Sunday, 30 May 2010

Angels Speak – Archangel Zadkiel


Most beloveds, I Archangel Zadkiel greet you with much love and admiration.  You have been experiencing disharmony after having so much harmony for the previous six years. Then, starting a year ago, financial situations began to change, disruptions in services began, and the deep anger or despair in people, world wide, began to emerge.  You have watched these changes feeling somewhat insulated.  It is not part of me.  And yet, it is.  We have been telling you for some time that all is connected.  The point of the connectedness is to learn the lessons from those that are in the stream of consciousness and then leave it for other realms.

As you each create your own reality, how then do you define the experiences of the volcanic eruptions, of tsunamis, or of earthquakes?  How do you define the weather changes and strange feelings of heaviness and sleepiness that did not plague you before? The answer is simply that you are picking up the experiences through the stream of consciousness or Oneness. For those of you that have been affected by the sadness or the terror that floods the emotional plain, we tell you that you must learn to observe the information and to block the emotion.  The emotions do not serve you. 

A simple way to set up the filter for allowing only the lessons through the field of observation is to ask the Archangels or Angels, your choice, to help you to construct a filter that operates 24 x 7, everyday, all the time, until you turn the filter off.  Ask the angels to add any extra filtering characteristics that you might need, individually, such as blocking certain sounds or frequencies.

There are no correct or formal words to use – simply ask!  And, if you are having trouble sleeping, or waking up, or eating or eating too much, ask us to help you with those issues.  They are all related to the changes that you and your earthly bodies are undergoing at this time.  Some of you may be plagued by very dark thoughts or bad dreams.  These too may be avoided by asking us to intervene and turn away these energies before they arrive at your energy templates, and enter your space.

Be at peace and know that all is going according to the plan of the Almighty.  I leave you now.  Ask me questions any time, and I will respond.

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