Friday 10 July 2009

Spirit Animal – Seahorse



Seahorse picture from

Seahorses have been showing up for me over the last two weeks – in pictures, on clothing, and in my dreams.  I have never really paid that much attention to seahorses so I did some research to see why they might be important to me right now.


Some facts:

  • seahorses have skin, not scales, that stretches over bony plates
  • seahorses swim upright, and use their tails to grab onto seaweed and long grasses or coral appendages
  • because they have no teeth, seahorses swallow shrimp, tiny fishes and plankton bits as a whole piece
  • the male carries the eggs to maturity
  • the courtship dance of the seahorses lasts up to eight hours
  • seahorses are found from England to the tropics and off the coast of Nova Scotia Canada down to Uruguay

Legends around seahorses include the belief that Seahorse is mystical and that seahorses may actually be seamen and seawomen under the new moon.  Asian cultures use Seahorse in different medicines to treat asthma, impotency, heart disease, thyroid problems and to lower cholesterol. This means that Seahorse is always hunted.

Seahorse teaches lessons about camouflage and territory.  One needs to choose the area one lives in with care, and then one needs to learn how to live in that area in harmony with all around it. She teaches us about eating that food that is best for us – each of us is unique – and Seahorse says eat only those foods that agree with you.  As seahorses in general are used in healing, Seahorse reminds us that we are on this planet to be in service to one another. She shows us, by example, service and sacrifice.  The role reversal between male and female seahorses is also a great example of gender balancing.  Seahorse may be telling you to rebalance the areas of your life where you may be too masculine or feminine or, not feminine or masculine enough.

Seahorse brings a lot of guidance for all of us.  She is slow moving and takes her time to enjoy life.  May you have a few “seahorse moments” over the next few days.       See the July newsletter at


  1. I really like your take on seahorses and how we can take lessons from them if they're showing up in our lives. I've always been fascinated by them and spend a lot of my time reading about them, researching them and blogging about them. Thanks for giving me a different perspective!

  2. When I was a child I would see visions or seahorse beings! like almost transparent floating by in the air!! I often drew them and I said it was my favorite animal! I thought I was just imagining or daydreaming, but just today my mom told me that she use to see seahorses too! As an adult!! I am pisces she is aquarius! This is all so strange ! I have many parnormal encounters as a child but this one is still a mystery!


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