Tuesday 1 September 2009

Buddha Speaks – Meditation

The past several weeks, the push to sit in mediation has been quite strong for me.  Normally, I mix active mediations with still meditations.  I was working through some information on meditation when the following Q&A caught my attention.  I love the idea that the Pali word for meditation means “to make grow”.  When I sit in meditation, I feel my ego become quiet, and I feel my soul grow upwards and outwards.



Picture from Microsoft Clip Art



“QUESTION: What is Meditation?

ANSWER: Meditation is a conscious effort to change how the mind works. The Pali word for meditation is 'bhavana' which means 'to make grow' or 'to develop'.

QUESTION: Is meditation important?

ANSWER: Yes, it is. No matter how much we may wish to be good, if we cannot change the desires that make us act the way we do, change will be difficult. For example, a person may realize that he is impatient with his wife and he may promise himself: "From now on I am not going to be so impatient." But an hour later he may be shouting at his wife simply because, not being aware of himself, impatience has arisen without him knowing. Meditation helps to develop the awareness and the energy needed to transform ingrained mental habit patterns.” 

-from www.buddhistdoor.com

Judy@angelsandancestors.com Sign up for Free Newsletter http://www.angelsandancestors..com/signup.html  September issue is now online at www.angelsandancestors.com

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