Tuesday 13 December 2011

Spirit Speaks - The Rhythm Of Balance


The message that came up in my meditation is that we humans still do not understand the concept of balance in nature.  Balance has many different meanings – that is true.  Balance in nature is about taking and giving in return.  Humans practice this to some degree with the exchange of money for services.  This exchange, however, is not “in balance” because the theme of greed exists in the exchange. 

In Nature, when a plant takes nourishment from the Earth, it is constantly giving back to the Earth through the synthesis of sunlight, decayed plant material, and the cleaning that it does by drawing in “stuff” from the earth.  The balance is constant, and not done by having a value placed on it, but by being the very service that the plant, in this case, is able to provide. 

Our Ancestors always gave a gift when they took something from nature. The gift could be the smallest thing.  When seeding was done, the ground was worked constantly, which is good for the earth, and often milk or a brew of some sort was poured onto the earth as well, as a “thanks”. 

Even giving thanks every day is a form of returning energy, and helps to keep the balance.  Trying doing some of your activities in balance with the earth.  See how the energy starts to shift for you.



See the December 2011 Angels’ magazine  “Joyeux Noel”  at    www.angelsandancestors.com

See our websites: legionsofmichael.blogspot.comwww.thestoryoflight.com;         
webdesign11.com;    www.missionearthpublishing.com

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