When an animal speaks to me continuously through dreams, waves at me from pictures in a magazine, or even comes up in regular conversation, I know that I need to pay attention to what message is coming through.
Adult Grizzly
Picture from www.weforanimals.com
Sometimes, however, getting a message is like picking up a lot of static on your favourite radio station. And, I was getting lots of static. I could see Grizzly, and could not hear her. I was getting frustrated!
Grizzly cub from
Then, I was walking out in the provincial park. Even though it is only the end of January, I began to think about bears. I know that there is a Cinnamon Bear hibernating on the island. As soon as I had this thought, the next thought flowed – Grizzly Bears are having their cubs about this time. Where did that thought come from? I was startled!
Mother Grizzly with her cub – picture from Wikipedia from Wikimedia Commons
To get in touch with the feeling around the thought, I began to do a deep meditative breathing. My dogs looked at me, wondering what was amiss. And gradually, a message came. Grizzly Bear said:
This is the time of hibernation. During this time, many changes take place in bears. The female give birth to their young, usually from two to four cubs. It is a time of introspection. For bears, the long sleep lets us walk with The Mother Of Us All without the constraints of the physical. We learn from her, and apply the lessons when we wake up. Bears have been shy. We are now moving back to that place where we see humans as equals, and we will walk in the same places that they do.
There are many humans who are undergoing the same change that we are experiencing. However, these humans do not sleep the required time to germinate something new. They do not empty out their systems to give the body rest. I say this to you – this is a time of giving birth to new ideas, projects, and new ways of living. Listen to that inner voice. Sleep when you need to, and disregard the chatter of the masses.
Bears are solitary by choice so that we can move as we need to. We also can think, play, eat, and sleep when we need to. We are not governed by what others want to do or by any control. Will you let your self be so free as to walk away from those things in life that control you?
Judy@angelsandancestors.com See our free February magazine on line at www.angelsandancestors.com Check out advertising with us!