"Monk Meditating" from Microsoft Clipart
Since November of 2007, as a Shamanic Practitioner, I am called on to work with clients to facilitate a safe session space to allow them to clear patterns that reoccur. We associate these recurring patterns with Karma. The clearing may be done through either the Akashic Records or through specific wording around recognizing a pattern of behaviour.
The client came in with pain and sensitivity in her feet. She was experiencing foot cramps, sore toes, and pain on the balls of her feet. She also did not like to be barefoot or to have anyone touch her feet. The pain was getting to a point where she needed to do something about it. She said that she had experienced something like this from time to time over the past ten years and that the pain only lasted several days and then disappeared. When I checked, the foot problem seemed to be anchored in the past. The Universe/Great Spirit directed that the foot pain could be cleared through the Akashic Records.
As an aside, the Akashic Records are a repository of all information that has happened to every being on Earth. In the instance of Karma, an event has not been closed before the being's life ended and the situation seems to be acted out again and again over time. Going through the Akashic Records does not necessarily mean that it is this person's past life. It is a life that the person has agreed to witness and close.
We set the meditative position and began the process of moving backwards in time to find the first life where the pain in the feet seemed to be a problem. With my client's permission, I was allowed to view the "movie" that was unfolding. We saw a rocky slope, with a path through it. Nestled up against the mountain was a low stone building with monks around it. It appeared to be a monastery. Many rooms were filled with scrolls and small paintings on skins, and stone tablets. It appeared that these monks gathered information and analysed it, and then sent out messengers (monks) to disperse the information, and gather new thoughts to bring back to the monastery. The sect was not so much about religion as it was about preserving knowledge.
The client was associated with one of the messengers that travelled, by foot most often, all over Europe and Russia. The knowledge they carried was always ahead of what most of Europe was comfortable with, and the monks drew much criticism for their ways. The particular messenger in this case, had special gifts where he could literally help people see what this new information was that he was bringing. He had a gift for making the people on his route feel comfortable with new information, and usually they accepted the new knowledge unconditionally. Eventually some of the very conservative, don't rock my world, monasteries were against the spreading of new information, and, they were particularly against the messenger monk with gifts carrying the information. The organization of monasteries became divided.
In one of the visits the traveling monk made to a conservative monastery, the monk was ambushed and held against his will in an effort to make him recant what he was doing. As he loved and believed in his work, he refused to recant. Since it was against God and Nature to kill anyone, the conservative monastery cut off the monk's feet so that he could not travel and spread information. He lay there bleeding, and determined to heal so he could carry on his work. The pain was great.
In another part of the monastery, a much younger monk lay dying from some unknown disease. The body seemed healthy, yet the organs did not function correctly. The young monk heard what happened. He asked to be taken to see the traveling monk. When they were alone, the young monk offered his body to the traveling monk. They would exchange souls, for that was one of the pieces of knowledge the traveling monk had. The younger monk was ready to die, and he believed that the other man's energy coming into his physical body would revitalize the body, and make it serviceable for the traveling monk to use on his journey. Within minutes, the traveling monk was in a new body, and rushed out of the monastery to continue his journey. The traveling monk was actually able to live two life times because the new body served him well. Thereafter, however, he seldom left his feet uncovered.
There was nothing else that we needed to see in that lifetime, and we asked for the healing of the feet and peace for all concerned. The client reported that within days, all pain left her feet, and her sensitivity was diminishing.
I wish you healing stories that will change your life.
(info on Karma clearing at www.angelsandancestors.com/workshop.html#karma)
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