Sunday 18 October 2009

Angels Speak – How To Clean Your Oven

“My oven was dirty.  It is not self cleaning, and that fact is one of the reasons that I really would like to receive a new oven into my life.” 

These were the thoughts that rolled through my mind as I sprayed Easy Off Oven Cleaner into my dark, cold oven.  The smell set off my olfactory sensory organs, driving them into overtime work.  My nose began to run.  I really do not like cleaning the oven. 

This negative energy that I created stayed with me as I went to bed.  It appeared in my dreams.  And, finally, it woke me up.  And, there was a beautiful, bright light sitting on Roger’s dresser, looking down at me with a loving, mischievous smile. Her smile was actually more of an impression than seeing it in real time.  She was simply too bright.

This loving, guardian angel of mine came to help clean the oven in a way that would shift my thinking about cleaning ovens in the future.  Here is her guidance.

“Dear One, do not lie awake fretting about the oven.  The solution is so simple.  Would you like me to share it with you? (I nodded yes.)  In the morning, when you are ready to clean your oven, simply take the Palmolive detergent that you use, and soak your dishcloth in it.  Then begin wiping the oven.  Palmolive will cut through the grease, and, it will protect your hands so you do not need to wear gloves.  The soap will keep the cloth clean so that you will not need to throw it away due to staining.  You will be finished cleaning the oven in about fifteen to twenty minutes.”

Now, after she disappeared, I have to admit that I was still a bit sceptical about the claim that I would be finished in that short a time.  That would be a first! I closed my eyes, to go back to sleep, all the while thinking about all the things I needed to do to prepare for company. I could not still my mind, so I used the “Touch Your Eyes” meditation that we published in our October 2009 edition of Angels And Ancestors Newsletter. (Get this at I drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, at 6:45am, I was wide awake, and ready to tackle the oven with my new found information.  I dressed quickly, and went down to start my oven cleaning task (read as “ordeal”). I got my cloth, filled it full of Palmolive, and began wiping down the stove. It was great! And, she was right! I was finished in a little over fifteen minutes.

The greasy, gooey gunk wiped off easily.  The cloth rinsed out easily.  There was no ongoing smell.  I did not need to wear gloves, and the stove simply sparkled when I was done.  Further, my hands felt soft from the Palmolive, and were not all wrinkled.  I stopped and said a brief prayer of gratitude to all my guides and angels, and especially to my Guardian Angel.  Who knew that cleaning the stove could be this easy! I am almost looking forward to the next time that I need to do it to see whether the experience will be the same.  See more guidance from the Angels at   Angels Speak – Jupiter’s Moons.  If you have to clean your oven, try this solution, and let me know how it works.

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  1. Wow, cool post. Where's my angel?

  2. Nikki - Angels work based on the permission that we give them. Long ago, I have asked my angels to help me to take away stress and worry, and to help me see any situation in a different light. I have given permission, by my asking, for them to appear anytime, day or night.

    So, simply ask your angels for help in any situation and see what comes up.


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