Sunday 24 August 2008

Munay-Ki Rite 1 - The Rite of the Healer


"The Ruins of Machu Picchu"  from Wikipedia "Inca"

The Rites of Munay-Ki - be thou as thou art - is a means of awakening information locked in our unconscious mind or in our cellular memory.  When we remember, we have the means to shift our perspective and to see that the reality that is around us is manufactured.  We are able to discern truth, and realize that this is a most abundant world.

Each of us has the potential to be a healer and to heal ourselves. The Rite of the Healer connects the protégé (the person on the path - you) to a lineage. The word lineage means that the group is composed of species or individuals (beings) who descend from a common ancestor. In the case of the Munay-Ki, the lineage is the grouping of healers. The Healers invoked in Rite #1 come to work with you to help you in your transformation, and to awaken the ability to heal. Before and after you receive the Healer Rites, stuff or lessons will come up for you so that these issues may be cleared. This clearing prepares the way for the remaining rites.

Receiving the Healer Rites is a powerful affirmation of who you are to be. All of us carry untapped potential for creativity, healing, wellness, and happiness. This potential seems to get shut down as we get trapped in the play that is our life. We believe the story and it becomes our reality. We get bogged down. We loose our zeal for living. When our story gets stripped away, our reality changes and we begin to live again.

See more on Munay-Ki at

See more on the stories around us at

Blessings on your journey,


1 comment:

  1. Some folks have asked if they can have the Healer Rites and become a healer without doing other training. The answer is that usually you do need to take training in healing modality. The Healer Rites will enhance your skills and help you progress faster.

    There is the rare occasion that someone may awaken dormant healing skills that actually result in that person creating a new healing path. The person may then go on to teach to others.



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