  guidance, so far, on my journey.  It indicates that it is the intention of the Seeker (me) to overcome all obstacles.  Next, the Brother of Lances shows that in the present, he is guided by Angels.  The card also indicates that help will always come to the Seeker, and that miracles, signs, and good things will happen.  The Two of Lances is the future and what to beware of.  This card talks about the “hard road” that a Seeker walks, and that self doubt is sometimes an issue, and that often the Seeker becomes disheartened, and loses focus.  The future will always be uncertain, however, manageable if one stays the course. 

Perhaps this reading resonates for some of you at this time.  If so, many blessings.  Watch for the upcoming events in 2010 at Angels And Ancestors….   Teachings of Archangel Michael,  Channelling Sessions on line, downloads of new moon and other meditations.   Would you like to see us teach a certain topic online or by web? Let us know at

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