Friday, 31 March 2017

Nature Speaks - The Subtle Energy



Nature teaches us that our well being is not separate from her well being.  The more time we spend inside, in large buildings, in stale air, the more we insulate ourselves from Nature and all that is natural.  We come to accept the artificial.

Nature teaches us about subtle energies when we are out in the parks or beside the rivers.  She teaches us to feel how the energy in the area touches our energy and then merges with it.  It is Nature's instant messaging system.  And, just like having a bad messaging app, if you are shut off from Nature, you will not receive the message.

Nature teaches us about seeing beyond our self image.  She makes life more interesting by showing us all of the aspects of Creator, inside that little space that we are standing in, when we are outside.  She gives us a chance to change how we have been and to create who we want to be.


Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Nature Speaks - It's In The Water



Nature reminds us that we are mostly made up of water.  So, we come under her care.  She tells us to get more, clean water into our bodies.  She tells us to go to the seas and the oceans and to be in the salt water so that it can cleanse us.

Nature reminds us that we are polluting and killing aspects of our oceans and seas.  She asks what you can do, today, to help clean the water.  We know that salt water is healing and cleansing.  We know that we have had an abundance of water, but that it is a shrinking natural resource because of the damage that mankind is doing to it. 

Nature reminds us that clean water is necessary to our survival, and that when we drink half a gallon of water a day, our skin is soft and our hair is shiny, and we need less solid food.

Today, have a sea salt bath.  Drink a half a gallon of clear water over the day, and give thanks to Nature, to Mother Earth, for water.


Monday, 27 March 2017

Nature Speaks - Slow Down


Nature does not have posters about peace and love and harmony.  Instead, she shows these things in the relationships between plants and animals and animals and their offspring.  Nature does not harp on self love.  Instead, she shows these things in how her beings take care of themselves.  Watch the birds bath in a bird bath.  Watch horses groom one another.  There exists an understanding and kindness that is innate.

For humans, everything seems to be about hurry and wait.  What if we did slow down?  What if we were mindful all the time? What if we stepped out of our head and saw through our soul?  How would our world change?


Saturday, 25 March 2017

Nature Speaks - Nature Your Soul



All the things that we need to live can come from Nature.  Nature has always been there for humans.  Now, however, man wants to replace Nature with things that are artificial.  Man thinks that humans can be fooled into thinking that artificial is better.

Nature tells us that the best things in the world for humans are the natural things – fresh fruit, fresh veggies, herbs, and large, healthy trees, fresh water, and the invigoration of the four seasons.  Today, give up the artificial.  Cook and eat fresh goods. 


Thursday, 23 March 2017

Nature Speaks - Be An Original


Nature creates species of things and then lets them develop the way that they need to.  Very few things in Nature are identical.  The amount of freedom and creativity within Nature is awe inspiring.

Humans however, seem to think that they need to "copy" someone else.  They believe that to mimic is to show praise.  Instead, it shows absence of originality and creativity.  To copy is to minimalize the beauty of the self.

Today, be your original self.


Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Nature Speaks - What is Life?


When we are able to see all the little things that are amazing in Nature, then we have achieved the ability to move beyond the small things in life.  We have moved beyond the pettiness. 

Nature tells us and shows us so many beautiful things and so many miracles all the time.  Mostly, though, we do not see them.  We are locked in a rut of living that we consider to be our life.  Our life is so much more, if we let it be.

Chief Crowfoot, in the quote above, teaches us to look at all the little things that otherwise go unnoticed.  Today, step back from your regular steps in your life, and look for something different.  Look for the daily, little miracles that move through this world.


Monday, 20 March 2017

Nature Speaks - Spring Equinox 2017



Nature and the calendar are not always in agreement.  Today, the calendar tells us that it is the Spring Equinox.  In the northern hemisphere, it tells us that the days will now be long and warm.  Most of the snow and cold are behind us.

It tells us that the early flowers and herbs will be poking out their green shoots.  On the west coast, the spring bulbs will be growing and out in bloom. 

Nature announces spring by giving the birds a new, happier note to sing in the morning.  The robins arrive.  The rabbits do their athletic, complex mating dance.  All beings that hibernate come out of their dens. 

The world feels alive and vibrant. The world is healing, peaceful. Life feels tranquil.


Other posts on Spring Equinox

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Nature Speaks - The Burden of Life


Nature tells us that life is not a burden.  All the beings in her realm live their lives fully.  Some are short lived and some are long lived.  None of them have regrets or guilt.

Humans tend to create a world where everything is difficult.  Humans make it so.  Rather than going with the flow, humans create all sorts of hills and valleys that do not exist.  They create their own despair and desperation.

Today, find time to let go of your burdens and lift yourself and those around you up with the knowledge of the beauty of who we are.


Friday, 17 March 2017

Nature Speaks - Who Are You Today?


Nature does not have to remind her charges to be positive.  She does not need to remind them to be mindful.  All the beings in Nature are positive and mindful all the time.  It is part of what they are.  You might say it is in their DNA.

Since humans are part of Nature, these two aspects of being should be also in our DNA.  Yet many humans are not positive; they are depressed.  Many humans are not mindful and in the present, their minds/ego keep them wholly in the past, reliving painful moments and events.

Allowing yourself to be outside, in Nature, and observing the life outside of your contained environment does breathe life into you.  For moments, you can be conscious of nothing but what is around you in Nature.  You have a sense of peacefulness and Oneness with what is around you. 

Peace is inside you, and when you are in Nature.


Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Nature Speaks - This Is My Gym



Nature always reminds us that the best place to be is outside, close to the Earth and close to Nature.  The outdoors is healing.  Yes, it can be tough and even dangerous.  Nature does however, bring you closer to yourself.  It lets all of the frustrations and resentments melt away, into the healing folds of the Earth.

When you are outside, in Nature, whether in a park, your garden, or on a mountain side, you feel your body respond to the calmness and the sense of rightness.  Our bodies are living organisms that crave to be in the sunlight and to feel the wind and the rain and the stars.  Our bodies die a little faster when they are cooped up in tall, stuffy buildings.

Today, find time to go for a walk.  Take that extra few minutes to refresh your body, and your mind.


Monday, 13 March 2017

Nature Speaks - Do Not Give Up


The best lesson that Nature gives us that we cannot give up.  Nature never does.  Nature, as a guiding principle, instills the will to continue, in all her children – plants, animals, insects, fish, and all manner of creepers and crawlers. 

Water, wind, ice, and fire all work on the physical aspects of the Earth to change them.  The change most often is not instantaneous, but happens over time.  Time may be decades or eons. 

Humans do not understand the concept of time in the same way.  Human life span is measured in decades. Therefore, all change, in human time, needs to be very quick. Having patience and lack of patience are character builders that we all struggle with.  Seeing something through to the end is so very satisfying.

What are you going to work on that you have given up on in the past?


Saturday, 11 March 2017

Nature Speaks–Create Whenever You Feel Like It


Life is always changing in Nature.  It is a constant.  All new things created are in mathematical portions as all the things before them.  While life in nature seems to be haphazard, it is not.

Life for humans is always changing.  However, it seems human growth and development is fettered.  Creativity is thwarted.  You MUST color between the lines and follow the rules.

Life, by its definition, is creativity.  Thus, we should create whenever the mood strikes us.  Today, do something outside your norm.  Be creative.  Walk on the road, where you can, and not on the side walk.  Does it feel different? 


Thursday, 9 March 2017

Nature Speaks - Peacefulness


March is a time of peace. The plant life is fully generating and ready to "spring" into action for the seasons of spring, summer, and fall.  The animals are awakening and leaving behind their hibernation.  All over the mountains and plains, life becomes apparent as the seasons shift.

With the shifting, comes a time of peacefulness and playfulness.  Nature tells us that time has components of peace, positivity, and abundance.  Now is a time to find your inner peace.


Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Nature Speaks–Flooding


Nature shows us the power of snow and water as spring comes and the snow melts, and the rivers, flood.  This is an annual reminder that cleansing must happen.  From this reminder, we have the "spring house cleaning" activities.

Spring is a chance to make all things new or fresh again.  As the rivers flood their banks, we need to flood our homes with cleansing to let out the energies that have accumulated over the winter.  We need to sweep away the angers and resentments.  We need to wash down the walls of isolation.

This is a time to decide what you will clean up in your life.


Sunday, 5 March 2017

Nature Speaks - Communication


Nature has always supported human kind. She does this by vast communication systems that exist between members of species, and between the different species.  Experiments have shown that music, as an example, is heard by plants, trees, cows, horses, dogs, crocodiles, etc. Humans hear the rustle of the leaves or the creaking of the trees, the different animal sounds, and even the sounds of water and wind. 

Often, the communication is simply the way something looks, which makes it a sign.  Communication does not need to be acoustic.

Today, walk outside and see how many ways Nature communicates life and need to you.  How will you help her?


Friday, 3 March 2017

Nature Speaks - Persistence


Nature shows us that much of life in the natural world would not exist without persistence.  All around us are examples of plants growing in places where we thing it is impossible for them to grow.  Baby animals must persist to stand/crawl/move immediately after being born to get that first nourishment that pushes them forward.

Nature's biggest lesson to us is "never give up".  We have been in a time of self indulgence in the West.  We let others do our work for us.  We expect everything and want to give nothing.  We are headed for a time of levelling where we must persist to get what we need. 

Today, make a plan to persist on something that seems to be over-whelming.  What is the goal?  What is the action plan?  What is the reward?


Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Nature Speaks - March 2017


March is the time of beginnings.  New animals come into the world – in the North Hemisphere – because the days are longer and warmer.  The snow and cold is mostly behind us.  We see the first sprigs of green come up on the warm days.

Nature reminds us that there are seasons for reasons.  She tells us that everything has a cycle.  If you are experiencing a problem and you feel like the timing is off, it is because you may be out of your season for doing "something".  Nature tells us that we need to come back into balance, to ground, to find inner peace, and then move forward with our activity or task.

Make a list of things that have not worked in the past, and then when all of a sudden, things seemed to work with out extra effort.  You can do it by year and by month.  You will start to see your cycle of achievement.
