Sunday 24 January 2010

Oneness – How to Make Your Refrigerator More Efficient



A picture of an open refrigerator, showing food stuffed in.



Recently, my husband and I purchased a new refrigerator, as the old one was simply falling apart and was not keeping an even coolness through out the fridge area.  Some stuff froze and other stuff did not cool off.  I was amazed to find how much more efficient new refrigerators are in their use of power compared to the old fridges.  Being kind to Mother Earth is important to me, because we are all connected.  What I learned about the new fridges energy saving made me think that perhaps we should have sent our old fridge to recycling much sooner.  And, as we are all connected, what is good for Mother Earth is probably good for me.

Shortly after getting our fridge, I read some interesting stuff in a book called “Ani’s Raw Food Desserts” by Ani Phyo.  Ani emphasizes using your tools, like a refrigerator, more efficiently.  Here is some of what she suggests.

  1. Choose glass containers for your food and beverage storage in the fridge because the glass does not leach like plastic and it keeps things colder and inhibits spoilage.  Ani says, “It is cleaner for our bodies, home and planet.”
  2. A full fridge, neatly organized, uses less energy than an empty one.
  3. Clean your fridge with natural products like half vinegar and half water, or water with baking soda, when you need to clean up a spill.
  4. If your fridge is set to 38 degrees Fahrenheit  and your freezer to 0 degrees Fahrenheit, you will save energy since fridges consume 5% more energy for each degree below these two thresh hold marks.
  5. The US Dept. of Energy says that ice and water dispensers use 14% to 20% more energy.  So, either turn off your ice and water, or avoid buying models with these features.

Thanks for being concerned with energy consumption.   Listen to our online meditations at Angels Audio

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