Thursday 22 January 2009

Tarot Discussion - Osho Zen - Going with the flow

I have been having a week that is not going as smooth as I would like to see it go.  Yes, I am setting some expectations, and I do have several tasks that I want to accomplish.  I decided that I would pull a card from the OSHO ZEN deck and ask the question, "What is blocking me?"  It has been said many times - be careful what you ask for.

When I pulled the card, I pulled card 58 called "Going with the flow".

image Card 58 from the OSHO ZEN TAROT DECK 


I immediately saw the connection, and again marvelled that Great Spirit so easily communicates when asked questions.   I could see that I was not going with the flow.  I was trying to be in control.  Or, as one of my Shaman Teachers would say, "You are trying to drive the bus! Get out of the driver's seat. You aren't qualified to drive the Universal Bus!" 

Osho's write up says, "When this card appears in a reading it is an indication that you are able to float now, trusting that life will support you in your relaxation and take you exactly where it wants you to go. Allow this feeling of trust and relaxation to grow more and more; everything is happening exactly as it should." 

I get it!  I am supposed to relax and not push for a certain outcome.  I am supposed to just "BE" and in be-ing, I will quit do-ing.  As I am, I will feel the healing powers of the Oneness and all tasks that I must do are no longer "musts" but simply flowing with the current.  When I emphasize the task too much, I destroy the balance.

I wish all of you ease of daily activities!  See the write up for Psychic Abilities Assessment at  You will see a picture of the actual form used, and a table of contents page for the different headings used in the report.

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