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Humility is not passivity. Rather, it is an utter lack of self-importance. The individuals who embody the concept of humility appreciate that each human being on the planet occupies a unique place on an infinite spectrum of development. From and the article “Equal Worth – Humility”
I read the above passage from the article on Equal Worth, and I was dumbfounded because I had just had an interesting interaction with a Naturopath Doctor in a Health and Wellness store that centered on the idea of “humility”. He kept trying to tell me that I was buying the wrong thing even though he had just met me, had never examined me, and wasn’t even aware of the inherited condition that I have. I realized that there was a lesson in the situation, and certainly, if I had not had the meeting with him, I would not have been as aware of the quote above.
So, here are a couple of more ideas about “humility”. What do you think is a good definition of humility? I would love to hear your definition, or story. And, with your permission, I will share it with others.
Whatever our level of knowledge of a thing, that knowledge is imperfect. This realization should lead us to openness to other ideas and humility about our own. There is a type of "expert" who purports to have all the answers. The expert looks down on all those who have not seen the light and has scant patience for other ideas. Such experts often look for followers who gain their identity by association with the expert. It is a symbiotic relationship: you agree that I'm the expert and I'll endorse your right-mindedness for recognizing such. by Hal Helms and From the article “If you meet Buddha on the road, Kill him”
The Gift of Humility
Illness also deepens our humility. At first, cancer seems like a terrible humiliation, and to a certain degree it is. It is the most dramatic demonstration of our ultimate fragility and weakness. This gift of greater humility allows us to see ourselves as we are, freed from all our illusions. Humility cuts through our pretensions, our aspirations, our goals, and our attitudes toward others. Humility born of suffering, illness, and emotional turmoil serves our growth, inspiring us to make a change, to embrace a subtler form of psychological and spiritual well-being. This humility accelerates inner growth by traversing the darkness of spiritual trial and the shadow of death. It opens us up to receive the benefits of this darkness. Humility makes us available to God, and the humility of heart promoted by suffering and illness concentrates its power on our inner struggle to surrender to the Divine. by Wayne Teasdale from “Tough Grace: Understanding Suffering - SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION”
I love how Spirit works, and how quickly information is coming through. I am certainly going to watch my behaviour and make sure that I am humble in my actions. See our newest newsletter on line at and read the letter from the Editor on “Calling All Angels”.
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