Saturday 19 July 2008

Spirit Animal - Pelican



"Pelican flock on the Bow River"

Copyright 2008 by Judith Hirst-Joyeux

Pelicans are dedicated fishermen, and seem to have an unerring sense of where the fish are and how long they will be in that area.  When the fish have moved on, the pelican group will rise into the air in a flurry of white, and soar up the river (or down, as the case may be) looking for the next pocket of fish.

For several days now, I have been seeing the pelican on my walks or when I am driving to go shopping.  I have learned that this means Great Spirit has a message for me via the pelican.  Some days I think a phone call would be much simpler!  However, now that my attention is focused, Great Spirit knows that I will look for the guidance. 

At first, the message is not clear.  Black and white - all about mystery and magic.  Got that!  The black tips are on the wings - that is about flying into mystery and accepting the magic that appears in life.  As the pelican flies upwards, the black wing tips ground it even though it goes ever higher as depicted by the white representing the white lotus flower and the eighth chakra.  Part of the message then is to get in touch with my higher self, and sooner than later. 

The pelican has orange legs and an orange bill.  The legs are in the water which represents emotion.  The orange colour relates to the sacral chakra - the chakra of creativity and manifestation, relationships, and control.  Some of the issues that I often see connected with this chakra are about control, money, sexual issues, power, guilt and blame, and the duality of grace and joy along with fear and anger.  I remembered that black and white is also about duality.

The thought that popped up was that I needed to wade into the emotions that I have been holding in my sacral around anger at the treatment my husband received at the hands of a large corporation.  As well, I needed to loose the frustration that I was feeling around the decisions I was trying to make around my work, and the "stuck feeling" I had around writing the modules for StarWalker.  This was big!

The other part of the message was that I needed to let go of the outcome of what was going on with Roger, and I needed to let go of "controlling so tightly" what the modules would look like.  I needed to let Spirit (the white is spirit) wade in and help me.  The orange bill indicates that I (we) will receive abundance, and like the pelican, I will always know where to look for it because I have that creative ability.

When I finished translating the message, I felt pretty humble.  A phone call would not have been half as effective!

May Great Spirit fly a message your way,




  1. thank you so much for your post. my brother was recently shot dead by a police officer and there has been so much change and synchronicity unfolding. i have had similar intercations with birds since his death. ravens and crows of course were extremely vocal and present and then in the last week or so the pelicans have started presenting themselves to me. the honour of being able to see and observe these omens is just so beautiful. being able to connect as did our ancestors to the universe around us has no price. much love, melanie

  2. Melanie - thank you for taking time to post a comment. I am sorry for your loss. I wish you strength and patience as the events unfold over the next several months.



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