Tuesday 27 January 2009

Ancestors Speak - Unk "Satisfaction & Passion"

imageCard 7 from the Lakota Sweat Lodge cards - Spiritual Teachings of the Sioux

This beautiful card is the card that I drew when I was trying to figure out what to do after a huge shift in my body, mind, and spirit. Or as the Shaman say, a huge shift in the physical, symbolic and energetic levels of my being.

The picture shows the trunks of two trees, firmly planted in the ground, rising up to the sun with a four legged one and a winged one watching over. It is often in the Sun, that we feel our happiest and able to conquer all.

The word "UNK" means the yearning or delight between two lovers, or the passion one feels for "doing" and activity, or the love of someone for another or an animal or an object. Passion is what gets us out of bed in the morning. It is what sends us to look for new ways of doing things or of thinking. Passion ultimately puts us in touch with our own spirituality and even, perhaps, our higher self and Creator.

When we achieve through passion, we feel satisfaction. As we strive and achieve, we are in balance. If we strive without satisfaction, we keep trying harder, trying to control more things in our life, and we ultimately fall in to a state of disharmony. We may try to "fix" our state of mind with drugs, alcohol, gambling or some other repetitive activity to take our minds away from what truly causes the imbalance.

As for me, I indeed did have my passion back! Through sitting in meditation and asking what was happening and what would make me feel happy, I arrived at my passion! Sounds simple, doesn't it? It took several meditations and many hours of searching through my life.

May you too find the balance and passion in your life, and may it be a gentle and kind process.

Judy@angelsandancestors.com What is your passion in life?

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