Thursday 1 September 2011

From Judy - Welcoming In September 1 2011


Fall is one of my favourite times of the year.  For me, it is almost as though the smells change on September 1 and the weather changes at the same time.

I think of September more than March or April as the month of change.  It seems that most of my life, my career changes have happened in the fall, usually, sometime in September or early October. 

When I think of September, I think of abundance.  This is the time of pickling, and canning, and freezing all of the produce of the summer.


I picture Mother Nature getting all of her charges in the Northern Hemisphere ready for bed.  Winter comes early in Alberta.  Already, there are new skiffs of snow up on the mountains.

The contradiction of autumn is that while we are finishing things off on one hand, it is a time of seeking renewal and many of us start new things – craft clubs, fitness programs, bowling, curling, hockey, and the list goes on. 

A resting time!  I see that, often, we use the fall to plan a rest from the activity of summer, and to get ready to vegetate through the coldest of the winter.


I see the Elementals, the energy spirits in the park, change their behaviour from wild to more gentle as they prepare the park for winter. 

I think that the fall is a time of healing for nature and for humans.  I see us all come closer to that peacefulness of Oneness.  For, all of us are matter, and all of us are of the Earth. 

For me, September is a time of contemplating what will happen next.  I love the surprises that it brings.

Look for the September Angels’ magazine in the next few days at

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