Monday 18 July 2011

Spirit Animal - Bee


Summer, and the flowers bloom on the trees and in the gardens.  The flowers on fruit trees require pollination. The Bee is busy at work. 

Bee stopped what it was doing the other day at the park, and flew over to me.  I held out my hand, and it landed gently on my palm.  Bee had a few things to say.

  • There will always be queen bees, drones, and worker bees.  The trick is to be happy with what you are given, and not to yearn for something else.  Queen bees do not leave the hive.  Drones die very young.  Worker bees have jobs to do, and still have the freedom to travel where ever they wish to go.  They get to taste the raw sweetness (nectar) of life.
  • Bees have always been in service to the natural world.  In doing the work of the hive, they work for Mother Nature (Creator) and, through this, find ways to be in service to mankind.  This is the ultimate way to grow spiritually -  to “bee” in service to all parts of the Earth.
  • Bees are peace-loving, despite our reputation as aggressive that comes from our Africanized bee cousins.  If you do not threaten the hive, you will be left alone.  We wish that mankind understood the idea of “leaving alone” much better than their actions are showing.  Now, it seems whatever mankind sees, he wants to disturb by redesigning, moving, digging, or covering up.
  • A hive has a natural order of interconnectedness.  This type of communication did exist between animals and mankind.  Perhaps it will come back before mankind totally disappears.

Then Bee buzzed off!

The July Angels Magazine “Summer Freedom” is at

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1 comment:

  1. I asked to dream of totem Bee and dreamed of a dance teacher at our school who always wears black. In the dream she had on a yellow scarf and I knew she was Queen Bee. She was lecturing her class and me on living your truth. I told her about it the next day and she said Queen Bee had been her nickname in college.


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