Friday, 4 February 2011

Spirit Animal – Cow To The Rescue!

Normally one thinks of a mother cow protecting her baby, her calf, and this seems pretty normal.  Cows are one of the most protective parent animals in the animal kingdom.
The other night I had a dream.  In the dream, I was running from four men who were chasing me because they believed that I had stolen money from them.  In the dream, i had stumbled across a drug deal gone bad in a rural area.  Because I happened to be the closest to the scene, the “bad guys” assumed that I was the guilty party.  They did not even ask; they just started yelling at me, firing a gun over my head, and running.  When someone does that to you, the instinct is to run and get away at all costs.
I slipped through the fence, and into a cow pasture.  I was running towards the small river about a quarter of  a mile away.  The cows did not seem to notice me.  Then the bad guys climbed through the fence.  As one, all the cows swung and looked at them.  There was this huge bellowing moooo sound, and all the cows rushed at the bad guys.  The cows stomped on them, butted them, trampled them, and basically took them out of commission.  I was so dumbfounded that I stood with my mouth open.  The cows all came over and sniffed me, and licked me to make sure that I was all right.  And, then they went back to grazing.   I went and looked at the bad guys.  They looked quite dead.  I then looked at the cows, all quiet and grazing.   I would have never guessed that there was that kind of power in cows to protect a human.  I started to grin.
I woke up sort of laughing and shaking my head.  I wondered what the dream was telling me.  Here are some of the teachings:
  • Know that you are always taken care of.
  • Know that help will come from unexpected places.
  • All beings are related and feel your emotions.
  • Protect the children.   See the February Magazine at

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