I was wondering why there have been so many sink holes appearing all around the world. Yesterday, in fact, a large sink hole opened up in a small town in Germany.
Pictures from http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/Photos+Giant+German+sinkhole/3764973/story.html

In this aerial photo, a giant landslide under a residential street is seen in Schmalkalden, central Germany, Monday, Nov. 1, 2010.

The guidance that came to me is that humans have been pressuring the Earth for the last thirty-five years, and covering huge parts of her with cement in the form of roads, parking lots, big buildings, runways, and developments. These “coverings” have choked off the Earth’s natural ability to breath. Even though, in some cases, Man has created huge craters in the form of open pit mines, the holes are not natural and do not allow the Earth to breath properly.
As with any creature, the Earth is finally struggling not to choke and die. She therefore opens up huge breathing holes, similar to the whales opening their blow holes, where ever it feels natural and right. Earth pays no attention to what is on the surface.
If we saw another human cruelly choking an animal, we would cry out in outrage, and work to stop the human who was doing the choking. It is now helpful to have that same view around the sink holes that are appearing. Yes, it is too bad that people are loosing houses and garages. Maybe they are required to move elsewhere.
If you are having difficulty picturing the difficulty that Mother Earth is having with her breathing, take a few minutes to do this meditation.
Meditation on Earth Breathing
1. Put on some very tight clothes.
2. Sit as comfortably as you can in meditation position – perhaps full lotus.
3. As you start the meditation, breath in deeply for a count of seven, hold for seven, and release for seven.
4. Do this for a minute.
5. Notice how difficult it is to take a deep breath? Even after you have done several of them, the going seems to get tougher, and not easier.
6. Try it again to see if it easier the second time.
7. Now, go and change clothes and get into some very comfortable, loose clothing.
8. Try the same exercise again.
9. Do you see the difference? Do you feel the difference? Do you feel like stretching after you get into the looser clothing?
10. It is the same for Mother Earth.
11. Now, do the breathing, taking in very deep breaths, and imagine that you are harmonizing your breath to the Mother’s.
12. Feel your anxiousness subside. Feel the Earth become calmer. Feel the Oneness, and the peace.
13. Do this breathing exercise for ten minutes.
14. When you are finished, bow to Mother Earth nine times to honour her journey, and thank her for providing the greater home that you live on.
15. Clear your space, and return to the Now.
Have a great day!
Judy@angelsandancestors.com See the November Magazine online at http://angelsandancestors.com/newsletter/mag1011.pdf