Thursday 11 April 2013

Spirit Speaks - Defining Courage


This past week, I was in a situation where I felt that my knowledge, feelings, and place as a consultant was being thrown out because I did not have the same understanding and view of a situation as the VP of the client did.  I finally suggested that we end the meeting and adjourn until tomorrow.  Knowing truth and being able to help others see truth is not always easy. 

When I get into these situations, I remember that nothing is really real, that this world is a dream.  I remember that others may have a different dream than I do, and that is okay.  I remember that my dream is true for me and their dream is true for them.  I ask the Creator to help me find the balance for all of us to move forward.  And, I am granted immediate peace.

As more and more challenges come your way, find the courage to step back.  Ask your guides, angels, and Creator for help in moving forward.  You will find that guidance comes in amazing ways.  In fact, grace of action is amazing!



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