Saturday 13 September 2008

Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery


"A sheep uses the water fountain in the town square."  ~~picture from email so photographer unknown




I love this picture of the sheep drinking from the water fountain!  The sheep has learned to use the water fountain so it does not need to find a watering trough or a river.  How did the sheep learn this skill?  Sheep probably watched people move to the piece of porcelain and get water, and smelling the water, moved closer to it and tried it several times until water appeared. 

Our Ancestors have always imitated animals in the matter of gathering food.  The Ancestors watched the hunters stalk the big game, and took on the persona of the wolf or the cat or the bear and stalked animals or fish or found honey.  Our Ancestors watched what berries and roots the animals were eating, and then ate those foods so that they would not die from eating poisonous foods.  At that time, it appeared that the animals were more knowledgeable then the Ancestors.

Now, as our intelligence increases as part of our continuing  evolution, the animals are also evolving and expanding their consciousness and intelligence.  More and more we are hearing about animals performing extraordinary acts of kindness and bravery.  Recently, in the news, a story was being told about a pet rabbit who had the run of the house, and who scratched at its owner's bedroom door when a fire broke out.

Seeing this picture makes me think about the saying, " People are such sheep!"  in reference to the fact that people will seem to follow blindly when without showing much individualism.  Perhaps that saying will have to be changed to "Sheep are such people!"

May you be a shining example for all those around you!


(See the quote -- "As other species thrive, so do we."  - S. Roger Joyeux at

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