It is hard to believe, isn’t it, that all answers exist if you ask the question. Of course, for most of us, we want to make sure that we ask the right question. As we are trying so hard to be perfect, and to get it right, we tend not to ask the question at all.
And yes, the questions need to be asked. They do not have to be perfect. Each question is a blessing in disguise. Each question answered brings change. We all have the same Creator regardless of what we call the Maker of us all. It is this continuity that provides the universal wisdom for each of us. Many, however, do nothing with the gift. Many, because they are not aware that universal knowledge exists.
There are many stories about Einstein and where his information came from. One of the stories is that he liked to lie on a small hill top and watch the sky – the clouds, the sun, the birds – and he would ask questions. Eventually, the answer appeared in his mind. It was a sudden illumination.
What will you do with this knowledge?