Tuesday 30 November 2010

Spirit Animal – Chickadee’s Reminder


It is winter, now in the foothills and the Rocky Mountains of Alberta.  Snow covers the ground and many tree branches.  Chickadee is hardy, and stays the winter. She loves to be warm however, and needs to eat slightly more in the winter to keep her body heat up.  At night, she may drop her body temperature by five to ten degrees to conserve energy.  Chickadee has some thoughts to share.

  • We Chickadees always share our food and food caches.  We say to you that you need to share food with us and with other animals because this winter will have lots of snow.  When you learn to share with us, you learn to share with each other, with more grace.  You are learning compassion and expanding love.
  • The snow reflects the sunlight and the moonlight.  Take a walk in the snow, in a park, and experience the different light energy frequencies that are in the air.  You will be energized.  The feeling only lasts several hours because each of you have many layers of “tired”, and “should” and “must” that the light frequencies need to go through.  Find that place where you enjoy the outdoors (especially where there are chickadees) and give yourself some nature medicine.

Also see Spirit Animals – The Joy Of Chickadee and Chickadee Visit

Judy@angelsandancestors.com  The December Magazine is at http://angelsandancestors.com/.   Check out the meditation timer on the Angels Home home page and use it to time your meditations.

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